Chippopotanuse t1_is6xk1w wrote
Reply to comment by YOGURT___ihateyogurt in 2 Police Officers Killed, 1 Seriously Injured in Bristol: State Police by andrewjm222
Oh wow. So they just wanted to kill cops? What the fuck?
Chippopotanuse t1_is59js5 wrote
From another article:
> Two Bristol police officers were killed and one was seriously injured after responding to a domestic violence call late Wednesday night, officials said.
Domestic abuse is one of the best predictors of future gun violence.
And about half of all mass-shootings start with a DV incident (usually with the shooter killing a family member).
It’s why we have a long-standing federal law against domestic abusers owning or possessing firearms. And it is not enforced nearly enough…way too many folks with DV records still have guns.
We need to take domestic abuse and violence FAR more seriously than we do.
Chippopotanuse t1_is52vk5 wrote
Reply to comment by KingKudzu117 in Pensioner with broken hip left lying on cold street for nine hours due to no ambulances by turbo_chuffa
Many folks in America avoid medical care because ambulance rides are over $1k the moment you step inside. Even if the ride is 100 feet. And insurance doesn’t cover it. Even though EMT’s are paid barely above minimum wage.
You get what you vote for when it comes to health care.
Chippopotanuse t1_is51le2 wrote
Reply to comment by badillustrations in BYU students, alumni participate in nationwide walkout to protest LGBTQ+ discrimination by Chino_Blanco
You’d think they’d naturally embrace gay guys.
If one man is gonna marry ten women…by my maths that means there’s nine guys without a girl. And who are they supposed to fuck?
Chippopotanuse t1_irm9psv wrote
Reply to comment by N8CCRG in An LAPD officer who was killed in a training exercise was targeted, a lawyer alleges by DigbyChickenZone
LAPD? The home of the Rampart, Rodney King, and Christopher Dorner incidents?
I’m shocked that the LAPD continue to be a danger to society.
Chippopotanuse t1_irk24xl wrote
Reply to comment by 77bobcat in Cardinal Spellman High football coach resigns mid-season citing harassment from parents by zelticgar
Yeah, seems like it was some weird in-between thing:
> Costin died after July 7, two days after he became involved in a dispute with Junta at a rink in Reading, police say. Costin had been out on the ice supervising a group of youngsters, including his three sons and Junta’s son.
> The youngsters’s hockey game was supposed to be non-contact, but police say Junta became agitated when things got rough and some of the young players engaged in checking.
So, a parent, on-ice, trying to help kids playing informally. Wasn’t a sanctioned game, and yet Junta wanted that parent to blow more whistles?
Just a sad shitty situation all around. Those kids all had their lives ruined by Junta that day.
Chippopotanuse t1_iribq1d wrote
Reply to Cardinal Spellman High football coach resigns mid-season citing harassment from parents by zelticgar
> “After our Fenwick game last night, there was a group of parents that if there wasn’t a fence that I was concerned for my safety,” said Chace.
This is a high school football coach saying this. He probably played Hs football himself and doesn’t look like a small/weak guy. I’m sure he can handle his own.
So if he’s afraid for HIS safety…holy shit, how insane are these parents?
And with Aqib Talib starting a fight that turned fatal, and now Legarette Blount trying to assault folks…I don’t blame this coach one bit.
And for parents who think being a tough-ass who yells and degrades and assaults coaches or refs when you think they are doing your kid wrong…lemme take y’all back to Thomas Junta.
He was a 6’3” 275 lb teamster trucker. He bludgeoned a Pee Wee ref to death after a hockey game in Reading because he felt the ref wasn’t calling checks against his son. His own son was screaming at him to stop during the murder. The ref’s 3 kids witnessed their dad being killed.
And Junta goes to jail. Dies of cancer at 58 after getting out.
But here’s the legacy;
Junta’s kid Quinlan (who was yelling at his dad to stop)? Dead by 21. Was arrested for serious felonies by the age of 20.
Ref’s kid? Also dead at a very young age. Also had immense criminal record by the time of death.
Turns out having an explosive and violent asswipe for a dad who spends your formative years in jail is really goddamn hard to escape.
As is watching your dad get murdered by other parents.
I wish high schools and sports leagues took a ZERO TOLERANCE policy on this stuff. It’s just youth sports. Any threat of violence from parents ought to earn the parents and/or the kid a ban.
Good for this coach for resigning. You can’t please some of these parental maniacs.
Chippopotanuse t1_irehrs5 wrote
Reply to comment by RadiantAd3776 in Advice on where to move. Excited to move my family from Oklahoma to Massachusetts but need help narrowing down towns :) by RadiantAd3776
I love the little patch of towns near Milford/Mendon/Millis. Mendon has a drive-in and a zoo where you can feed deer by hand. Really quaint and fun for the kids.
Plenty of fixer uppers that were built in the. 1950-1979 timeframe in those towns, and it’s a it more spread out than some of the tightly clustered suburban towns. But those fixer-upper places that have the BR/square footage you’d probably need are going to be along these lines.
Schools are more than fine in those towns (especially compared to Oklahoma).
A lot of contractors who work in the “rich” Boston suburbs of Weston, Wellesley, Needham, Wayland live out there (and in the neighboring towns like Uxbridge, Upton, Hopedale, Northbridge, and Grafton) as well.
Anyways good luck and welcome to MA!!!!
Chippopotanuse t1_irdfmjy wrote
Reply to Advice on where to move. Excited to move my family from Oklahoma to Massachusetts but need help narrowing down towns :) by RadiantAd3776
4 kids and $600k will be a big ask unless you only need a 3br house.
Maybe Milford?
Chippopotanuse t1_ira5ke9 wrote
Reply to comment by Minx-Boo in Detroit police fire 38 shots in 3 seconds, killing Black man by UnitedPatriot65
Yeah. I’m sure the cops could have handled this differently. And I am the first to call out asshole cops who are murderers and rapists.
But it is damn hard to tell cops to exercise an abundance of restraint when a clearly mentally ill guy with a knife who just stabbed two family members is running at you.
I usually ask myself “what would I do if I was the cop”
And when a cop kills a guy crawling on the floor who is sobbing, or kneels on a neck for ten minutes and kills a guy, or gives a rough ride to Freddy Gray - of course that’s cold blooded indefensible murder and/or intentional horrific harm.
But if I’m the cop and this guy is running at me…I don’t know that I’m going to let the guy get within a twenty foot radius.
Shitty situation, but the cop didn’t have many other options here.
Chippopotanuse t1_ir4x2jv wrote
Reply to comment by Academic_Guava_4190 in 7 of top 20 small cities in America are in Mass., study says – Boston News, Weather, Sports | WHDH 7News by Commercial-Life-9998
It’s right next to Tufts. Get a lot of Somerville/Cambridge overflow.
It’s come a long way since the gritty “Meffa” days back in the 1980’s and early 1990’s when guys like the Saccos and Shawn Bates ruled the town.
That said, yeah, I’d have at least forty towns ahead of it in Mass alone.
Chippopotanuse t1_ir30ztv wrote
Reply to comment by ShortysTRM in US and South Korea test-fire missiles off the east coast of Korean Peninsula by electromagneticpost
Dark Brandon don’t fuck around.
Chippopotanuse t1_ir2z5jy wrote
Reply to Apt. Heating Question by [deleted]
Is this a legal apartment?
If not, calling in the authorities to find any heating violation by the landlord (which might be the case, the heat seems insufficient) may land you on the streets.
Which is how landlords get away with beyond shitty illegal apartments.
Are utilities separately metered?
And please don’t use space heaters for heat. They are typically banned as heating devices since they cause tons of fires in old shitty apartments (wires behind the walls get too hot and can arc/catch on fire) and the resulting fire could kill you.
I’d honestly call a lawyer about whether the city can force you out if there are violations presented, and also ask the lawyer if you even need to be paying rent for the lack of heat, or whether you can escrow rent.
Are utilities separately metered? Are you paying for heat and electric? Or is that covered in the rent?
Chippopotanuse t1_iqqh38o wrote
Reply to comment by Reddit123556 in Elon Musk unveils humanoid ‘Optimus’ robot at Tesla’s AI Day by Superbuddhapunk
I’ll ask the Boston Dynamics robot if I can catch up to it while it does Parkour. But I’m 47 and it’s more agile than me.
If Optimus was sentient, I could ask it…since it wobbles at the speed of a drunk toddler. It would be easy to catch up to.
Chippopotanuse t1_iqq7r0x wrote
Reply to comment by Reddit123556 in Elon Musk unveils humanoid ‘Optimus’ robot at Tesla’s AI Day by Superbuddhapunk
Just curious - can Optimus send me a link or two? Like, can I ask it to do that and can it respond in some fashion?
Cause Alexa and Siri can. And they’ve been around for years.
Chippopotanuse t1_iqq7igi wrote
Reply to comment by Reddit123556 in Elon Musk unveils humanoid ‘Optimus’ robot at Tesla’s AI Day by Superbuddhapunk
> “Here let me hold your beer”
Yet another thing that Optimus can’t do.
> “perform useful tasks in less than a year”
Says who? Elon? The guy who lies constantly and never delivers?
Chippopotanuse t1_iqltmpb wrote
Reply to comment by Reddit123556 in Elon Musk unveils humanoid ‘Optimus’ robot at Tesla’s AI Day by Superbuddhapunk
I missed the part where Optimus was being produced in volume cheaply. Or that it was doing anything other than a pre-programmed shitty dance that I saw the “Danger Will Robinson” robot do fifty years ago on Lost in Space.
Can you point me to that part of the article where he actually is producing this robot?
Or show me a video of it doing anything of value on a production line?
For some reason I don’t believe Elon’s hype.
Maybe because Tesla has been accepting $10,000 deposits since 2019 for “fully driving” Cybertrucks…and they are still years away from being able to deliver any of that.
Chippopotanuse t1_iqlrqb4 wrote
This fucking guy.
Why not focus on actually delivering the cybertruck? Or full self driving?
Nope. He gets bored and needs another shitty gimmick. So he builds a pre-programmed clunky humanoid that looks like something Boston Dynamics could build 10 years ago to distract folks. Even he admits the robot sucks (“Musk said currently humanoid robots were “missing a brain”, saying they don’t have the intelligence to navigate the world by themselves, and they were also very expensive and made in low volume.)
And folks can’t get enough of it apparently.
I’m sure the stock will double today.
Chippopotanuse t1_is9u1uh wrote
Reply to comment by Clifford996 in 2 Police Officers Killed, 1 Seriously Injured in Bristol: State Police by andrewjm222
Yeah, I missed those details when I first made that comment. Someone else pointed out that the 911 call may have been a ploy to lure cops.
So I agree - this isn’t the usual DV scenario we think of, and these shooters are/were just horrible people at least one of whom is now dead. Such a senseless tragedy.
A night at a bar turns into a bunch of people dead…