
Cloud_Disconnected t1_izk5633 wrote

I don't know, but it's sad that there are so many food snobs on here that you felt you had to preemptively apologize for which pizza place you like lest you be lynched by an angry mob of Local Guides.


Cloud_Disconnected t1_izfgk33 wrote

Reply to comment by BannedOnClubPenguin in The Lord has spoken by Ganrokh

Weird, I've been going there about twice a month for years and I've never had any of those issues. I certainly never got chicken with bones there!

Are you talking about Chinese Chef on Campbell next to Burger King? As far as I know they only have one location.


Cloud_Disconnected t1_izf3r6g wrote

Reply to comment by Anima_EB in The Lord has spoken by Ganrokh

It's good, but it's different. They season the crust like regular fried chicken, I have to be in the mood for it.

If you want to fight I'll have to go home first and get my Nerf guns.


Cloud_Disconnected t1_izecf0k wrote

Nothing will change, anyone who wants weed has always been able to get it. A few people will try it for the first time, a handful will eat too many edibles, freak out and call 911. Life will go on as it always has.


Cloud_Disconnected t1_iz9n8g4 wrote

Sorry, but this seems very made-up. If you're curious enough to post about it on Reddit it seems like you would have been curious enough to keep one of the flyers, or at least take a picture of one--especially considering it's happened multiple times. It also doesn't make any sense that a person or group would flyer cars in the same location multiple times with flyers that don't have any text, or at least a QR code.

My guess is you're trying to start an ARG to promote something, and you are testing to see if it'll get any traction before you bother to print these supposed flyers yourself.


Cloud_Disconnected t1_iz5px1q wrote

"Remember to burn your trash in your BBQ grill on Tuesdays and Thursdays only."

"Try to keep the number of gutted vehicles on blocks in your front yard at four or fewer--more than that is considered unsightly."

"If your neighbor experiences the loss of a loved one, why not bring them over a freshly-cooked batch of meth? They will appreciate it!"


Cloud_Disconnected t1_iyi55z7 wrote

No idea who is at fault here, but I used to live right by there, and it's common to see people fly through that intersection at 70+ mph. You also have to cross six lanes of traffic and a median to get across it. I personally wouldn't cross it at any time unless I absolutely had to, but especially not at night.

Cherokee is just down the road, and I used to see kids crossing it pretty frequently.