CensorshipIsTheDevil t1_j31tvk2 wrote
Reply to comment by NKR1978 in NY officially solicits bids for casino with license fee set at $500M by geoxol
Not what it sounds like, it is what it is. "I know the impacts on your life better than you, so you shouldn't be allowed to do it."
CensorshipIsTheDevil t1_izex4w5 wrote
Reply to comment by TheAJx in New York’s ‘zombie’ office towers teeter as interest rates rise by rootbeer_racinette
Would need a change in building code. There has to be an egress in each room, meaning a window in most cases. That won't happen fast enough, if at all.
CensorshipIsTheDevil t1_iyezkje wrote
Reply to comment by killerasp in Meta Scales Back on New York Office Space Amid Company Restructuring by geoxol
Yeah, I would think that would depend. You might be able to find someone with lesser money to rent it for considerably less, but I doubt you would be able to fill it with somebody at a similar level to Meta and at a similar price.
Must be nice to have billions of dollars to waste......
CensorshipIsTheDevil t1_iyehxko wrote
Reply to comment by virtual_adam in Meta Scales Back on New York Office Space Amid Company Restructuring by geoxol
I am sure they have massive lease-breaking fees associated with it. Those fees are huge, just not as huge as the cost of keeping the building full term. Translation, Meta is in trouble for the near and medium term.
CensorshipIsTheDevil t1_j31u22h wrote
Reply to comment by derekjeter3 in NY officially solicits bids for casino with license fee set at $500M by geoxol
That would be a boring job I think. Can't move much, stand at a table and hand out cards when you have people there. Take a bunch of people's money, and hope you can make some tips in the meantime. I think the money is OK, but the work sucks.