Smart (an adult) groomed and sexed a 15 year old to get him to kill her husband; In addition to having her husband killed she's a predator, a sex offender. What does she not understand about her sentence of life without the possibility of parole? Her prison achievements of masters degrees and minister credentials are not a magic method of tossing her sentence of LWOP. Gregg Smart was just 24 years old when she had him murdered yet she bangs on about "when is enough - enough", how incredibly entitled and arrogant this woman is. Her LWOP sentence handed down by the court needs to be served until completion.
Cherryice99 t1_jea2b1e wrote
Reply to New Hampshire high court rejects Pamela Smart's latest chance at freedom - ABC News by A-Do-Gooder
Smart (an adult) groomed and sexed a 15 year old to get him to kill her husband; In addition to having her husband killed she's a predator, a sex offender. What does she not understand about her sentence of life without the possibility of parole? Her prison achievements of masters degrees and minister credentials are not a magic method of tossing her sentence of LWOP. Gregg Smart was just 24 years old when she had him murdered yet she bangs on about "when is enough - enough", how incredibly entitled and arrogant this woman is. Her LWOP sentence handed down by the court needs to be served until completion.