Just the lack of encouragement and general unwillingness to explore cinema outside of a limited box of “this is what I like and this is what all movies should be like”. I know not everyone wants to risk their time to watch things they could find boring or incomprehensible but seriously; there’s so much more cinema out there people! From so many places! Yeah we all like the IMDb top 100 films but that’s only scratching the surface. Just lose the fear of watching stuff you’re not immediately familiar with.
Ceversja t1_jegmt6h wrote
Reply to What are some r/movies tropes? by HotSwordfish23
Just the lack of encouragement and general unwillingness to explore cinema outside of a limited box of “this is what I like and this is what all movies should be like”. I know not everyone wants to risk their time to watch things they could find boring or incomprehensible but seriously; there’s so much more cinema out there people! From so many places! Yeah we all like the IMDb top 100 films but that’s only scratching the surface. Just lose the fear of watching stuff you’re not immediately familiar with.