
CedarWolf t1_jefvnoi wrote

'Small arms fire' refers to most handguns, and one of the reasons armed officers wear them is not only because it helps protect them against incoming fire from an armed assailant, but it also gives them some minimum of protection from their own firearm in the event that someone knocks them over and takes it from them.

And they do resist hangun calibers. You'll probably break a rib or two and bruise a lung, and you'll be out of the fight, but you'll be alive instead of bleeding out on the sidewalk somewhere.

However, most body armor isn't rated for rifle calibers. A rifle round can punch right through Kevlar and can deform steel plates to the point where the steel itself can cause injury because it's pressing on the wound.


CedarWolf t1_j5qv16g wrote

They could make Brendan Fraser the lead in a movie about logistics and supply and we'd still watch it. He's a great actor.

And that's no offense to logistics or supply, either. While those things are incredibly important and they make or break wars, it's just not the sort of action that most people think about when thinking about a war movie.


CedarWolf t1_j345msx wrote

You're lucky you've got enough snow. I've got one of those as well, in orange, and it split down the middle, beneath the seat, because we really don't get enough snow here to merit owning a sled - those few winters we did get snow, though, we did as much sledding as we possibly could, and that's how the plastic sled got split.


CedarWolf t1_j30sne1 wrote

> have back up plans

I've always been fascinated by the ways people hid and modified their homes to hide stuff, either their families' possessions or their family members themselves.

But considering actually adding such hideaways onto my actual home feels insane. And what am I going to keep in there? Pokemon cards?


CedarWolf t1_iyenygg wrote

Eh, I'd usually just be like 'That's really not cool.' and then I would appeal to their values, or something they believe in, like 'I know you're better than that, come on.' or 'Your mother would be so disappointed to hear you saying that sort of stuff in front of your granddaughter. Heck, I'm disappointed - I'm expecting you to set a good example.'

Generally speaking, when you want someone to improve their behavior, an appeal to their morals is usually the way to go. It's like saying 'You're not living up to your standards right now, are you?'


CedarWolf t1_iyej84m wrote

Ah, slight problem: a lot of minorities, like LGBT people or POCs, don't exactly have the luxury of just ignoring hateful people... Because sometimes the things those hateful people say inspires other hateful people to walk into our spaces and kill a bunch of our people.


CedarWolf t1_iya068a wrote

Because you want to engage people. You want people to see your listing, and since people often search by lowest price available, more people will see your listing if you start the bidding low.

Similarly, if the bidding starts low, but several people bid on it, it seems like demand for that item is higher and people become more willing to bid higher on that item.