
CharacterBrief9121 t1_j1kfcc6 wrote

Yeah that kind of thing is understandable the problem I have with first energy is the power is out every fucking month and I don’t get credits for when the power is out I might as well use the shit when I can


CharacterBrief9121 t1_ixabjdd wrote

Unless you live in some podunk three house town I think you’ll be fine on the retaliatory front. If they did something wrong I know they will feel guilty as soon as they realize what’s going on. The mechanic will probably be the only one at fault. And going to the facility is only a formality at this point. That officer wouldn’t take cases lightly I doubt you would have made it this far otherwise. Those guys at the garage know they messed up already, if the use online inspection recording the officer already knows what’s up but a lot of shady garages won’t input a failed car into the inspection system online which is a problem in and of itself. You going there is probably just so the officer can try to make the mechanic show him what failed in person and possibly a refund.


CharacterBrief9121 t1_iww3uwd wrote

Quick answer no, it doesn’t matter there are set temps for highs but not lows. Mechanics often work in garages without heat all winter long, I know I did. Tell her to get some long John’s and a coat. Bundle up like the Michelin man and bump everything off the shelves until he either closes or fixes the heat. I agree it’s fucked up but welcome to America where fucked up pays the bills.


CharacterBrief9121 t1_iwelf6y wrote

Call CCBH when you move here, on state insurance they’re what handles pretty much all behavioral and mental health aspects for the state insurance. Had to go through this for my son minus moving. My experience with them has been great, was able to get a real person who seemed motivated to help me, gave me several options and leads for new doctors. Did a follow up call a week later and helped me figure some more stuff out.


CharacterBrief9121 t1_ivjq49o wrote

No he was challenged, it doesn’t matter why. I can see you at a polling place and challenge you for no reason other than I haven’t seen you before. It isn’t new, I just said that.

And this part(the challenge) isn’t political but I am tired of dumb asses who won’t read, won’t research, and push the same bullshit lies.

Look it up your self so you stop pushing bullshit. That’s why I’m mad.