
Chris_Codes t1_jabzyn7 wrote

First off … I never tailgate, under any circumstances … Tailgating has got to be the number one cause of accidents - certainly highway fender-benders - and it’s just pointless. You want to get by someone? Flash your lights and be patient, don’t try to be all agro and tailgate like a douche… the guy in front of them is probably going slow too.

That said, I do get frustrated with other drivers in the snow, but that’s because I have a lot of experience with it from years spent living in climes far more snowy than CT - not because of the vehicle I drive. I will pass people in snow at speeds that probably make them think I’m an idiot, but fact is most people have no idea how to drive in the snow, and I know it the moment I see them using their brakes on a long downhill, or in the middle of a turn. So many people seem to have no idea why a car with automatic transmission has gears, or how traction works or what to do if they start to slide. AWD in the snow is great, but experience and knowledge is better. It’s funny, I learned most of that stuff in drivers-Ed many years ago (the “never tailgate” rule too), and have never been in an accident my whole life. My kids are a couple years away from driving - do kids in CT need to take mandatory drivers-ed to get a license? IIRC, in NY if I wanted one at 16, I had to take it.