
CheesusCheesus t1_j4mt8fv wrote

We also severely devalue what little independent carpenters that are left. We generally nickel and dime them, expecting them to work for far, far less for construction and the associated trades they're capable of doing than they would make as a specialized trade like plumbing, electrical, roofing, etc.

...which is why most carpenters have been transitioning to those trades.


CheesusCheesus t1_ivayf1e wrote

"It needs to have all of the services in places move from (Boston, NYC, etc). Public transportation across the state, five students perv teacher, etc. The natives are so ignorant when they complain about crippling taxes (so they say!) to fund it all! I make 150% more in salary and pay my fair share (after all of the tax credits and deductions that I deserve of course)."

That is the original problem that dirt poor native Vermonters had with flatlanders in the late 60s and still have.
