CensorshipIsTheDevil t1_jdv3hbf wrote
Reply to comment by LurkerTroll in DA Alvin Bragg’s staffer hangs up on ‘bulls–t’ congressional phone call by Gaytaino
I think I would be more concerned with KKK supporters in the government (see Biden and Hillary Clinton) than a small fringe voting block.
Again, let me make this simple for you since this is obviously what you need, BOTH SIDES SUCK!
CensorshipIsTheDevil t1_jduypg8 wrote
Reply to comment by LurkerTroll in DA Alvin Bragg’s staffer hangs up on ‘bulls–t’ congressional phone call by Gaytaino
The Democrats elected one of his biggest supporters, Joe Biden. You realize as much as you think things change, they really don't. Both sides suck, quit being a jackass.
CensorshipIsTheDevil t1_jduwosq wrote
Reply to comment by LurkerTroll in DA Alvin Bragg’s staffer hangs up on ‘bulls–t’ congressional phone call by Gaytaino
Delusion is asking for some evidence and then when provided just calling names. Nazis and KKK members? You realize the Democrat party elected an actual KKK leader, right?
CensorshipIsTheDevil t1_jduu0d2 wrote
Reply to comment by LurkerTroll in DA Alvin Bragg’s staffer hangs up on ‘bulls–t’ congressional phone call by Gaytaino
Lol, you asked for proof and then when given some evidence you just change to something else. Again, a low quality argument. None of what you said is actually true though.
CensorshipIsTheDevil t1_jdutv53 wrote
Reply to comment by sickbabe in DA Alvin Bragg’s staffer hangs up on ‘bulls–t’ congressional phone call by Gaytaino
Tell me you don’t understand without telling me you don’t understand.
Super excited that all twelve of the anthropologists are happy with him. That probably makes you very happy while Bragg shirks his duties on real crimes including things like DWI and murder. Those are quality of life crimes that impact the day to day lives of folks. Most people could not care less about some item from Egypt that might have been stolen a hundred years ago.
CensorshipIsTheDevil t1_jdtsa6i wrote
Reply to comment by LurkerTroll in DA Alvin Bragg’s staffer hangs up on ‘bulls–t’ congressional phone call by Gaytaino
The response was “oh you’re one of those both sides guys”. There was nothing more. That in and of itself is a shit argument that proves nothing, and you agreed with it, which makes your argument shit.
but, since you want evidence you can look at Hillary Clinton, paid a fine for the exact same thing they’re trying to nail Trump for just replace a porn star with people giving her campaign bogus info on Russian ties for Trump.
Both sides suck, you can play this game all day, it’s just moronic to even think the dems are any better than the reps.
CensorshipIsTheDevil t1_jdtjjkz wrote
Reply to comment by LurkerTroll in DA Alvin Bragg’s staffer hangs up on ‘bulls–t’ congressional phone call by Gaytaino
Both sides suck. Still don’t change the truth of their opinion. It is as shitty an argument as one could come up with, and you just tried it again
CensorshipIsTheDevil t1_jdt5a27 wrote
Reply to comment by tyen0 in DA Alvin Bragg’s staffer hangs up on ‘bulls–t’ congressional phone call by Gaytaino
Not saying you have to hate Bragg, but nobody I have ever talked to has that big of a hard on for the dude.
CensorshipIsTheDevil t1_jdt4sk8 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in DA Alvin Bragg’s staffer hangs up on ‘bulls–t’ congressional phone call by Gaytaino
I mean, say what you want positive about Bragg, I am sure there are plenty of things. But to say there is nothing negative about him? I mean cmon, he doesn't apply the law equally, or in some cases AT ALL. That is a negative. It just feels so disingenuous.
Then the whole "people who aren't even from this country," like who actually gives a fuck about their opinion and why would they be following what in reality is a low level political person in the US? I could not name one judge from another country off the top of my head, and don't care to. Not my lane, does not matter at all.
CensorshipIsTheDevil t1_jdsus3c wrote
Reply to comment by Gaytaino in DA Alvin Bragg’s staffer hangs up on ‘bulls–t’ congressional phone call by Gaytaino
Your argument doesn’t invalidate the truth of this opinion
CensorshipIsTheDevil t1_jdsu5mo wrote
Reply to comment by sickbabe in DA Alvin Bragg’s staffer hangs up on ‘bulls–t’ congressional phone call by Gaytaino
This has to be a troll, right? Nobody really likes this dude.
CensorshipIsTheDevil t1_jdmfh6s wrote
Reply to comment by Hitler_the_stripper in 16 stories beneath midtown Manhattan, NYC by PonyEnglish
No windows, that ought to bring it down to a more reasonable rate. Still high, but more reasonable.
CensorshipIsTheDevil t1_j9wwyqa wrote
Reply to comment by TeamMisha in MTA Pushes Congestion Pricing Back to Second Quarter of 2024 by perspicatic
The government. From the MTA to the city council to our senators. It’s across the board, they want more of our money to buy themselves power
CensorshipIsTheDevil t1_j9wpue5 wrote
Reply to comment by TeamMisha in MTA Pushes Congestion Pricing Back to Second Quarter of 2024 by perspicatic
Ok, you obviously don’t know New York politics. Their one and only goal is to extract as much revenue from their constituents as possible. End of story
CensorshipIsTheDevil t1_j9wjv66 wrote
Reply to comment by TeamMisha in MTA Pushes Congestion Pricing Back to Second Quarter of 2024 by perspicatic
They want it for the money, they’re going for the big one 100%. Don’t be stupid
CensorshipIsTheDevil t1_j9wjp9n wrote
Reply to comment by TeamMisha in MTA Pushes Congestion Pricing Back to Second Quarter of 2024 by perspicatic
If the tolls kick in and people feel the pain, they’ll go after anyone and everyone who supported it. It will be as bad, or worse, than how crime was portrayed during 2022.
CensorshipIsTheDevil t1_j9v28r7 wrote
Reply to comment by _Haverford_ in Biting the Bullet and Driving in the City by _Haverford_
I think you mean to turn right, turning left is always illegal without a green light (you can cross traffic if there is no light, just has to be done safely.) Turning right on a red is illegal in NYC, but not in many areas.
CensorshipIsTheDevil t1_j9v0aus wrote
Reply to comment by George4Mayor86 in MTA Pushes Congestion Pricing Back to Second Quarter of 2024 by perspicatic
Come on, at least know what you are talking about. For tractor trailers it will be well more than $20.
CensorshipIsTheDevil t1_j9uztb8 wrote
Reply to comment by EatingAssCuresCancer in MTA Pushes Congestion Pricing Back to Second Quarter of 2024 by perspicatic
It is tiered, so it well more than $20. Come on, you have to be smarter than this. It is a cash grab that will fix nothing. A hidden tax.
CensorshipIsTheDevil t1_j9uz6ux wrote
You know the politicians will realize 2024 is an election year soon enough and push it again. Aint nobody want to be on the receiving end of that blowback right before an election.
CensorshipIsTheDevil t1_j7pde5e wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Mysterious burning smell in UWS by teenyredbean
Could you please put it out, we are trying to sleep.
CensorshipIsTheDevil t1_j7fdlus wrote
Reply to Employer didn't take out NYC local tax by sonyworld
I’d check to make sure there isn’t an updated W2, and That it actually was not paid. If it legit was not paid to the city you owe it, not the employer.
CensorshipIsTheDevil t1_j336nwi wrote
Reply to comment by TheBurrprint3D in NY officially solicits bids for casino with license fee set at $500M by geoxol
Yeah, but I think a lot of the time other than the few hours it is busy, you just stand around a table a lot. Could be great some days, and boring as shit on others.
CensorshipIsTheDevil t1_j32cgq3 wrote
Reply to comment by NKR1978 in NY officially solicits bids for casino with license fee set at $500M by geoxol
Yeah, in some ways. Low barrier to entry. I would imagine that the good stories are close with their bad stories though. They have to see some shit and endure some shit as well from drunks and abusive customers. Not for me, but I could see it not being the absolute worst job around.
CensorshipIsTheDevil t1_jdvgd7c wrote
Reply to comment by LurkerTroll in DA Alvin Bragg’s staffer hangs up on ‘bulls–t’ congressional phone call by Gaytaino
I provided you with evidence earlier and you ignored it. Why would I do it again? They elected a leader of the KKK, Hillary and Biden (among many others) called him a friend. It is indisputable. The Democrats are the party of slavery, it is in their history. It is their lineage.