Chief7064 t1_ja8gvfo wrote
I like the new Perry Mason. At the same time, I can remember watching the OG reruns in the 70s and an updated procedural courtroom drama would have worked better for me.
Chief7064 OP t1_ja6cx6l wrote
Reply to comment by chucktastic88 in Homicide: John Munch - did he do it? by Chief7064
I read somewhere Belzer thought Munch did it, but we know him and his theories:)
Chief7064 OP t1_ja5op7u wrote
Reply to comment by shakana44 in Homicide: John Munch - did he do it? by Chief7064
Standard definition version download, matey.
Chief7064 t1_ja5dloc wrote
Reply to comment by theyusedthelamppost in Movies or documentaries that successfully capture a real-life city and what it's like by AChocolateHouse
Great example thats not a major city.
Chief7064 t1_ja5c2zf wrote
Reply to Movies or documentaries that successfully capture a real-life city and what it's like by AChocolateHouse
For my home state: Rocky.
Rocky looked and smelled like Philly.
Groundhog Day kind of feels like middle PA.
Pittsburgh, eh, Flashdance for those guys.
Witness captures Amish country well.
The Molly Maguires captures my coal town region, historically.
Chief7064 t1_j9m6w9o wrote
Reply to comment by WeDriftEternal in One in Ten U.S. Adults Pirated TV, Movies or Live Sports in 2022 by abunchofjerks
Dunno...we've been pirating software since the 1980's and Napster rolled out in late 90s. Before that we had the FTP sites. Some pirates are older than you may think. Can confirm at least 60 years old.
Chief7064 t1_j9m624u wrote
Hell, I pirate stuff I have a subscription for if its worth a rewatch.
Might disappear.
Chief7064 t1_j6n7d7g wrote
I just re-watched season one of Prison Break. I don't know how it would play out in 2 hours, but even as good as season one was, I hit fast forward quite a bit.
Chief7064 t1_jaafimx wrote
Reply to Banshee is fucking amazing and everyone who loves action dramas must watch it by [deleted]
Hey, I am re-watching this right now for the 3rd time. Its a blast. First 2 seasons are great. I'm in season 3, which has some pretty good moments, but this is where the show starts losing me. I might push through season 4 one last time.