ChaserNeverRests t1_jb7jho8 wrote
Reply to comment by opiate_lifer in The Ark is embarrassing! by opiate_lifer
I think I only made it to 3. When they somehow mined water, filling their entire tanks up in a moment, from the asteroid. And then letting people have unlimited showers. Because they just couldn't run out of water again, right?
Now I've made myself annoyed again, haha.
Evil clones sounds exactly like a plot they'd use.
ChaserNeverRests t1_jb7ib9z wrote
Reply to comment by opiate_lifer in The Ark is embarrassing! by opiate_lifer
Yeah! And I loved how all the characters were grey, no "good guys" and "bad guys".
Ark has some elements of that, but... god it's just so bad. It's like a bad YA version of SGU.
ChaserNeverRests t1_jb7hle0 wrote
Reply to The Ark is embarrassing! by opiate_lifer
In another post, someone described it as a cheap knockoff of Stargate: Universe. I loved SG:U and so I watched a couple eps through those eyes.
Eventually it got too bad though and I just couldn't stick with it anymore.
ChaserNeverRests t1_j9wbvnt wrote
Pantheon knows how you feel, Soulmates.
ChaserNeverRests OP t1_j9v79cf wrote
Reply to comment by amaluna in Can we talk about Scrub's episode "My Screw Up" 20 years too late? (Major episode spoilers... 20 year old spoilers) by ChaserNeverRests
I loved that episode so much. It was really harshly sad, but it was so realistic, I just loved the ending so much.
ChaserNeverRests OP t1_j9v74dd wrote
Reply to comment by RTwhyNot in Can we talk about Scrub's episode "My Screw Up" 20 years too late? (Major episode spoilers... 20 year old spoilers) by ChaserNeverRests
I noticed that season 9 had a different title format (Our...), and I thought I remembered people saying it was bad, so thanks for confirming that!
ChaserNeverRests OP t1_j9tmtkj wrote
Reply to comment by OneGoodRib in Can we talk about Scrub's episode "My Screw Up" 20 years too late? (Major episode spoilers... 20 year old spoilers) by ChaserNeverRests
It was an easy decision to make! The impact would have been totally lost if I had been spoiled, so I wanted to help anyone else who hasn't watched it yet. :) I'll admit I did feel a little silly marking it as a spoiler because of its age, but the logic of doing so holds true.
ChaserNeverRests OP t1_j9s3rgn wrote
Reply to comment by mlena095 in Can we talk about Scrub's episode "My Screw Up" 20 years too late? (Major episode spoilers... 20 year old spoilers) by ChaserNeverRests
I'm excited to do that! I watch only one episode a night so I can make the show last, but tomorrow I'm going to rewatch this one instead of move on to the next new one.
ChaserNeverRests t1_j2butvn wrote
Reply to comment by No_Perspective_7854 in A curved escalator in Japan by SteveSilva
I was going to say I thought I had seen these before. I guess that's where!
ChaserNeverRests t1_j2aq2x5 wrote
Reply to A few days ago several unaired TV pilots were leaked on Internet Archive. Have you watched any from the list and what were your thoughts? by HRJafael
I tried watching Friend Me, but it was so not good. I made it less than halfway through it. It was like the worst "typical" sitcom, the humor wasn't funny at all.
ChaserNeverRests t1_j208pwp wrote
Reply to Buy books or borrow from library? by ladyluckyy777
I never ever buy physical books anymore.
I moved from New York to California.
Moved multiple times within California.
Moved from California to New Mexico.
I lugged so many boxes of books across the country, I just won't do that anymore. I have 280 unread books on my Kindle (down from a high of almost 500), and I can carry them all around for less weight than a single paperback book.
My order is: Cheap ebook > library > full priced ebook.
ChaserNeverRests t1_j1xcc4s wrote
Reply to Snickers seasoning by Yeetthyself64
You should try using this on a Snickers bar.
ChaserNeverRests t1_j1xc92o wrote
Reply to comment by fetchtheboltcutter in Snickers seasoning by Yeetthyself64
Well now I want to know how this is on a steak. I bet it would sort of work.
ChaserNeverRests t1_j1nndga wrote
In bed, on my back or on my side (same as I sleep).
Only time I read sitting up is if I'm in a waiting room or something.
ChaserNeverRests t1_j1n1xgl wrote
Anything I want to read, I toss onto my Kindle.
Then one day I realize I have 450+ unread books and stop getting new ones for a couple years.
I'm back down to about 250, so now I get ones when I really want them.
ChaserNeverRests t1_j16r9ir wrote
Reply to Apple Books has a free audiobook of A Christmas Carol narrated by LeVar Burton! by ancienthippo
LeVar Burton Reads is a wonderful podcast. It's like Reading Rainbow for adults!
ChaserNeverRests t1_j0wcwlb wrote
Reply to comment by __someone_else in Pro-tip: If a well reviewed book has a Goodread's rating of around 3.5 then it's usually interesting by Proper_Cold_6939
Yep. If a review has gifs in it, I skip it because clearly that reviewer and I like very different things.
ChaserNeverRests t1_iye1bu1 wrote
Reply to Do you read more than one book at a time? by Gerbilll
Never (other than if I need to read something for work, in which case I do it during work hours and read for pleasure all other times).
ChaserNeverRests t1_iydz05k wrote
Reply to comment by acqz in Makeshift sign over FDR Drive, NYC that reads: Arrest Trump by supercoincidence
Sort by controversial for extra fun.
ChaserNeverRests t1_ixrq1pp wrote
Reply to Do you attempt to read the award winners? Which award do you like the most? by Don_Quixotel
Nope. I've found that award winners in any media don't generally match up with my tastes. (Which, yeah, might say something about my tastes.)
My reading time is finite, I'd rather read something I more certain I'd like. Sometimes I end up liking something that won awards (usually Newbery ones), but that's just chance.
ChaserNeverRests t1_ixinwjh wrote
Reply to comment by StormRider2407 in This gacha machine dispenses 1:24 scale models of propane and propane accessories by sixpigeons
A lot of people, like me, love mini food and mini household items/work equipment. I can't explain why, but I love it and have to always resist buying new pieces.
Different people like different things!
ChaserNeverRests t1_iu24f7m wrote
Reply to comment by rangerxt in ‘1923’: Taylor Sheridan’s ‘Yellowstone’ Prequel Gets December 18, 2022 Premiere Date On Paramount+ by DemiFiendRSA
In the previous prequel, the ranch didn't even exist yet... I believe they'll be building it in this next prequel.
And it's been a while since I watched the original Yellowstone, but wasn't the ranch almost lost a grand total of once?
ChaserNeverRests t1_iu248n3 wrote
Reply to comment by Fu-Man-Chewbacca in ‘1923’: Taylor Sheridan’s ‘Yellowstone’ Prequel Gets December 18, 2022 Premiere Date On Paramount+ by DemiFiendRSA
Nope. And same, I was surprised it's coming out so soon!
ChaserNeverRests t1_itx6hdw wrote
Congrats! I only hit 50 a couple years, now I try to be more relaxed about it and just read what I read. 50 is so great though!
ChaserNeverRests t1_jb7k9pr wrote
Reply to comment by opiate_lifer in The Ark is embarrassing! by opiate_lifer
Oh god that sounds amazingly bad. I'm tempted to watch it just to see how bad, but it will only annoy me because if it were better, it could be an amazing show.
I love the idea so much, just hate all the characters and the writing. I'd love to see it full of adult, intelligent, reasonable characters.