Chappy_Sinclair_ t1_j1zvuib wrote
Reply to If Boston gets a women's pro soccer team again, White Stadium in Franklin Park could be its home by joshhw
>The cost of the winning bid for a team that would start in the 2024 season could be around $40 million.
Chappy_Sinclair_ t1_j1z7lc1 wrote
Reply to comment by Rare_Message_7204 in Newcomers to New Hampshire and Maine continue to drive population growth: More people are dying than being born, so population growth depends on people moving in from elsewhere by TurretLauncher
Burlington, VT and Portland, ME are the Ghosts of Manchester Future.
Chappy_Sinclair_ t1_j1z21ti wrote
MA came in 12th.
Chappy_Sinclair_ t1_j1wt6gd wrote
Reply to comment by jkjeeper06 in Upcoming UBI programs like what Chelsea ran the last few years? by ipsissimus666
Yup. It was a limited study. I'd not expect any more free money until the next one rolls around, if ever.
Chappy_Sinclair_ t1_j1wrba1 wrote
Reply to Do people here not eat Rhubarb pie by cartdub
You're a number of months away from a good one.
Chappy_Sinclair_ t1_j1w6udm wrote
Reply to comment by warlocc_ in Famed Painter's Son From Central Mass Who Found Jan. 6 Riots "Fun" Found Guilty Of Attacking Officer With Riot Shield by HoldenGambles
Chappy_Sinclair_ t1_j1w6ruo wrote
Reply to Famed Painter's Son From Central Mass Who Found Jan. 6 Riots "Fun" Found Guilty Of Attacking Officer With Riot Shield by HoldenGambles
My man needs to go away for a good spell.
Chappy_Sinclair_ t1_j1uid0v wrote
Reply to comment by willzyx01 in Recommendations for best heated blanket for a bed? by mrfuzzyshorts
Especially for R Kelly types
Chappy_Sinclair_ t1_j1u7n3v wrote
Reply to comment by woolsocksandsandals in Derry NH getting Starbucks, I remember when it was only Dunks and McDonald's by margismith1111
They do have a coffee roastery place/cafe in one of the shopping plazas I know that.
Chappy_Sinclair_ t1_j1qjf05 wrote
They are all very likeable guys - Horford is my favorite.
Chappy_Sinclair_ t1_j1qb0n9 wrote
Reply to Hingham/hull ferry to boston Logan? Anyone have experience with this commuting option? by [deleted]
What have you found on the MBTA site so far?
Chappy_Sinclair_ t1_j1o4hro wrote
Reply to Skiing conditions? Thinking about skiing tomorrow and wondering how bad things are from the recent rain storm. by hardsoft
Cannon won't be open due to just getting their power back. It's probably for the best as it would be even icier than a normal bad day.
Chappy_Sinclair_ t1_j1lrpcp wrote
Reply to Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!! by rob691369
Merry Christmas folks!
Chappy_Sinclair_ t1_j1h9j4x wrote
What's going on with her mouth? Looks like Louis Gossett Junior in Enemy Mine.
Chappy_Sinclair_ t1_j1ep1ia wrote
Reply to comment by lantonas in 6 attacked by dog at pet care clinic in Nashua by rabblebowser
Because it usually is.
Chappy_Sinclair_ t1_j1eonqq wrote
Reply to comment by Leemcardhold in 'Armed And Dangerous' Lakes Region Felon Wanted By U.S. Marshals by rabblebowser
It’s a virtue signaling thing.
Chappy_Sinclair_ t1_j1dzxc5 wrote
Reply to comment by beagletronic61 in What are some of your favorite breweries in the state? by AlexTheTolerable
Brewers by and large are cool folks, down-to-earth and generally likeable.
If you make crap beer, you won't survive.
If you're not nice people then you'll also probably not survive. Blue Lobster in Hampton is an example of a place that made very good beer but the owner was a douchebag. Word got out and people stopped going there.
Chappy_Sinclair_ t1_j1dwzn4 wrote
From the Barrel - great beer and people. Stoneface makes a great "get it everywhere" beer also made by nice folks.
Chappy_Sinclair_ t1_j1b7s0p wrote
Reply to Peppermint Stick Ice Cream?? by LvnLife2019
In a pinch some vanilla ice cream and peppermint extract will do the trick. If you add your own candy cane shards don't cut yourself.
Chappy_Sinclair_ t1_j15aq5x wrote
Reply to Anyone Else Get a Copy Of This Looney Tunes "National Sunday Law" Book In the Mail? by nobbyv
These make the rounds every so often. Straight to the recycling bin for most.
Chappy_Sinclair_ t1_j149j8j wrote
Reply to comment by MoneyCompetitive3652 in [ Removed by Reddit ] by MoneyCompetitive3652
Yeah. The Union Leader is absolutely my go-to for all publicly funded research articles.
Chappy_Sinclair_ t1_j142iu9 wrote
Reply to free christmas trees? by hummingbirdplum
Most places that still have them are offering remainders for dirt cheap - like $10 cheap. Act fast as some of them are already closing down operations.
Chappy_Sinclair_ t1_j10rwn6 wrote
Reply to Dunce by CloroxWipes1
Chappy_Sinclair_ t1_j10fpfo wrote
Reply to comment by PedXing23 in Boston, rules of the road by PedXing23
>t a crosswalk, should we honk first to let them know we are going to drive around them?
If you do one for cyclists you'll need to explain what a stop sign and crosswalk are.
Chappy_Sinclair_ t1_j21hil4 wrote
Reply to I remember seeing an old WB sign off of the highway coming into the city. What was it for? by [deleted]
The Sister, Sister building.