
Chokeymon t1_itw0dih wrote

One morning I woke up with a dizzy head and a vague memory of the dream which I had last night (a goblin asking me to follow him into the woods) except it wasn't, I could see a disfigured goblin like creature standing in the corner and calling out to me. I rubbed my eyes to make sure I was fully awake and what my eyes met with was one of the most horrifying sites of my life I had never seen a creature so hideous in my entire life. I let out a loud scream, hearing which my mom came running to my room but as soon as she opened the door it vanished. When I tried explaining my mom about the incient she laughed and said I had creative imagination.

I was only 5 when this incident occurred,and was one of the many yet to follow. Over the course of 10 years I had many such incidents occuring to me,each time it was a new monster or a mythological creature who would try to lure me. My mother still not believing me asked me to put on paper whatever I saw or heard as it would help me to relieve me of my crazy thoughts.

15 more years passed it was still the same except the monsters started to come up with different ways to attract me towards them,I once got proposed by a vampire to marry her (she was hot though).My mothers attitude had changed towards me everytime I tried bring up the topic she would look at me with pity and say nothing.

One afternoon when I was chilling in my room I heard an indistinct chattering coming across the hallway,when I went up to see who it was,I saw my mother talking to our family doctor , Dr.Phil,I could hardly figure out what they were speaking about except from one word which slipped from the doctor's mouth,"schizophrenia".