
Castor_and_Pollux123 t1_iujmynr wrote


"The upcoming phase is expected to take three years, encompassing design specifications and contract documents, right-of-way acquisitions and easements, and land and utility surveys. SJTP also will continue community relations and public involvement over the coming years.

Some critics of the GCL have questioned why the proposal favors diesel over electric vehicles, and whether the demand for public transit will actually meet backers' expectations. There also are concerns about local disruptions relating to construction activity and the anticipated cost of the project, which was last estimated in 2009 to be $1.6-$1.8 billion. That estimate has not changed on the GCL website. "

> Some critics of the GCL have questioned why the proposal favors diesel over electric vehicles

Because diesel is currently in use on the River Line, and requires much less infrastructure.


Castor_and_Pollux123 t1_iue25vw wrote

Do not, in any circumstance, live in Mall & Starview Apts (Franklin Tpk & Airmont Rd).

> White Plains

After commuting on I87 & across the Tappan Zee bridge, you will become an acolyte of Cthulhu.