ChiggaOG OP t1_jcsb2p1 wrote
Reply to comment by GozerDGozerian in TIL Crush Syndrome happens when the human body experiences severe skeletal muscle trauma under constant pressure for a long time resulting in shock and kidney failure; an example is a human trapped under a building in an earthquake. by ChiggaOG
That pickup line only works on medical professionals. If you tell a stranger in public they had Rhabdo. You might find they will grab yo ass and yet you to the nearest black hole.
ChiggaOG t1_ja6ul9h wrote
Reply to comment by deputytech in Fake McDonald's by Cavannugent
And also pricey like Five Guys.
ChiggaOG t1_j9nclnx wrote
Reply to comment by notunek in Magnitude 7.2 earthquake strikes Tajikistan, near border with China by Papppi-56
I live in California and prepped myself with a chlorine generator. I'm expecting water infrastructure to be gone in a massive earthquake.
ChiggaOG t1_j93wq8j wrote
Reply to comment by darealstiffler in LPT for guys: when at a restaurant with a girl, gently nudge her towards your second choice. When she inevitably doesn't finish, the rest is yours. by Jaques-Le-Tits
Tell me you’re a rookie without telling me
ChiggaOG t1_j7h751t wrote
Reply to comment by Markantonpeterson in Video from epicenter of earthquake in Kahramanmaras , Turkey shows the city has been destroyed. by LillyTheElf
The high number of deaths is related to the construction methods of buildings in their region. I do believe there is zero emphasis to build for resistance.
ChiggaOG t1_j79je91 wrote
Reply to comment by 6Seasons-And-A-Movie in Amy Winehouse winning her first Grammy in 2008 by Rainsdrop
The feeling of being along in a crowded room. I know it well while being at a party. I feel out of place.
ChiggaOG t1_j6lyob3 wrote
Reply to comment by Joethezombi in I’m considering trying out “The Old Republic” but don’t really have any experience with games like this. Any advice before starting? Should I even try it? by Trevor-On-Reddit
I will say SWTOR is okay but I got stuck early in the game and gave up becuase of the leveling mechanism. With FFXIV, I sped run that thing and finished the main story quest in 3 weeks' time all the way to Endwalker before the recent update.
I'm gonna have to defer to FFXIV based on leveling game mechanics.
ChiggaOG t1_j6lxbu9 wrote
Reply to comment by driverdevin in The possible has happened to Impossible burger - Laying off 20% staff by greenskew
And high in sodium. It smells unpleasant no matter how much it's raved about. Reminds me too much of pea soup.
ChiggaOG t1_j6lpvfo wrote
Reply to comment by TheReal_AlphaPatriot in TIL your computer keyboard is 20,589 times dirtier than a toilet seat. The average office keyboard has 3,543,000 colony-forming units (CFU) of bacteria per square inch while your average toilet seat only has 172 CFU per square inch by SappyGilmore
Bet you didn't know it probably contains a colony of staphylococcus and streptococcus bacteria.
Source: Me; eating food right at my desk with my bare hands after touching my keyboard to get a canker sore a few days later. Also, I have gotten a sore throat.
ChiggaOG t1_j6l8f8n wrote
Reply to LPT: Kegel exercises not only prevent urinary incontinence and poor bladder control, but it also prevents erectile dysfunction and it enhances your orgasm during sex by Alucard624
But how do I do it as a man? This tip could be better becuase it doesn't show an example for both groups of people.
ChiggaOG t1_j62pj9g wrote
Reply to comment by Efficient_Sector_870 in LPT: Do your own taxes to save money (sometimes FREE!), protect your personal information and stop supporting those companies that are lobbying against your best interest. by CN2498T
Unless you trade Option and manage to rack up over 300 trades for a $30 profit in stock options. Investments get tax preparer always for average person. Taking no chance with the IRS.
ChiggaOG t1_j5xrzou wrote
Reply to comment by macross1984 in Onion smuggling rackets thrive as staple becomes a luxury in Philippines by BlankVerse
Yeah. They kept running reports on the price increase of onions. It’s weird because onions are easy to grow.
ChiggaOG t1_j3mnwsi wrote
Reply to comment by pichiquito in As alcohol-related liver disease rises in the U.S., a clinic takes a new approach to treatment by grungegoth
You are not likely to be prescribed acetylcysteine by your doctor beforehand if you intend to take a pill before getting hammered and then take Tylenol for the headache, like 1 hour after stopping to drink. I should also state that the chemical composition of N-acetylcysteine contains a sulfur group, meaning the medication will smell. It is known the tablet form is horrible to take.
Just keep drinking water to stay hydrated. I drank a bunch of Pedialyte to stave off a headache with better success than Gatorade.
ChiggaOG t1_j3kskc9 wrote
Reply to comment by TonightOk4122 in As alcohol-related liver disease rises in the U.S., a clinic takes a new approach to treatment by grungegoth
Can confirm it’s not a quick effect like after 15 minutes. Taking Tylenol and Alcohol at the same time or even if you take Tylenol 15 minutes before drinking alcohol is a slow walk to saturating liver enzymes and creation of a toxic byproduct. People will be admitted to the floor due to seriousness of condition. This link is about acetaminophen toxicity. The only treatment for acetaminophen toxicity is acetylcysteine.
ChiggaOG t1_j34m66z wrote
Giant Vacuum Cleaner
ChiggaOG t1_j2aatga wrote
Reply to comment by Gunner1Cav in It really doesn’t by Nervous_Top7531
And a woman who wants to be in a relationship.
ChiggaOG t1_iydobwz wrote
Reply to comment by letsgetrandy in IBM and Maersk to shut down TradeLens supply chain platform - Project with shipping giant was once floated as ideal blockchain use case – but industry didn't buy in by Loki-L
On the commercial scale. Blockchain for tracking stuff in real-time competes with other solutions that already exist for manufacturing with the use of a QR code in a database pegged to a month and year. It's just an expense added to a solution that was already working.
ChiggaOG t1_iy031kb wrote
Reply to LPT: try giving away your “trash”. Construction materials, furniture, and bulky items likely have value to someone else by 69stangrestomod
I feel this tip doesn't work for everyday items.
ChiggaOG t1_ixzval6 wrote
Reply to TIL that many pro archers use surprise release mechanisms to prevent themselves from anticipating and reacting to the impending impact. by broogernavn
I had to go through this article and scrutinize it because something about it was fishy. I have my own recurve and don't use a back tension release. And then I realized it is an article with a slight bias becuase the users of a back tension release would be more likely to use a compound bow.
ChiggaOG t1_ixom64q wrote
Reply to comment by Jakesummers1 in My 90 yo mother just finished another painting by aframe9999
I probably bet she does strength training. Joint health is connected to muscle health as people get older.
ChiggaOG t1_ixhaj2y wrote
Reply to comment by Extension_Ask_6954 in This gacha machine dispenses 1:24 scale models of propane and propane accessories by sixpigeons
There are people in Japan who would.
ChiggaOG t1_ityf35a wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in [homemade] snickerdoodles by Ok-Explanation-8056
Not as superior as acquiring the infamous Cinnabon cinnamon to make Snickerdoodle. I would die on THAT hill just to attain the luscious spice that rules my life. I must attain the spice.
ChiggaOG t1_itorzsp wrote
Reply to comment by xantub in Snap shares plunge nearly 30%, closing at lowest since early 2019 by Additional-Two-7312
This company needs to snap. Waiting for those puts to print in WSB.
ChiggaOG OP t1_jcvjrtp wrote
Reply to comment by Dakto19942 in TIL Crush Syndrome happens when the human body experiences severe skeletal muscle trauma under constant pressure for a long time resulting in shock and kidney failure; an example is a human trapped under a building in an earthquake. by ChiggaOG
How I found out about the disease state. I had to check if there was any truth to the authors putting that in an anime becuase stuff can be made up. There's always a reason the author puts stuff from life in anime, like how all high school animes have a sports festival.