CaptainObvious110 t1_izmj7h5 wrote
Reply to comment by TitsMageesVacation in Rent price fixing in Baltimore by TitsMageesVacation
Yeah I'm absolutely the same way. I notice people comment on this subreddit and wonder how many of them just showed up and then got a very rude dose of reality once they settled in.
CaptainObvious110 t1_izm7v2r wrote
Reply to Rent price fixing in Baltimore by TitsMageesVacation
Back in early 2018 I was looking for an apartment in Baltimore and found a really nice one at the Severn. The lady who showed the apartment told us most people were renting those apartments sight unseen from out of state. I looked at my mom and sis and they looked at me in total disbelief.
We had never imagined that people would move to a brand new city having never ever stepped foot there and rent an apartment knowing virtually nothing about where they were moving to at all.
I say all that to say that there are a lot of people these days apparently with a lot of money that can go where they want for the most part. These building managements know this and so they are using it to their advantage especially with the Pandemic taking place.
CaptainObvious110 t1_izm73bb wrote
Reply to comment by cajunrockhound in Rent price fixing in Baltimore by TitsMageesVacation
Wow! That's a pretty good price. You are fortunate to just have a $5 rent increase for sure.
Is it loud over there?
CaptainObvious110 t1_izhx9e7 wrote
Reply to comment by Mildred_RatchedRN in I’ve always wondered why is there a cop car always with its lights on on the intersection of Light and W. Conway St ? by Mxuw
Yeah, I'm aware of that and it's a real shame that there is such a lack of accountability actively being enabled from within.
CaptainObvious110 t1_izctie4 wrote
Reply to comment by Signal_13 in I’ve always wondered why is there a cop car always with its lights on on the intersection of Light and W. Conway St ? by Mxuw
Oh wow!
CaptainObvious110 t1_izc9ugt wrote
Reply to comment by Signal_13 in I’ve always wondered why is there a cop car always with its lights on on the intersection of Light and W. Conway St ? by Mxuw
Oh goodness, sorry to hear that. I hope she is OK. That group is up there pretty often and I have seen police on the intersection of Pratt and President St but they aren't there as often as at Conway and Light.
CaptainObvious110 t1_izc8yif wrote
Reply to comment by RevRagnarok in I’ve always wondered why is there a cop car always with its lights on on the intersection of Light and W. Conway St ? by Mxuw
Yeah it's a real shame. It kind of reminds me of when there would be crime mob that would go to a restaurant or other place of business and extort them for "protection fees".
In this case it's the ENTIRE city. A group of teenagers are able to dictate the policy of an entire city.
Let that sink in for a moment.
Add to that people in this very subreddit who's needle is stuck on them being folks whose brains aren't fully developed so ”they can't really help being armed and dangerous. After all, they are the product of their environment."
Are you serious?
Even the Bible says that "foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child". But it doesn't stop there with that TRUE statement.... It goes on to say....
"But the rod of DISCIPLINE shall drive it far away from him". Proverbs 22:15.
Well what does the word "discipline" mean?
Training expected to produce a specific character or pattern of behavior, especially training that produces moral or mental improvement.
Control obtained by enforcing compliance or order.
Please tell me which one of these is being done both to deal with this current issue and or to solve various problems we have in this city?
No discipline at home, the school system fails them, the politicians fail them, virtually everyone fails them that are in fact ADULTS and whose brains are fully developed. So what's their excuse?
Let's go back to that first definition of discipline. Wouldn't that include holding people accountable for their own actions? Why is it that these kids have such a low set of expectations put upon them?
Tell me that's not messed up!
CaptainObvious110 t1_izbuj2z wrote
Reply to comment by Velghast in I’ve always wondered why is there a cop car always with its lights on on the intersection of Light and W. Conway St ? by Mxuw
You also have to factor in that they aren't paying any taxes either. Imagine how much more you would be bringing home if you didn't have taxes taken out of your check each pay period.
Then imagine having that money and not having to pay rent, not having to pay for food and not having to pay for medical care either or and no car insurance.
So it doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand WHY they do it.
The problem is that the fact that it's ALLOWED in the first place.
Someone has to be benefiting by pandering to these folks and until that person is properly addressed the status quo will absolutely continue.
CaptainObvious110 t1_izbnqsv wrote
Reply to comment by Bun_Bunz in I’ve always wondered why is there a cop car always with its lights on on the intersection of Light and W. Conway St ? by Mxuw
Why can't it be both? That building wouldn't be in Sandtown would it? How about Middle East, Berea? Old town? I don't think so
CaptainObvious110 t1_izbnesq wrote
CaptainObvious110 t1_izbn60j wrote
Reply to comment by BerryStainedLips in I’ve always wondered why is there a cop car always with its lights on on the intersection of Light and W. Conway St ? by Mxuw
There is the answer to the question
CaptainObvious110 t1_izbn3hr wrote
Reply to comment by DownyOcean in I’ve always wondered why is there a cop car always with its lights on on the intersection of Light and W. Conway St ? by Mxuw
CaptainObvious110 t1_izbn28f wrote
Reply to comment by Moneymakinbrookx in I’ve always wondered why is there a cop car always with its lights on on the intersection of Light and W. Conway St ? by Mxuw
You make a very good point. "People discussing urban issues that lack an urban background". In itself that's not wrong but the problem is that they don't try to ask questions all that happens is the same crap gets spewed over and over and then the county folks come in with their comments from the peanut gallery and it goes on and on.
The good part when you look around enough you are bound to find a nugget of value in the comments where someone says something that actually makes sense.
CaptainObvious110 t1_izbm9o7 wrote
Reply to comment by the-lovely-panda in I’ve always wondered why is there a cop car always with its lights on on the intersection of Light and W. Conway St ? by Mxuw
Cops have been in the area I agree with you completely. Just the same they were not parked on that corner of Conway and Light the way they are now.
I'm over there everyday as part of my work and so I see it clear as day.
CaptainObvious110 t1_izbm1bp wrote
Reply to comment by Signal_13 in I’ve always wondered why is there a cop car always with its lights on on the intersection of Light and W. Conway St ? by Mxuw
Yes, and I totally disagree with that approach. Once someone died I figured that was going to be a wrap for that activity but NO!
Someone dies and instead of it getting shut down you try to negotiate with these folks as it they are in any position to make demands? I thought these were children?
Children don't need to be ripping and running the streets. They need to be with with their parents. If their parents aren't giving them the proper care for whatever reason then they need case workers to check on them and get them the proper resources to try to address those issues.
But to say to them "Oh you want to wash windows and harass people in the process because you don't want a real job? That's ok, we'll just give you money to not do that ok?
What kind of message are you sending to the young people when you allow them to call the shots like that?
No. As the adult, you set the rules and if rules aren't followed then consequences are in order. That's the way to dignify people and help people to be elevated, not to just pander to a bunch of folks that are causing a whole lot of drama.
CaptainObvious110 t1_iz85yi2 wrote
Reply to comment by Mildred_RatchedRN in I’ve always wondered why is there a cop car always with its lights on on the intersection of Light and W. Conway St ? by Mxuw
Oh I agree with you completely but at the very least it couldn't be said that there are no jobs for them available.
Now to be more positive, let's say there are some young men that legitimately want to work to provide for their families? Then, at the very least they would be given the opportunity to do so which I am all for.
CaptainObvious110 t1_iz6s8zi wrote
Reply to comment by OldBayOnEverything in I’ve always wondered why is there a cop car always with its lights on on the intersection of Light and W. Conway St ? by Mxuw
I see the cop car or truck there every single day. It kills me that they are being used to babysit the people who do the squeegees instead of banning the practice and giving those guys jobs with the city.
Those folks get more protection than people who go out here and work honest jobs where they don't have to annoy others to make a living.
It's ridiculous!
CaptainObvious110 t1_iz6rrjv wrote
Reply to comment by maiios in I’ve always wondered why is there a cop car always with its lights on on the intersection of Light and W. Conway St ? by Mxuw
CaptainObvious110 t1_iz3p4h7 wrote
Reply to comment by Mossrocks in Method for dealing with cat overpopulation raises concerns among some by Charm_city_love
So true. They hunt even when they aren't hungry. So while there is a strong attachment to cats they are absolute killing machines. They are not native to this area of the world so are invasive species that would do much better if people would keep in their homes or removed permanently altogether.
CaptainObvious110 t1_iz28prc wrote
Reply to comment by noseltzie in Method for dealing with cat overpopulation raises concerns among some by Charm_city_love
CaptainObvious110 t1_iz28o2k wrote
Reply to comment by yeaughourdt in Method for dealing with cat overpopulation raises concerns among some by Charm_city_love
What's really messed up is that the vast majority of people don't know this information.
Their focus is supposedly that it's bad for the cat to stay indoors and that they should be out to freely roam.
When you are dealing with people's emotions reasoning now takes a backseat
CaptainObvious110 t1_iz28ael wrote
Reply to comment by Animanialmanac in Method for dealing with cat overpopulation raises concerns among some by Charm_city_love
Wow! I didn't know that their feces make rats more aggressive. That's really something!
CaptainObvious110 t1_iz0qpqk wrote
The fees associated with owning a pet come with the territory. As nice as it is to own a pet and it's wonderful to have their company and all but to give them the proper care costs money.
So at the end of the day, do you have the means to pay those expenses? If not then it's best to wait until you can
CaptainObvious110 t1_iz0pv9g wrote
Reply to comment by damagecontrolparty in Method for dealing with cat overpopulation raises concerns among some by Charm_city_love
It's a common thought that you have but it's simply not true.
CaptainObvious110 t1_izmjgdm wrote
Reply to comment by ReturnOfSeq in Rent price fixing in Baltimore by TitsMageesVacation
I wouldn't be surprised if that was happening at all. I do have to admit I never thought of that though.