ChipsAhoiMcCoy t1_je42gw2 wrote
I just don’t think it’s possible to put the genie back in the bottle if we do other countries won’t and whichever country doesn’t put it back in the bottle will be so far ahead of every other country in the world. I don’t think America wants that and so instead of falling behind I’m sure they’re just going to go full throttle ahead as much as they can.
ChipsAhoiMcCoy OP t1_j9rbui5 wrote
Reply to comment by atchijov in How long do you estimate it's going to be until we can blindly trust answers from chatbots? by ChipsAhoiMcCoy
I don’t really care if the AI has an agenda if it finds me a really nice terraria build, though. Or tells me how to craft an iron pickax in Minecraft. I’m not exactly going to be forming political opinions through the use of a chat bot anytime soon, trust me.
ChipsAhoiMcCoy OP t1_j9qzctg wrote
Reply to comment by MrLampwick in How long do you estimate it's going to be until we can blindly trust answers from chatbots? by ChipsAhoiMcCoy
Even asking it simple questions nets some incorrect answers though
ChipsAhoiMcCoy t1_j9dronn wrote
Reply to comment by Chad_Abraxas in People are Flooding Magazines With AI-Written Fiction Because They Think They’ll Make Money by SnoozeDoggyDog
I agre with most of what you sai dhere, but I would be really careful with this line of thinking here
>AI isn't going to write the next Great American Novel, though.\* It requires human emotions and an understanding of what it's like to be human to write a book that touches human hearts.
I definitely think AI could mimic human emotion in writing, and I think we will absolutely see AI write a great piece of literary art some time in the future. It's just a matter of time. AI is already tricking many users into thinking that it's sentient, and that's just word prediction in the case of LLMs. If it's able to trick humans into ascribing emotion into what the AI is saying and it's just prediction what word should logically follow, I think it's very possible that we could see this. I will fully admit that this is just strictly opinion based, but we will see if it can pass the blind test. Even simply knowing something is written by AI could sour someones opinion about the piece if they already don't think AI could write something emotional and touching to human hearts, so you'd definitely ahve to perform a blind test and see what happens from there.
ChipsAhoiMcCoy t1_j9dako3 wrote
Reply to comment by Chad_Abraxas in People are Flooding Magazines With AI-Written Fiction Because They Think They’ll Make Money by SnoozeDoggyDog
Yeah I agree that it can’t really write a compelling story that’s long enough to be in a book, but I’d put an asterisk there though for sure. We’re pretty darn close primarily just held back by memory issues
ChipsAhoiMcCoy t1_j983ecw wrote
Reply to What’s up with DeepMind? by BobbyWOWO
Recently google came out and said they were no longer going to be sharing academic progress publicallu I thought?
ChipsAhoiMcCoy t1_j953gvp wrote
Reply to comment by eoten in Microsoft has shown off an internal demo that gives users the ability to control Minecraft by telling the game what to do, and lets players create Minecraft worlds by AI language model by Schneller-als-Licht
Blind people can still type. Check out screen readers. I can type up to 180wpm on a physical keyboard
ChipsAhoiMcCoy t1_j94f59e wrote
Reply to comment by chrisc82 in Microsoft has shown off an internal demo that gives users the ability to control Minecraft by telling the game what to do, and lets players create Minecraft worlds by AI language model by Schneller-als-Licht
Thanks! I appreciate it (:
ChipsAhoiMcCoy t1_j94f02c wrote
Reply to comment by qrayons in Microsoft has shown off an internal demo that gives users the ability to control Minecraft by telling the game what to do, and lets players create Minecraft worlds by AI language model by Schneller-als-Licht
Sure, there are some YouTube videos of people testing out the accessibility mods for Minecraft that you can watch if you want to visually see how it looks, but basically camera controls are done via the use of your numb pad. So the default looking position is north for example, and if you hit the six key on your number pad which would basically be east, you would then be looking north east and if you push it again you would be looking east, etc. so it adds that sort of segmented camera control and the screen reader of choice will announce which direction you’re facing so you can essentially reach any block like you normally would be able to with a mouse and keyboard this way. Like if I’m chopping a tree down, I would hit the down key one time so that I would be facing the bottom block of the tree, and then I would hit the up arrow to hit the center block, etc. There is also fall detection where it will scan ahead of you and if it detects a fall that’s greater than about 10 blocks or so, then it will warn you. There’s also an auto lock feature where certain entities in the game whether that be chests or monsters, will make this kind of beeping noise. If you hits the assigned key to lock onto the target when you hear that beeping noise, it will do as it states and lock you onto the target to help you find things easier. So if I’m ever fighting them off it’s fairly easy because it’s basically aim bot. I could go on and on, but to give you the best idea of how this works check out a video on YouTube about it it’s actually pretty darn fascinating how well they got this game to work with a screen reader.
ChipsAhoiMcCoy t1_j92pq12 wrote
Reply to Microsoft has shown off an internal demo that gives users the ability to control Minecraft by telling the game what to do, and lets players create Minecraft worlds by AI language model by Schneller-als-Licht
This would be very cool for me. I’m blind so cant build super well in game, but can play decently well thanks to mods
ChipsAhoiMcCoy t1_j8tewbz wrote
Reply to What if Bing GPT, Eleven Labs and some other speech to text combined powers... by TwitchTvOmo1
I definitely think 11 labs should pair up with chat GPT in someway. Maybe not 11 labs directly, but the technology they’re using for sure. I don’t really foresee VR being used in this way in the main stream because we are isn’t exactly popular, but I can see that also being really cool for those who have VR headsets and walk the experience. I’m sure once the chat GPTAPI becomes available to the public, we will see something like this.
ChipsAhoiMcCoy t1_j8eunrm wrote
Reply to Is society in shock right now? by Practical-Mix-4332
People are just blind to the possibilities of ai and I feel like they always be
ChipsAhoiMcCoy t1_j6ld7gc wrote
Reply to comment by TraditionContent9818 in MFW when my new $1,500 cables of copperless silver, expertly hydrochlorinated with ozone for tighter bass sparklier highs and more danceability, don't sound one bit better than the ones that came with the headphones by LawfulGoodCorgi
Currently reading Dresden files and I can confirm this
ChipsAhoiMcCoy t1_j582pup wrote
Reply to 7 Years of Owning my Fiio E10K by Brainbus
Bought one back when I was in high school for my first fidelity set up. I think I was around 16 at the time, and I am turning 26 this year so my 810 K has 10 years under his belt I gave it to my brother, and he has been using it ever cents, but it still works like a charm
ChipsAhoiMcCoy t1_j2fby4i wrote
Reply to comment by lightning696969 in HD 600: Overhyped or impatience? by West-Steak-3959
They are both laid back but the 650 is more laid back. Even less high end and more low end.
ChipsAhoiMcCoy t1_j2d6rig wrote
Reply to comment by Then-Effective5434 in HD 600: Overhyped or impatience? by West-Steak-3959
I use oratory’s harman preset but I half the bass at 105 hz down from 5.5 to 2.75 and it’s the perfect sounding headphone in my experience. Lifts the veil, adds some punch to the low end, etc. generally the perfect sound for me.
I should note that in this configuration the ananda is actually superior but comfort and durability wise I’m not so sure. And my 600 also had worn pads too, so with fresh pads the 600 would probably still compete
ChipsAhoiMcCoy t1_j2d4ed9 wrote
Reply to comment by CH23 in HD 600: Overhyped or impatience? by West-Steak-3959
It’s not just this sub there are acoustics engineers who have praised those headphones they are legitimately great.
ChipsAhoiMcCoy t1_j2d3hpy wrote
Reply to comment by West-Steak-3959 in HD 600: Overhyped or impatience? by West-Steak-3959
Download equalizer apo and use the preset created by oratory. It’s wonderful.
I wish I was home because I would simply send you the text directly but I don’t have access to my computer at the moment
ChipsAhoiMcCoy t1_j2d2wcx wrote
Reply to HD 600: Overhyped or impatience? by West-Steak-3959
The 600 are a very laid back pair of headphones. They won’t really do too much in the way of blowing you away immedistely, but instead what they will do is after you’ve had a long 9 hour day and you realize you were still wearing headphones, and you realize that nothing was harsh sounding, and you’ve simply been in audio bliss the whole day, that’s what they do beautifully.
That being said, while they’re super easy to listen to stock, they benefit a lot from eq. With eq you can lift the veil and bring in some bass and subjectively improve the soundstage quite a lot. They are great headphones that last a long time and are tuned very nicely but they certainly wouldn’t be considered fun headphones. But if you eq them they’re damn near perfect to my ears with a great balance of fun and natural sound. Which is something I can’t say about a lot of headphones. In fact they’re one of the only pairs that I can listen to that sound both natural and very detailed when eqing.
I can’t really recommend them if you don’t eq though even though stock tuning is great. They do truly have a veil and lack of bass out of the box. improve
ChipsAhoiMcCoy t1_j2bz58o wrote
Reply to comment by Pleasant-Cockroach66 in Would someone mind helping my blind ass get Oratory1990's EQ Preset for the Hifiman SUndara typed in EQAPO format? by [deleted]
Again though, I’m pretty sure it was a bricked copy because I’ve had a pair in the past and they were great so I’m really not sure what happened inW
I know they don’t exactly have a glowing reputation when it comes to quality control so it’s possible I might’ve just had a very bad unit
ChipsAhoiMcCoy t1_j2bz2er wrote
Reply to comment by Pleasant-Cockroach66 in Would someone mind helping my blind ass get Oratory1990's EQ Preset for the Hifiman SUndara typed in EQAPO format? by [deleted]
Yeah, it still sounded horrible after EQ. Almost like everything was coming through a tin can
ChipsAhoiMcCoy t1_j26zyb2 wrote
Reply to comment by Pleasant-Cockroach66 in Would someone mind helping my blind ass get Oratory1990's EQ Preset for the Hifiman SUndara typed in EQAPO format? by [deleted]
Honestly I can’t say. If the model I got is the normal sound, horrendous timbre, and piss poor imaging.
I’m inclined to believe this is a dud unit though because I remember really liking them so I don’t know
What I tried in the past was great
ChipsAhoiMcCoy t1_j21rx7z wrote
Reply to comment by Cannonaire in which sound quality should i use for my headphone and speaker? by Tbowly
This is contrary to everything I see online and if I’m not mistaken all content on sites like YouTube is in 44.1, right? Not sure, you probably can’t go wrong with whatever you choose especially if you’re just going to use exclusive mode on a video player or media player anyhow. I just stick to 44.1, since that’s what I see recommended everywhere.
ChipsAhoiMcCoy t1_j210wzd wrote
Reply to comment by Cannonaire in which sound quality should i use for my headphone and speaker? by Tbowly
Very important to note that you won’t be able to hear a difference anyways if the game supports 48khz, and if it doesn’t support it, you might get some nasty artifacts from converting if I’m not mistaken. On my opinion, best practice to just use 44. You literally can’t hear past it. Not only that, but 44 itself is generous, because I don’t think each ear can hear past 20khz. And your hearing probably can’t even hear that high.
ChipsAhoiMcCoy t1_jeghsvt wrote
Reply to When do you guys think chatgpt 5 is gonna come out ? by Klaud-Boi
Do you mean GPT5? I would wager to gas probably around the same time it took GP T4 so may be anywhere from 2 to 3 years