CarbonGod t1_jeeezvw wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in ACLU suing Saucon Valley School District over district's decision not to allow After School Satan Club by LeaveThatCatAlone
CarbonGod t1_jeee7s8 wrote
Reply to comment by ManfredsJuicedBalls in ACLU suing Saucon Valley School District over district's decision not to allow After School Satan Club by LeaveThatCatAlone
First time in /r/Pennsylvania huh?
I'm pretty sure they aren't.
CarbonGod t1_jeedqeu wrote
Reply to comment by hobbykitjr in ACLU suing Saucon Valley School District over district's decision not to allow After School Satan Club by LeaveThatCatAlone
Chris Heller would like a word with you.
CarbonGod t1_jeedhdd wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in ACLU suing Saucon Valley School District over district's decision not to allow After School Satan Club by LeaveThatCatAlone
You need some major mental help.
CarbonGod t1_jeedcjs wrote
Reply to comment by hobbykitjr in ACLU suing Saucon Valley School District over district's decision not to allow After School Satan Club by LeaveThatCatAlone the Sucking Valley!
I'm allowed to make fun of Hell. I grew up in Lower Sucking.
CarbonGod t1_jeedala wrote
Reply to comment by ShimmyShimmyYaw in ACLU suing Saucon Valley School District over district's decision not to allow After School Satan Club by LeaveThatCatAlone
CarbonGod t1_jeed89q wrote
Reply to ACLU suing Saucon Valley School District over district's decision not to allow After School Satan Club by LeaveThatCatAlone
As I always called it.....Sucking...I mean Saucon Valley High School
Also if no one was aware, the shows Saucony is pronounced the same....sadly took me near 30 years to realize that.
CarbonGod t1_j9k6kko wrote
CarbonGod t1_j14aown wrote
Reply to comment by beerguy74 in Thanks, PennDOT. You never fail to impress me with your attention to detail. by WookieeSteakIsChewie
How many times I see a sign like that.....and 1: ain't. 2: after freaking out and whipping out my GPS, it's only a stupid sideroad that is closed.
CarbonGod t1_j14ah9c wrote
Reply to comment by No-Setting9690 in Thanks, PennDOT. You never fail to impress me with your attention to detail. by WookieeSteakIsChewie
I miss that road. Was on it once, maybe twice. And suddenly a few months later, it went somewhere. I was slightly confused.
CarbonGod t1_j13nj7i wrote
Reply to Annual Reminder: Make sure you check the PA Treasury Department Unclaimed Property Website by WookieeSteakIsChewie
Do you have to search past addresses too? Or does it search automatically even in a new address?
edit: nevermind, I just put my name in. Buncha people with my name!
CarbonGod t1_j0z0aln wrote
twiddles thumbs for another 30 years
CarbonGod t1_j0cz189 wrote
Reply to comment by Agent-Pierce- in Rubber Gloves, Condoms, Baby Oil Found On Lebanon Dad Of 5 Meeting 13-Year-Old From Florida At Wilkes-Barre Hotel: DHS by jillianpikora
Gezzuz you even know HOW to google? Learn it for once, and stop being a soapbox conspiracy whiner.
CarbonGod t1_izf26tu wrote
Reply to comment by mbz321 in Gulf Stations Don’t Have PA Weights and Measures Certification Seal? by TheTemplarSaint
and gas has changed quite a bit since the 70s. I mean...there is unleaded now!
CarbonGod t1_ize5yi1 wrote
Reply to comment by AskMoreQuestionsOk in Fellow Pennsylvanians, we must join our neighbors from r/Maryland to defend our territory from the Delawarean scourge! by MPA_Dad
cuz Philly doesn't have enough homeless boxes, they melted into Wilmington. Not their fault.
CarbonGod t1_ize5st4 wrote
Reply to comment by Eisernes in Fellow Pennsylvanians, we must join our neighbors from r/Maryland to defend our territory from the Delawarean scourge! by MPA_Dad
Lived there for 6 years, and I miss it. Sorry for your hate of a great state. The FIRST state.
CarbonGod t1_ize5qaa wrote
Reply to comment by letmethinkofagoodnam in Fellow Pennsylvanians, we must join our neighbors from r/Maryland to defend our territory from the Delawarean scourge! by MPA_Dad
and no sales tax, and nicer people, and cheaper gas, and stores that sell vodka AND beer in the same place!
CarbonGod t1_ize5mn9 wrote
Reply to comment by MaoZedongs in Fellow Pennsylvanians, we must join our neighbors from r/Maryland to defend our territory from the Delawarean scourge! by MPA_Dad
No one wants Jersey.....If the person that made this map was from the states, they would have done it differently.
CarbonGod t1_ize5inx wrote
Reply to comment by ratmoustache in Fellow Pennsylvanians, we must join our neighbors from r/Maryland to defend our territory from the Delawarean scourge! by MPA_Dad
Lived there for quite a few years, and loved it. The people, the vibe, the access to everything. It was great! tax and gas in PA sucks nuts.
CarbonGod t1_ize5e90 wrote
Reply to comment by jmdunkle in Fellow Pennsylvanians, we must join our neighbors from r/Maryland to defend our territory from the Delawarean scourge! by MPA_Dad
CarbonGod t1_ize58jj wrote
Reply to comment by UnKnOwN769 in Fellow Pennsylvanians, we must join our neighbors from r/Maryland to defend our territory from the Delawarean scourge! by MPA_Dad
As someone who works in Delaware, and enjoys getting things shipped to work, TAX FREE, and 50cent/gallon cheaper gas. Nah, I say we keep it.
CarbonGod t1_ize545e wrote
Reply to Fellow Pennsylvanians, we must join our neighbors from r/Maryland to defend our territory from the Delawarean scourge! by MPA_Dad
Yeah no, they can have York County.
They are pissed off they get Baltimore though.
CarbonGod t1_iy1bl5q wrote
Reply to comment by Raeandray in TIL that many pro archers use surprise release mechanisms to prevent themselves from anticipating and reacting to the impending impact. by broogernavn
Everyone uses compounds? Wtf dude?
CarbonGod t1_ivpqwdu wrote
I want to get a bullhorn on my car and just play Nelson yelling "HA HA" every time I pass one of THOSE houses.
CarbonGod t1_jefb5bf wrote
Reply to comment by ManfredsJuicedBalls in ACLU suing Saucon Valley School District over district's decision not to allow After School Satan Club by LeaveThatCatAlone
I guess they are a left-wing troll? ie: crazy as hell?