CarRamrodIsNumberOne t1_jdy4h8r wrote
Reply to comment by RareLeeComment in You wake up in a Pittsburgh hospital. Which hospital do you hope it is? Which one do you hope it isn't? by ExtremelyQualified
They have a pediatric department, too. It’s small, and anything major gets you a ticket to Children’s, but if you’re stable, the service is like being at a nice hotel and the care is exceptional.
CarRamrodIsNumberOne t1_jdfir1l wrote
Reply to comment by EffervescentTripe in Arias Agency Wexford by Objective-Class-9213
It’s an MLM pure and simple.
CarRamrodIsNumberOne t1_j6l1i00 wrote
Reply to comment by DefinitelyLevi in Why are there no Sheetz within city limits? by Some_Guy_Running
Can confirm! I was surprised when we were walking around campus last summer to break up a long road trip.
CarRamrodIsNumberOne t1_j206fw8 wrote
Reply to comment by W4hl in Hidden gem restaurants around Pittsburgh? by autumngloss
Shh! Don’t tell them our secret.
CarRamrodIsNumberOne t1_izpuma1 wrote
Reply to comment by strub420 in Tell me you’re from Pittsburgh without telling me you’re from Pittsburgh, this should be fun by Themayorofawesome
CarRamrodIsNumberOne t1_iw0ztlo wrote
Reply to comment by ScratchMoore in Analysts entirely misread the Fetterman-Oz debate. These graphs show how wrong they were by immigrantpatriot
Has anyone done a wellness check on pAul?
CarRamrodIsNumberOne t1_iv8ajtc wrote
Reply to comment by pAul2437 in Chengdu gourmet McKnight by dementedturnip26
This sound like someone I know.
CarRamrodIsNumberOne t1_iufs33r wrote
Reply to comment by goldenbrown_pgh in Big Thanks to the local businesses putting election campaign signs on their windows by LockedOutOfElfland
Glad you could take a quick break from r/ass to drop some knowledge!
CarRamrodIsNumberOne t1_jecpiy7 wrote
Reply to Worst bars in Pittsburgh (saw this on the Cleveland subreddit) by NorthsideBurghler
Anything AMPD.