
CarpetOdd692 t1_iz4cj0p wrote

I was using PA as an example for the 80k votes. But Wisconsin and AZ were far closer as you said. The fact that states sent unsolicited ballots to every home makes it very easy to break the law: collecting ballots, paying people to vote, helping people to vote, signing ballots for others - all of these things are unlawful. And the ballot counters counted ballots without verifying signatures, without post marks - also illegal. States unlawfully mass mailing ballots to every home addressed to people who may not even live there anymore - illegal. People voting in more than one jurisdiction is also illegal. Where is the outrage for all the other illegal votes? If 90% of the mail in votes went to Trump, we all know that the Dems would shut that shit down.


CarpetOdd692 t1_iz2x5wj wrote

Trump didn't lose by millions of votes. He lost by thousands in AZ, PA and WI. In PA for example he lost by 80,000 votes - all of which came from mail in votes in Philadelphia. 92% of all mail in votes in Phil went for Biden, yet the in person votes in Phil went to Biden by only 71%. Also Trump won 80% of all PA counties - many by very large margins and the ones he lost were very close. The problem isn't one or two people voting twice, the problem is ballot harvesting where activists illegally assist people fill out ballots and bring them to be counted. It's the fact that mail in ballots without postmark dates were illegally counted. No court looked at evidence - they refused to hear the cases. This is the real Big Lie.
