
Chipotle42 OP t1_j3em2bq wrote

We were on a small ship, so I spent a lot of time outside taking photos as things went by. There were a fair number of other ships, and there was a well-enforced limit on how many people could be on land at a time, so there was a fair amount of waiting for our turn. I spent some of that waiting time talking to the people who had been there before or who had other special knowledge (there was a penguin specialist, an astrophysicist, an geologist, a record holding kayaker, etc., not to mention some impressive photographers). Sometimes we didn't land at all, but toured the shoreline (or icebergs) in a zodiac. I really enjoyed that the wildlife was unafraid, so while we didn't walk right up to them (as we had been instructed about), they sometimes came right up to us.


Chipotle42 OP t1_j1uvmnk wrote

Thanks! I visited as part of a private expedition that I was so lucky to be invited to join. The photo was taken some time ago, but I've been learning how to use Lightroom (still no expert!), and so I'm going back to clean up my photos (correct white balance and exposure) and sharing some as I go through them.