Well yeah, morons complain about them never being resigned and having stagnant designs then buy the new model anyways. I don't know how many posts I've seen over the last 10 years that say something like "The New one looks like the old one how will people know mine is new". Shits comical, and gives insight into the people throwing money at them. I'd bet 99%+ of people who own a MacBook haven't even heard of Terminal much less opened it.
Clienterror t1_iuasfkn wrote
Reply to Apple is the only leading global smartphone vendor to increase sales year-on-year driven by robust demand by preppythugg
Well yeah, morons complain about them never being resigned and having stagnant designs then buy the new model anyways. I don't know how many posts I've seen over the last 10 years that say something like "The New one looks like the old one how will people know mine is new". Shits comical, and gives insight into the people throwing money at them. I'd bet 99%+ of people who own a MacBook haven't even heard of Terminal much less opened it.