Ciderwood t1_ixwzh2n wrote
Reply to How much are office visits if it says " " 0% Coinsurance after deductible" for PPO plans? by ctcx
It can literally be anything until you reach $7000 in expenses. Its like any other service; the healthcare provider sets a price and you pay it. Usually it’s the uninsured price, but it may range a little bit because you still bill it to insurance for proof paying towards the deductible. That range is due to the “contracted” amount agreed to between the healthcare provider and the insurance company.
Ask your provider what they charge for their service before getting it, you can usually get the pricing online or by giving a call. Again, it’ll be an estimate based off the uninsured price, but it’ll likely be close to the number you’ll end up paying.
Ciderwood t1_ixx6m0g wrote
Reply to comment by ctcx in How much are office visits if it says " " 0% Coinsurance after deductible" for PPO plans? by ctcx
Unless you think you’re gonna spend more than $6300 on healthcare this year, it doesn’t really matter. The only thing that looks more beneficial possibly is that $65 copay that you get for 3 visits before it requires paying the deductible, but if you need to go to the doctor more than that then that also doesn’t matter.
Honestly both these plans are really bad, I’m sorry that these are your options.