
CharacterBrief9121 t1_j81cv3p wrote

My fiancée just let me know the fb group Hershey Park Season Pass Holders (there are a few and they each have this according to her) they have pinned posts in the group that are for giving away the extra tickets to others. People are always giving them away and if someone posts in search of they are quick to jump on and help hook them up with someone giving some away. Check it out!


CharacterBrief9121 t1_j7ljgll wrote

You said it yourself, it’s not working properly. These landlords will tell you to turn on the oven and leave the door open for heat while they’re comfortable at home taking your money. If they’re hurting because you need a repair they need to reevaluate their life choices and probably pick up a second jobs

For real though. It’s not working right then it’s broken. You aren’t getting full heat therefore the furnace isn’t working correctly and if the furnace is not working correctly then it is in fact not working, regardless at what capacity if it is fully working it isn’t fully working.

I don’t doubt there will be a minor disagreement when it’s all said and done but you have the law on your side. You’re paying the repair yourself, the same way as if the landlord would have paid it.

NOW saying that I almost guarantee you that the landlord will hit you some bs like “I could have gotten it done cheaper I won’t accept that.” Tell him to get bent and he should have taken care of it when you first said something. At this point get a lawyer. The cost for the lawyer will be repaid if this gets dragged out. If it does drag out withhold rent in a escrow account at your bank/credit union. Nothing will hurt more than “nonpayment” don’t let them fool you though the escrow hold is more than legal. Don’t sign anything from the landlord from the repair point on without a lawyer.


CharacterBrief9121 t1_j7lh5hs wrote

Make the repair, save all related invoices/receipts/quotes everything related to the repair. Call codes while doing this, they’re going to want to know before any repairs. Then make copies of all relevant paperwork and when you pay rent next provide rent payment minus any cost related to fixing the furnace. Furnish the copies of the repair work. Tell them if the don’t want the rent payment you will hold it and get a lawyer.


CharacterBrief9121 t1_j7lgsar wrote

I wouldn’t exactly classify a furnace as an appliance in the same fashion as a stove or fridge. You can live without either of those but a furnace means the difference between life and death in the winter.

In PA critical repairs must occur within 24 hrs of notifying property management/landlord. Heating is considered critical so it doesn’t matter what the lease says about it.


CharacterBrief9121 t1_j50yhcn wrote

So what company did it? I raised hell with my propane supplier for doing a uncalled for delivery. And before anyone says that’s what they do, I explicitly explained when I first am started with them that under no circumstances were they to fill up my tank without my consent.


CharacterBrief9121 t1_j4w4w5u wrote

My reasoning for ss as voter id is just that it will be extremely hard to commit fraud against that system. Voter fraud is still a major issue and it does seem to lean heavily into right wingers, who also have a vested interest in suppressing opposing voters. And this same right wing is the one calling for third party companies to monitor votes, same right wing refusing to update an old method of voting for no reason other than “muh tradition.” The only way I can see to effectively counter that is the ss as voter id.


CharacterBrief9121 t1_j4w3twc wrote

Using SS# as an ID for Government Voting is risky? Only if a third party is involved with personal data. Other countries have implemented electronic voting with security measures greater than paper ballots. The only reason that has not progressed here is because Republicans have an active interest in keeping voter turnout low among the demographics that don’t support conservative views.


CharacterBrief9121 t1_j4w1r5h wrote

I’m aware of that. I have my voter registration which has a voter id number which is tied to my drivers license number which again is tied to my ss number. That’s 3 degrees of separation and honestly not necessarily needed. In a different comment elsewhere on this thread I addressed that you can in fact see if your vote was counted just not towards who.


CharacterBrief9121 t1_j4lrst1 wrote

I don’t see why we don’t vote using social sec numbers. But if that is what OP is suggesting, that he believes his vote is being miscounted by not showing who he voted for through the records then OP has already lost faith in the Democratic process. Allowing others to see how you vote, not if you vote, opens a pandora box of problems. Least of which is harassment by opposition.