ChrisFromLongIsland t1_j1auq4f wrote
Reply to comment by Grass8989 in ‘Major Trustee, Please Prioritize’: How NYU’s E.R. Favors the Rich by goodguyfdny
Yes waste everyone's time and drive up the cost of medical care for everyone because you are entitled and can't wait. Remember the ER is not first come first serve its based on how sick you are. If you are waiting a long time you should thank God you are not as sick as the people that need to be seen before you.
ChrisFromLongIsland t1_j16rguz wrote
Reply to James Dolan’s facial ID tech snags another lawyer who says he was booted from Knicks game by PichuLovy
Another article said an attorney that was booted was going after the liquor license. As you can restrict the general public without cause apparently. Mess with lawyers they will find ways to attack back.
ChrisFromLongIsland t1_j0izxe5 wrote
Reply to comment by RW3Bro in State Orders NYC To Drop Foie Gras Sales Ban, Says Ban Violates NY Agricultural Law by Gato1980
I do appreciate your detailed response.
I don't really agree with it. Very little had been built over the past 30 years especially when you compare it to the period from 1800 to about 1950. In the 90s and early 2000 most of the development was rehabbing what was burnt out or run down from the decay of the 70s and 80s.
It sounds like you want to basically stop all development. If you stop development prices will go no where but up. It's an issue the country has been grappling with amd especially CA and the northeast for 40 years. Do we move past what has been built and build up or keep the neighborhoods as they are. By and large they have been left alone but prices have zoomed higher.
ChrisFromLongIsland t1_j0hu7rl wrote
Reply to comment by RW3Bro in State Orders NYC To Drop Foie Gras Sales Ban, Says Ban Violates NY Agricultural Law by Gato1980
Thanks for gatekeeping someone's experience of only wanting to be in NYC for a few years.
Please tell me how the quintessential NYC person should live. Do I have to be born there. If my parents and grandparents were am I out if luck? What are the acceptable places to move from? What are the acceptable jobs or stores to shop at? Do I have to have a specific political viewpoint? Please tell me what it needs to be to be a real person from NYC. What neighborhood should I live in. Also I don't want to be too rich or successful and shunned so what income should I have?
I don't want to be looked at with distain for coming from the wrong place and paying too much for the wrong apartment in the wrong neighborhood.
ChrisFromLongIsland t1_izxsl6m wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Ground broken on new $3.2B station that will take riders from Bronx-to-Penn Station in one ride by elizabeth-cooper
This has been planned for like 10 years. If anything the Bronx in general has got worse in the past 10 years on average.
ChrisFromLongIsland t1_iz7oxvr wrote
Reply to comment by stork38 in Influential NYC comedy club Caroline's closing after 40 years by broadcastterp
They are mostly comedians barking to get stage time.
ChrisFromLongIsland t1_iyr8ogk wrote
Reply to comment by Grass8989 in What forced hospitalization feels like in New York City, as Mayor Adams pushes for more by psychothumbs
Yes maybe there are doctors in the ER that might have some experience with psych patients and can order medication in a few seconds. The nurses are experienced enough as they deal with this every single day to have the medication drawn up before the doctor orders it and wait for the order so the whole process takes most no time.
ChrisFromLongIsland t1_iyr81ym wrote
Reply to comment by Grass8989 in What forced hospitalization feels like in New York City, as Mayor Adams pushes for more by psychothumbs
Yes and in a place where their are nurses their is almost 100% if the time a doctor or PA around.
ChrisFromLongIsland t1_iyr7saz wrote
Reply to comment by Amazing-Gap-3320 in What forced hospitalization feels like in New York City, as Mayor Adams pushes for more by psychothumbs
Yes as as a patient is going crazy in an ER maybe their are doctors right there.
ChrisFromLongIsland t1_iyp9fnb wrote
Reply to comment by Prolekult-Hauntolog in What forced hospitalization feels like in New York City, as Mayor Adams pushes for more by psychothumbs
Nurses sedate patients all the time when they act out. They can't restrain them without lots of rules and paperwork but an anti psychotic and sleeping medicine infection happens with every incident. Edit: this is what happens in the ERs.
ChrisFromLongIsland t1_iyjbppf wrote
Reply to comment by ghiaab_al_qamaar in unleashed, unneutered pitbull on side walk of business by [deleted]
I know someone that works in the ER. They see dog bits all the time usually from pitbulls and wouldn't you know it every single time they say the owners always say nothing like this has happened before and it's a good nice dog as the staff is sewing up a 4 year olds face.
ChrisFromLongIsland t1_iyhuwu7 wrote
Reply to comment by Elandtrical in New York and Singapore top the list of world’s most expensive cities in 2022 by Elandtrical
Yes I was ripping off Yogi. I don't think the exact quote made sense though. Just remember I did not say everything I said.
ChrisFromLongIsland t1_iyhkew1 wrote
Reply to comment by threenamer in New York and Singapore top the list of world’s most expensive cities in 2022 by Elandtrical
You should never have to pay 2 state taxes on the same income. Or to be more precise you get a credit on taxes you pay to other states on your state of residency. So effectively you never pay more than 1 state. If for whatever reason you end up in a situation like this you will effectively pay whichever state has the highest tax but not both. You could still pay NYC tax though on top of CT I think if you had a home on both places and spent any part of a day for more than 183 days in NYC I think. Though the tax should still be a credit against CT if CT is your permanent home.
Edit: Wow after some research having a place in NYC that is not your permanent residence no matter how many days you spend in NYC does not get you taxed as a NYC resident anymore. This was changed 4 months ago.
ChrisFromLongIsland t1_iyhk5h2 wrote
Reply to New York and Singapore top the list of world’s most expensive cities in 2022 by Elandtrical
NYC is so popular and expensive no one lives their anymore. They all moved to Florida from what I hear.
ChrisFromLongIsland t1_iy58wf4 wrote
Reply to comment by Accurate_Walk6563 in A Very Moynihan Train Hall Thanksgiving: 'Wow, I Can't Even Sit Down?' by psychothumbs
Ad hominine BTW I am typing this from the city.
ChrisFromLongIsland t1_iy3johw wrote
Reply to comment by seemsprettylegit in A Very Moynihan Train Hall Thanksgiving: 'Wow, I Can't Even Sit Down?' by psychothumbs
Yes so we use billion dollar transit centers as homeless shelters? Shouldn't we have appropriate homeless shelters with resources enstead of people living in transit centers. Throw in the obligatory most of the homeless in transit hubs are street homeless which have severe mental illness (typically schizophrenia) and or have a severe drug problem.
ChrisFromLongIsland t1_iy2t02g wrote
Reply to comment by Janus_The_Great in A Very Moynihan Train Hall Thanksgiving: 'Wow, I Can't Even Sit Down?' by psychothumbs
They should not live or loiter in major transit centers. Billion dollar transit centers should not be the world's most expensive homeless shelters.
ChrisFromLongIsland t1_ixysv07 wrote
Reply to Halal truck scamming tourists by amgl
When buying anything off the street that does not have 100% posted prices don't say I want a hot dog. Say how much is the hot dog. Always ask the price first thing. These people work hard and offer a service and tasty food but they will also rip you off. Once you know the price you can make a decision if it's worth it. This applies to buying anything on the street.
ChrisFromLongIsland t1_ixe2yx9 wrote
Reply to comment by Head_Acanthisitta256 in After ‘exhaustive negotiations,’ Won supports $2 billion Innovation QNS project in Astoria by 09-24-11
Right we should be advocating for less housing and then prices will go down?
Maybe we should have a lottery for housing like this project is essentially. What happens to the people who don't have a winning lottery ticket I am not sure.
ChrisFromLongIsland t1_ixcnvwv wrote
Reply to After ‘exhaustive negotiations,’ Won supports $2 billion Innovation QNS project in Astoria by 09-24-11
I read a statistic a few years back that floored me. More money is spent to build new construction in the US on lawyers than labor to actually build the structure. Getting projects to pasted the town or community boards costs more than the labor in the construction. I expect this to be the same. Years of paying lawyers to finally get an approval. Lawyers made bank.
ChrisFromLongIsland t1_iwpr0d4 wrote
Reply to comment by KaiDaiz in Eric Adams blames bail reform for everything—here are 4 cases where he was wrong or lied. by kanooker
It's not the defense attorney who is wrong. The procecutors are wrong. They are not doing their job. I would be they are doing the same thing they have done for 50 years and have not changed their policies and procedures to conform to the law. It was BS for decades how procecutors could just withhold evidence sandbagging a defendent then delay everything for a very long time till the defendent pleads guilty or not just to get on with their life. When 98% of the cases are just a negotiation between procecutor and defense attorney without actual trials anymore os their really justice.
Everyone knows the game. Over charge. Dangle the trial penalty over the defendent. If they are already locked up on bail all the better. The procecutors hide what they really have to just before a trial thats never going to happen. Then negotiate the charges down to clear the cases guilty or not.
I am not saying the procecutors do t thing the person is not guilty. I am sure they do. Though that's the jury's job. They are effectively the procecutor, jury (they just plead everything)and judge ( they decided what evidence to share before the eventual plea) in every case for the last 30 or 40 years.
ChrisFromLongIsland t1_iwpq4c8 wrote
Reply to comment by KaiDaiz in Eric Adams blames bail reform for everything—here are 4 cases where he was wrong or lied. by kanooker
So do what the feds do and not arrest and charge someone before you finish the investigation. Make sure you can comply with discovery. Maybe come up with a new computer system where the procecutors can share the discovery with the defense at the click of a button. The procecutors should be screeming that they need more resources or a computer system or whatever solution they want. Lawyers are some of the smartest people in the country and they can't figure out how to get evidence to a defendant in a timely manner?
ChrisFromLongIsland t1_iwmd9a8 wrote
Reply to comment by KaiDaiz in Eric Adams blames bail reform for everything—here are 4 cases where he was wrong or lied. by kanooker
In the business I work in the government mandated all these steps had to be followed within a 3 day time limit for every consumer. Every company accross the country had to comply. So every company came up with a solution. Some hired more people. Some changed processes and procedures. Many used IT solutions or a combination of all of the above and Armageddon did not happen.
In the public sector the DAs have to meet certain deadlines to ensure people have some basic common sense rights for people who are presumed and maybe innocent. Though they just claim they can't do their jobs. These smart lawyers apparently have no ability to change their processes and procedures to conform with the new law.
Plus in the end there should have never needed to even be a law. Everyone that is charged has a right to a speedy fair trial. Somehow over time this was changed to it takes a year to get even the simplest charged decided if you want a trial. Though somehow it' was still considered a speedy fair trial. Plead or rot in jail because you could not make bail and we won't even show you the evidence we have because if you don't plead we may or may not sandbag you right before trial. That is not justice
ChrisFromLongIsland t1_iw8lzq8 wrote
Reply to comment by marketingguy420 in In New York City, Racial Equity Ballot Measures Passed by a Wide Margin by GoPikachuGo1
What are some polices that can address the actual problems that cause the lack of representation?
ChrisFromLongIsland t1_j4wxkab wrote
Reply to comment by M_Drinks in NYC eviction rate continues to rise since ban was lifted, as homelessness surges by flightwaves
The government helped people over and over again by saying they did not have to pay rent and then delayed foreclosure again and again. The government also had rent subsidy programs to help people catch up. At what point is it the responsibility of the people not paying rent to figure it out? I would have figured they have been saving money for the time they would need a new apartment.
Not exactly sure what else Adam's or government is supposed to do here.