Circlemadeeverything OP t1_j97e868 wrote
Reply to comment by dont_ban_me_bruh in UN says AI poses 'serious risk' for human rights by Circlemadeeverything
I guess it depends on your definition of a.i. is
Someone asked how ai can be used to help with exploitation. So I asked ai.
Clearly ai can be used for the benefit of good and truth or for corruption and abuse. Depends who is using it.
Circlemadeeverything OP t1_j97daro wrote
Reply to comment by dont_ban_me_bruh in UN says AI poses 'serious risk' for human rights by Circlemadeeverything
So you say it spews bs. I say people believe bs. Now you say I’m claiming it can’t be used for fighting exploitation? When did I say that. I also said it is using what we ask it to learn and grow.
Where did I say a.i doesn’t have positive and negative consequences? You’re the one who mentioned chat gpt is bs. I just said many people can fall for bs
On a side note google has been working with the fbi for years with regards to data mining and sex trafficking.
Circlemadeeverything OP t1_j97bqpj wrote
Reply to comment by dont_ban_me_bruh in UN says AI poses 'serious risk' for human rights by Circlemadeeverything
Ps - bs can fools the average American
Circlemadeeverything OP t1_j97bokg wrote
Reply to comment by dont_ban_me_bruh in UN says AI poses 'serious risk' for human rights by Circlemadeeverything
Yet. It’s in preliminary development and using humans trying it for r and d
Circlemadeeverything OP t1_j97bkpg wrote
Reply to comment by Cool_calm_connected in UN says AI poses 'serious risk' for human rights by Circlemadeeverything
this has always been the case. Until the do have it. Which is alway the case eventually. This is why some are trying to make a.i. open source
Circlemadeeverything OP t1_j97beg6 wrote
Reply to comment by n3w4cc01_1nt in UN says AI poses 'serious risk' for human rights by Circlemadeeverything
Yes. But it’s not a.i. it’s basic coding and bots. They’ve been doing this before home computers even. Credit card companies were bragging they could tell with 99% accuracy who is going to get a divorce based on spending. They have been collecting data it’s just getting more widespread.
And it’s up to consumers to pass laws to protect themselves but our government only cares about protecting corporations and helping them exploit people in other countries
It’s sad to see the EU protecting their data a bit more than the US
Circlemadeeverything OP t1_j93m3iq wrote
Reply to comment by Circlemadeeverything in UN says AI poses 'serious risk' for human rights by Circlemadeeverything
Imagine putting a congressional spending bill into chat gpt and asking for the inequalities, Exploitation and pork.
Imagine if knowledge and A.I. were rooted in truth (gnosis is - we learn math, science, sports, etc through the basis of truth).
The liars and cheats and corrupt have all to be afraid of if that’s the case
Circlemadeeverything OP t1_j93ic79 wrote
Reply to comment by ActuatorMaterial2846 in UN says AI poses 'serious risk' for human rights by Circlemadeeverything
Nefarious groups seeking military advantages is pretty terrifying.
And her would a.i. expose their plans on the fly? It’ll be a very interesting movie we are in.
Circlemadeeverything OP t1_j93i6x6 wrote
Reply to comment by Circlemadeeverything in UN says AI poses 'serious risk' for human rights by Circlemadeeverything
How about sexual exploitation?
“AI has the potential to play a role in combating sexual exploitation by improving detection, prevention, and support measures. Here are a few examples of how AI can be used to address sexual exploitation:
Identifying and monitoring high-risk situations: AI can be used to analyze patterns of behavior and identify signs of potential sexual exploitation, such as patterns of communication or transactions. For example, AI could be used to analyze online activity to detect potential cases of sex trafficking.
Improving detection and reporting: AI can be used to detect and report sexual exploitation by identifying explicit content or suspicious behavior. For example, AI could be used to detect and flag explicit images or videos on social media platforms.
Providing support to victims: AI could be used to provide support and resources to victims of sexual exploitation, such as connecting them with hotlines or support services. For example, chatbots or virtual assistants could be used to provide information and support to victims.  Preventing exploitation: AI can be used to help prevent sexual exploitation by identifying and addressing the root causes of vulnerability. For example, AI could be used to identify patterns of poverty or abuse that may make individuals more vulnerable to sexual exploitation.
It is important to note that AI should be used in conjunction with other strategies to effectively combat sexual exploitation. Additionally, it is crucial that AI is used in a responsible and ethical manner, with appropriate privacy protections and consideration of potential biases in its algorithms.”
Circlemadeeverything OP t1_j93i3f3 wrote
Reply to comment by Cool_calm_connected in UN says AI poses 'serious risk' for human rights by Circlemadeeverything
Of course. But those fighting that abuse will also have it. And it in theory may not lie.
Circlemadeeverything OP t1_j93hx06 wrote
Reply to comment by PapaverOneirium in UN says AI poses 'serious risk' for human rights by Circlemadeeverything
Let’s ask Chat Gpt - can ai help stop exploitation”:
“AI has the potential to help stop exploitation by improving detection and prevention measures, and by providing tools to support vulnerable populations. Some ways that AI could be used to help combat exploitation include:
Identifying and monitoring high-risk situations: AI can be used to analyze large amounts of data to detect patterns and identify areas of high risk for exploitation. For example, AI could be used to analyze social media activity to detect potential cases of human trafficking.
Improving detection of exploitation: AI can be used to analyze patterns of behavior and identify signs of exploitation that may be missed by humans. For example, AI could be used to analyze financial transactions to detect potential cases of money laundering or fraud.
Providing support to victims: AI could be used to provide support to victims of exploitation by connecting them with resources and providing information on their rights. For example, chatbots and virtual assistants could be used to provide information and support to victims.
Preventing exploitation: AI can be used to prevent exploitation by identifying and addressing the root causes of vulnerability. For example, AI could be used to identify areas of high unemployment and poverty and provide resources to help address those issues.
While AI has the potential to help stop exploitation, it is important to consider the ethical implications of its use and ensure that it is used in a responsible and transparent manner. Additionally, it is important to recognize that AI is not a silver bullet solution and must be used in conjunction with other strategies to effectively combat exploitation.”
Circlemadeeverything OP t1_j93aap6 wrote
Reply to comment by Circlemadeeverything in UN says AI poses 'serious risk' for human rights by Circlemadeeverything
If I’m honest I don’t think we are going to be happy with what AI tells us about our leaders or ourselves.
Circlemadeeverything OP t1_j939ye5 wrote
Reply to comment by Cool_calm_connected in UN says AI poses 'serious risk' for human rights by Circlemadeeverything
If can be used for either - good or evil. And the powerful and rich can’t contain what they let out of Pandora’s box. At least not forever. Basic technology could already expose a lot of exploitation and abuse. Even the IRS alone could be using it already to find red flags in the rich. It’s a choice not to use tech for Good
But it’s definitely a two edged sword. Usually it’s used for the greedy to exploit and withhold the truth
Circlemadeeverything OP t1_j933wvt wrote
AI can also point out human rights abuses, exploitation, corruption in politics and other nefarious deeds. Corrupt people are TERRIFIED of A.I.
Circlemadeeverything t1_j0fecrp wrote
How much are they making in landscaping for goodness sake? And I bet most of it is on the government’s tab in dc
Circlemadeeverything t1_iy0ygb6 wrote
Reply to Covering a cylinder with a magnetic coil triples its energy output in nuclear fusion test by Sorin61
I’ve been telling my high school students for a decade that they should study magnetism. Magnetism is perpendicular to electricity and vice versa. And we understand electricity far more than we understand magnetism. And there are some cool tricks you can do with magnets. But the field magnetism is something we should be sending our top scientists to investigate…. The future is magnetism.
Circlemadeeverything t1_isqf50n wrote
It’s nice that some billionaires have a clue. Go help people. While you’re alive. See your money put to some value.
Circlemadeeverything t1_ir2s8w1 wrote
Booooo. I hate crowds at TJ and Costco when the free food is out.
Circlemadeeverything OP t1_j97euh4 wrote
Reply to comment by dont_ban_me_bruh in UN says AI poses 'serious risk' for human rights by Circlemadeeverything
I guess I misunderstood you. What U said was chat gpt is bs
Why did I post it? Because I can.