CharacterBrief9121 t1_ivjkvqd wrote
Reply to comment by 31November in was asked to confirm my address before voting. not a big deal but never heard of that by rogerjohnson11111
Lol mags snowflakes already 😢
CharacterBrief9121 t1_ivjkcxm wrote
Reply to comment by ZombiZeke in was asked to confirm my address before voting. not a big deal but never heard of that by rogerjohnson11111
No it’s perfectly legal. Op post states he was being challenged, address check is a challenge, which is legal and correct.
Can my right to vote be challenged?
Yes, but only for certain reasons and by certain people. An election official, poll watcher, or other voter may only challenge a voter on the grounds that the voter does not live in the precinct or the voter is not the person the voter says he or she is.
The voter may still vote normally by signing a challenge affidavit and producing a witness to vouch for him or her. Call the Election Protection Hotline at 866-OUR-VOTE (866-687-8683) if you need assistance.
hey look I used the internet to find what I was looking for
How hard was that everybody?
CharacterBrief9121 t1_ivjjo11 wrote
Reply to comment by ell0bo in was asked to confirm my address before voting. not a big deal but never heard of that by rogerjohnson11111
What ward/district?
CharacterBrief9121 t1_ivjj3en wrote
Reply to comment by ZombiZeke in was asked to confirm my address before voting. not a big deal but never heard of that by rogerjohnson11111
Address verification at polls is to ensure that the voter is at the correct polling place the book was covered to prevent someone from using another name and address that isn’t theirs to vote illegally.
CharacterBrief9121 t1_ivjiu39 wrote
Reply to comment by ZombiZeke in was asked to confirm my address before voting. not a big deal but never heard of that by rogerjohnson11111
Have you worked polls before? I have and am tired of dumb ass snowflakes who can’t read rules because muh beliefs say I don’t read. Jfc you have the internet on your phone use it for once for something other the horse pill cures for COVID.
CharacterBrief9121 t1_ivi4knl wrote
Reply to Does the PA Lottery website work at all? Is it actually possible to buy tickets, or is it just a joke? by [deleted]
It’s over used right now, worked fine for me up until today
CharacterBrief9121 t1_iumrjut wrote
Reply to comment by psychcaptain in Hi! I'm Bruce Siwy, an investigative journalist for the USA TODAY Network's Pennsylvania state capital bureau. AMA! by usatoday
No personal rights for women, guns for everyone, and Christian nationalism.
CharacterBrief9121 t1_isylhao wrote
Reply to comment by ThunderySleep in As Wawa shutters Center City stores, Philly DA Krasner plays defense by User_Name13
I don’t live in Philly but have been there a few times. I don’t know enough about it. But in my town when the chain groceries came in everything else died. And it was Weis and Wegmanns. Not bad stores either it just crushed any competition. Virtually the same as Walmart and small shops. Impossible to compete.
CharacterBrief9121 t1_isyjkdv wrote
Reply to comment by ThunderySleep in As Wawa shutters Center City stores, Philly DA Krasner plays defense by User_Name13
Dudes bringing up a good point, that closing these stores will make it harder for people near those closed stores will have a harder time finding food. Which is mostly true, I’m sure some people did use it as their primary food resource. But your understanding of a food desert is flawed. I wouldn’t say restaurants are something that doesn’t make a food desert. Take for example a small town, pop less than 1,000. 2 stores in town for over 15 mi any direction. The two stores? 1 gas station/store/subway and 1 family pizza joint. Sure at both places you could spend five times as much as the ingredients would be more the same meal, but that’s also traveling the 15 miles. You could eat but at a premium. Neither of those places could you buy everything you would need to make basic meals and 2 use EBT. You can use EBT at a gas station but not for prepared/hot food. That’s a good desert but it has a “Wawa” and it has a restaurant. Do you understand what a food desert is now? You are probably closer to one than you think. I live in one myself I just have the ability and resources to drive that far to get food.
CharacterBrief9121 t1_isyhgs3 wrote
Reply to comment by ThunderySleep in As Wawa shutters Center City stores, Philly DA Krasner plays defense by User_Name13
Because he’s suggesting replacing these type of stores with a government commissary. I don’t agree with it but that’s what the guy was saying. Really what’s missing is the small time grocers. There used to be one a block or two away from where I grew up. But they’re gone or became something else that made more money.
CharacterBrief9121 t1_isyf0vd wrote
Reply to comment by ThunderySleep in As Wawa shutters Center City stores, Philly DA Krasner plays defense by User_Name13
A food desert can have those types of stores. What’s he’s referring to is a lack of proper grocery stores.
CharacterBrief9121 t1_is7pk40 wrote
Reply to comment by Reynard1981 in Mandatory Reporting Was Supposed to Stop Severe Child Abuse. It Punishes Poor Families Instead. by r4816
Sorry I only know more about north central pa. I would recommend calling a state rep though. I would start there, someone in their office should be able to provide or direct you to the right resources.
CharacterBrief9121 t1_is7dmuw wrote
Reply to comment by twoburgers in Don't believe the propaganda, Bigfoot is in PA and is definitely *REAL* ! by Blexcr0id
Mountain lions Like to Fornicate
CharacterBrief9121 t1_is6xe35 wrote
Reply to comment by WookieeSteakIsChewie in Don't believe the propaganda, Bigfoot is in PA and is definitely *REAL* ! by Blexcr0id
I went ahead and did some research, the mountain lion federation (MLF not Milf) says there are no population known of mountain lions east of the Rockies minus a small endangered pop in Florida. Wildlife informer goes both ways stating there is not any mountain lions in pa but there have been sightings. PSU explicitly says No cougars in PA. I swear I’ve seen the yellow of a mountain lion. I do not believe there is a significant population. In my neck of the woods it’s sparsely populated with a lot of woods and open unused land I’ve seen plenty of bob cats. Only ever thought I’ve seen a mountain lion a few times. They have lived here before and there is a claim that the last one was killed in the late 1800s but how is somebody in 1870-90 going to be able to verify that claim. I think they went the way of the wolf, virtually becoming something different. Like wolf and “eastern coyote” which I know exists I’ve seen it kill family members chickens that roamed their yard.
CharacterBrief9121 t1_is6uug2 wrote
Reply to comment by Reynard1981 in Mandatory Reporting Was Supposed to Stop Severe Child Abuse. It Punishes Poor Families Instead. by r4816
County? I can give you some numbers for direct contact depending on county. Side note call CCBH and move through them, if you have state insurance they are the mental/behavioral arm of state insurance. You can bypass cys this way and get a social worker to check in with them in a way cys would not.
CharacterBrief9121 t1_is6ocja wrote
Reply to comment by crispydukes in Don't believe the propaganda, Bigfoot is in PA and is definitely *REAL* ! by Blexcr0id
It ain’t even winter and I’m seeing snowflakes
CharacterBrief9121 t1_is6e4u3 wrote
Reply to comment by crispydukes in Don't believe the propaganda, Bigfoot is in PA and is definitely *REAL* ! by Blexcr0id
Damn feel sorry for the repubs when they lose to Bigfoot. Y’all gonna cry about trump some more or what
CharacterBrief9121 t1_is6dy7g wrote
Reply to comment by Jerryjb63 in Don't believe the propaganda, Bigfoot is in PA and is definitely *REAL* ! by Blexcr0id
Don’t believe the Bigfoot crap but there’s mountain lions/bobcats in north lycoming
CharacterBrief9121 t1_ir0kpgu wrote
Reply to I don’t know if this is the right sub Reddit to post this but do I need a PA business license to go door to door with two of my friends and offer to clean their windows. If I do what type of license do I need and where should I go to get one. Any help is appreciated, thank you. by Equivalent-Club-5191
You’re gonna need a solicitor permit and even if some places won’t allow that. See no soliciting in municipality signs.
CharacterBrief9121 t1_ivjojqj wrote
Reply to comment by ZombiZeke in was asked to confirm my address before voting. not a big deal but never heard of that by rogerjohnson11111
What do you mean? Ops address was challenged, the book was covered to prevent fraud, op answered the challenge and nothing further was needed from the election official. I’m not sure what part of that you’re not understanding.
Are you not understanding why the election official would ask for name and address?
Are you not understanding why that official covered the book?
Do you not understand what a challenge is in this context?
Help me understand what you think is wrong and I’ll explain how it was perfectly legal and correct.