
Chance_Age_5869 t1_j624nsb wrote

I was 8 years old watching Star Trek the Next Generation thinking I would never see any of this ever.

Now I have a phone and MacBook that does 95% of that show and the only reason we don't use laser guns is because they can't kill the Borg like a real gun. The only thing they have I don't is a Space Ship, Transporter, and Universal Health Care ... And we've proven the transporter works if you don't care where the molecule ends up. I've even got shitty robots that do a better job than Data, sure it won't bitch every episode about humanity, but the fucker can carry my shit and call a drone army if I need artillery support. I don't say "computer", I say "Siri" and it calls the Internet .... from a computer linked to the things in my ears so it's almost just as magic. If I really need food now I throw a bag this side up in the microwave and wait 2 minutes - it's not great but it works just like it did 50 years ago.

Before you say that's all a shitty version ... we have outclassed 2364 OVER 2 centuries QUICKER WITHOUT the aliens showing up to take pity on us! That leaves us plenty of time to have a WW3, fix this shithole, build an enterprise, and go slay some alien poon. And I'm pretty sure that was the point of Star Trek, some unknown creator made a bunch of aliens that liked to fuck and fight with cool spaceships.