Don't order out from Uber drivers in general. This is how people wanna treat you if you don't have money to tip? Please. I've worked in a restaurant and been stiffed. I'd never treat the customer that way. It's not the customers fault we have tipping culture in 2022. It's the place you're working. OP wants to complain about being a student and working on top of that but it's not gonna work for all of us who have been there done that and made it without being a complete jerk. Get a new job and treat people better. You're the problem.
Cinna93 t1_j2akaji wrote
Reply to [LPT] if you're too broke to tip you're too broke for delivery. You never know what number stiff you will be for that driver... I am on my 10th stiff out of 11 deliveries today. All future stiffs for the day will have their food sitting in front of my AC the whole drive. by productoffallout
Don't order out from Uber drivers in general. This is how people wanna treat you if you don't have money to tip? Please. I've worked in a restaurant and been stiffed. I'd never treat the customer that way. It's not the customers fault we have tipping culture in 2022. It's the place you're working. OP wants to complain about being a student and working on top of that but it's not gonna work for all of us who have been there done that and made it without being a complete jerk. Get a new job and treat people better. You're the problem.