
ChrisFromLongIsland t1_iw8dveu wrote

You imagine a world where when you look for a job you put your race, religion, gender, sexual orientation and nationality in a computer and it tells you which jobs are available to you because the department you are applying too has too few of a certain category. This sounds like what you are proposing.


ChrisFromLongIsland t1_ivzkx36 wrote

NYCs transaction costs are the highest in the country to buy real estate. This is a big disincentive to buying vs renting. The mortgage taxes are the highest, you have to use an attorney that costs $3,000 (many areas if the country the real estate agent draws up a standard contract), and many buildings have strick requirements that makes sense to some extent given that it's almost impossible to foreclose on someone in NYC. If someone could be foreclosed on quick the buildings would not worry as much as someone not being able to pay their monthly maintenance.

Plus for all of this cost you get the worst service in the country. In NYC it can take months to close. In every other part of the country the transactions all close in under 30 days.


ChrisFromLongIsland t1_ivxgtkw wrote

It sucks that in the South the republican maps were deemed illegal by the district courts and the states ignored the court rulings and used them anyway. To make matters more corrupt it was appealed to the Supreme Court and they just used a technically and sat on their hands. NYs court rightfully did the right thing and threw out the partisan maps. Though the right thing is hard to swallow when one side cheats and it's blessed by the corrupt partisan highest court in the land while the other side follows the rule of law. The fix was in before the first vote was cast.


ChrisFromLongIsland t1_ivu9vuq wrote

Of course is a BS but that did not stop the Republicans from controlling the narrative that its Bidens fault. The democrats response was I have no idea. They should at least celebrate and promote the good things.

Typical democrats always finding the worst points in every situation enstead of the best ones.


ChrisFromLongIsland t1_iqt1ed3 wrote

So dumb. He could have robbed anything else in the Bronx and if he got caught would of been out in a day and plead to time served. He robbed a federal facility and attacked a federal worker. He will be going away for at least 10 years after he pleas.