CatumEntanglement t1_j2620r9 wrote
Reply to comment by deluxegrilledcheese in Anyone catch what happened on the scanner on Ridge st? by [deleted]
Keep track of the license plate + make/model. If it's always the same car, something sketch is definitely going on. When I saw something like that happen on my street I called the police about it and magically no more idling/a drug stop-off place by my street.
CatumEntanglement t1_j19f260 wrote
Reply to comment by busylivinnotdying in Anybody see what this was before it was pulled down? by ntcummings42
>can't be honest without offending someone and having to "apologize" for speaking the truth. #merica
No, that's just called the natural consequences of behaving like a twat. If you want to behave like a shitty child then expect to be treated likewise. That's how social interactions work. You don't get to be an asshole running your mouth without social consequences. You know the term... consequences for your actions. I'm sure a boomer can understand that.
CatumEntanglement t1_j0nk2c7 wrote
Reply to Christmas Drinks in the Woo? by Candid-Arugula
The Muse next to the Hanover theater
CatumEntanglement t1_j0i7vi8 wrote
Reply to Day Trip by TheWalkingTurtle
Deadhorse hill or Lock50 are solid places for a good dinner.
For excellent fancy cocktails, go to Muse by the theater.
For culture go to the Worcester art museum.
For an up and coming Worcester vibe with that has that whole old mill factory history, go walk around the canal district where the Worcester public market is. There will be food, breweries, and fun local shops there. Very entertaining. I recommend Birch Tree Bread Co for coffee and breakfast. Seed to Stem is a fun plant store with a lot of oddities. Bedlam books is a cozy bookstore that makes good coffee and smoothies.
CatumEntanglement t1_j07oxb5 wrote
Reply to comment by sceaga_genesis in Diocese of Worcester: Credible Allegations of Sexual Abuse of Minor by Priest by MassInsider
I mean...she probably saw how the Catholic church did a really good job at helping Nazis flee Germany for Argentina using church money and expertly forged travel documents.
CatumEntanglement t1_j07jez4 wrote
Reply to comment by steph-was-here in Don't hate the state, hate the game by VulcanTrekkie45
CatumEntanglement t1_j0438u7 wrote
In worcester: Crompton collective in the canal district right next to the worcester public market. Small locally owned businesses if that's what you're looking for. Stuff ranging from plants to interesting oddities...there's also a bookstore. Within the worcester public market are also local makers and not just food vendors, one example is someone who makes soaps.
Little outside worcester is the Blackstone shopping center in milbury that's basically your typical mall area. For a wider array of shops there's the Natick mall area up route 9, but it's typical big stores and name brands you're used to. But it'll have stuff good for gifting like Lush, anthropology, origins, UNIQLO, William sonoma, crate and barrel.
CatumEntanglement t1_izcimx1 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Salem company funneled more than $3 million in Massachusetts taxpayer funds to owners: Maura Healey by ak47workaccnt
Ask your mom.
CatumEntanglement t1_iz4zt4z wrote
Reply to comment by suppaduppasleuth in You have been hired by Worcester City Government to anger and frustrate as many people as possible. However, you can only change or implement ONE thing. What do you do? by CoolAbdul
Putting 290 underground and freeing up a ridiculous amount of space for parks and pedestrian friendly walkways? Don't threaten me with a good time.
CatumEntanglement t1_iyus85e wrote
Reply to Takeout similar to England by nalgeneandgangrene
For fish and chips go to Foley and Sons on Plantation Street on Friday. They're only open on Fridays. Get there early before they run out of fish.
CatumEntanglement t1_iydq30v wrote
Reply to comment by Nalek in Ease of Travel to New York City by 53mV3
Driving from worcester to Boston adds another hour out of the way, making the trip longer, while CT is on the way.
CatumEntanglement t1_iydcjeh wrote
Reply to comment by NativeMasshole in Ease of Travel to New York City by 53mV3
There is no direct train from worcester to NYC, as per my comment.
CatumEntanglement t1_iydc63w wrote
Reply to comment by Slyons89 in Alzheimer's drug lecanemab hailed as momentous breakthrough by Methoszs
But there is no breakthrough. This drug, like Aduhelm which is already out, does not slow not stop Alzheimer's disease. All people who get the treatment still progress in the same degree as withoit treatment. This drug is the same kind of treatment that Aduhelm is, which is a monoclonal antibody for plaques. Your statement that there are 0 drugs targeting amyloid is incorrect, as Aduhelm is already out for the public.
95% of all AD cases are sporadic with no genetic cause, the other 5% are from familial AD. These antibody drugs fail to do anything for sporadic cases and the only people there is any difference is with the 5% familial group. And that treatment difference disappears after a few months with the disease progress continues. The drug causes brain bleeds in more people than it does treating Alzheimer's.
CatumEntanglement t1_iycfx9j wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in whiskey tastings in or around worcester ? by gvturg
If you plan on someone from your group getting roofied and not sample good whiskey, then go there.
CatumEntanglement t1_iyce3aq wrote
Reply to comment by Motherdiedtoday in Alzheimer's drug lecanemab hailed as momentous breakthrough by Methoszs
If that was the case then all people with plaques would have Alzheimer's, which is not the case. In my own lab I see brains from dementia free patients in their late 70s-90s who have plaques. It's an age related phenomenon to have brain plaques as we age. Additionally there are a significant nunber of AD patients who have all the classic symptoms of AD while alive, but are found to have brains that are completely plaque free during a post-mortem analysis.
CatumEntanglement t1_iycbhmt wrote
Reply to comment by Dandan0005 in Alzheimer's drug lecanemab hailed as momentous breakthrough by Methoszs
There is zero data that shows people gain 19 months of functional independent life with this drug. The phase 3 trials were not even studying this, as the people enrolled have not passed away yet to even determine how long they had "functional life" with the drug verses a placebo group.
CatumEntanglement t1_iycb8ck wrote
Reply to comment by WilderKat in Alzheimer's drug lecanemab hailed as momentous breakthrough by Methoszs
It's built on the faulty premise that plaques cause AD. That's why the drugs targeting plaques don't work...because plaques don't cause AD. The truth is that every single person who reaches about 80 shows plaques in the brain. People who show no age related dementia have plaques in the brain. Plaques don't denote Alzheimer's at all. It's a very old misconception that the public keeps hearing from people very invested in plaque-related treatments.
CatumEntanglement t1_iycaywg wrote
Reply to comment by docdoc_2 in Alzheimer's drug lecanemab hailed as momentous breakthrough by Methoszs
17% get brain bleeds. 7% have to stop because of more serious symptoms like stroke. Mind you, it's also a ridiculously expensive drug ($30k-50k) that has to be infused on your cerebral spinal fluid. All of that for a treatment that actually doesn't work.
CatumEntanglement t1_iycatcx wrote
Reply to comment by videopro10 in Alzheimer's drug lecanemab hailed as momentous breakthrough by Methoszs
It also does the same as Aduhelm, which is to say it does nothing to halt AD. This is a media blitz to help prepare it to have positive coverage before it goes before the FDA. Biogen hopes that it also causes the public to force the FDA to approve this drug like they did with Aduhelm. This is just another incredibly expensive placebo that needs to be infused directly into brain CSF, and gives 1 in 5 people a brain bleed.
CatumEntanglement t1_iycajff wrote
Reply to comment by Slyons89 in Alzheimer's drug lecanemab hailed as momentous breakthrough by Methoszs
It's not. Biogens Aduhelm out now does the same in being able to remove plaques...but does nothing in patients to stop or reverse cognitive decline. But it does give people brain bleeds at $30k-50k for the treatment. It was the drug that was pushed through the FDA against all recommendations that it shouldn't because it doesn't significantly help patients.
CatumEntanglement t1_iycaabv wrote
Reply to comment by AnselmFox in Alzheimer's drug lecanemab hailed as momentous breakthrough by Methoszs
Thank you, thank you, thank you. As someone on the research side of human neurodegenerative diseases, this drug is, as you say...a crock of shit.
As an aside, all patients classified with idopathic/sporadic AD (which are 95% of cases) showed no change in the CDRSB scoring. This drug is no better than a placebo IMO. A very expensive ($30k-50k) placebo that has to be infused into the CSF and causes brain bleeds in 17% of patients. The only true significant thing this drug does is give people brain bleeds.
CatumEntanglement t1_iyc4us0 wrote
Reply to Ease of Travel to New York City by 53mV3
This post sounds like you don't live in Worcester. It's not quick to get to NYC.
There is no direct train from worcester to NYC. If you want to take a train, then you either drive to Providence and hop on the amtrack there to nyc...or drive down farther to Stamford CT and pick up the amtrack train there. Or you drive/take a bus directly to NYC. Driving might take you anywhere from 3.5hrs to 5hrs depending on traffic or where in NYC you're going to. The train, if it's the Acela line, will take 3.5hrs to go from Providence to Penn Station in nyc. No matter what mode of transportation, it's going to be around 4hrs.
If you're thinking of wanting short day trips to NYC... that's not going to happen. A short day trip would be going to a city like Boston. NYC is more like a weekend trip.
CatumEntanglement t1_iy96qko wrote
Reply to comment by Junior-Arrival6299 in What is something that if built would improve the city overall? by HRJafael
They've merged right?
CatumEntanglement t1_iy6dqob wrote
Municipal utilities, like high speed internet. Because fuck comcast.
CatumEntanglement t1_j2ufm88 wrote
Reply to does anyone know when the Market Basket over towards Shrewsbury is opening by Nyxie27
They are apparently behind schedule due to getting all the goods & product to stock the store and setting up a transport infrastructure to keep the new store stocked because the forecast is that this store will have a ton of customers.