
Cloud_Disconnected t1_j3wfvoh wrote

Right, I did not address third spaces because that part of the comment was relevant.

Let me draw your attention to two sentences in the initial comment that are what I specifically was taking issue with:

> The Ozarks have been destroyed in favor of car dependency when what the people actually want is more walkability!


> In the age of loneliness, everyone is craving more of these third places where life can happen and moments/memories can be created outside of a car!

Removing those two sentences would have made the entire comment on-topic. As I said, I don't disagree with these ideas in general. In fact, there's a 7 Brew post up now that would be a great place to bring up these topics.

Edit: Ha! I just noticed that it was you that posted about 7 Brew.

Edit 2: I noticed that the second sentence I quoted contained the reference to third spaces, so I bolded the portions I thought were off-topic.


Cloud_Disconnected t1_j3tly07 wrote

I'm glad to hear that, thank you for responding. I hope you can understand my concern when I saw that.

I don't think most people believe you acted in bad faith. I think some people are disappointed, but as I stated in another comment, I don't think you acted with malice, or that you deserve to be pilloried. There will be people who will attack you because of your popularity, but there's nothing anyone can do to stop that. Most people don't feel that way.

I believe that you intend to make this right, and that you will.


Cloud_Disconnected t1_j3tgfxh wrote

The last statement I saw he said he had the donations and was willing to do whatever the family wants with them, so at that point he had not delivered them. That was 19 hours ago in the Facebook group. I haven't seen a statement newer than that one.


Cloud_Disconnected t1_j3t60aq wrote

I don't think he acted maliciously or that he deserves to be pilloried. But if what we have learned so far is true, there was negligence. Just because there was no malice doesn't mean no harm has been done.

Issuing a Mea Culpa is fine. In one of his statements he said that he takes responsibility. Taking responsibility isn't just saying you are responsible, it's also working to resolve the issue. Going again just on what we have learned so far, he hasn't made sufficient effort to resolve the situation.

There could well be more to the story, so I'm reserving judgement to some degree at this point.

He puts himself out in front of the public eye quite a bit, and he did this publicly. In light of that I think it's fair for the public to expect some accountability for what he himself admits was a mistake.


Cloud_Disconnected t1_j3s0ltz wrote

> Here's one thing I'd like to hear from the side of the family: DID they try and reach out to Nett? Exactly what efforts were made for both parties to contact each other?

This is something that Patrick did without consulting the family first, which was in itself a mistake. Given that, it was 100% his responsibility to reach out to the family.


Cloud_Disconnected t1_j3rfi4v wrote

It could also be read as an intimidation tactic to dissuade KY3 or the family from pursuing the story. Of course that's speculation, and he could easily deny that was his intention.

Here's a link Sorry it's mobile, maybe someone can fix it, it's all I have access to right now.


Cloud_Disconnected t1_j3rcqew wrote

He posted this on 12/28 in the same FB group people have already mentioned:

> Any referrals for defamation lawyers that could meet today?

> Thanks in advance!

I would hope he isn't thinking of suing the family.

Edit: Just to be clear, this was a PUBLIC comment in a PUBLIC group, I linked it down below.


Cloud_Disconnected t1_j3nf0uh wrote

> ...but to add to the conversation

That's just it, you're not adding to the conversation, you're diverting it to what you want to talk about rather than what OP wanted to talk about, which was nice spots for a date.

There are lots of good times to talk about it. But it's brought up ad nauseam in completely unrelated comment sections consistently.

No one seems to care about pedistrian deaths? That's just not true. It gets brought up all the time including here and in the news. People in this sub are upset about it often, and rightly so.

Yes, Reddit was created in part for discussion. We just don't have to discuss this particular subject in every thread.


Cloud_Disconnected t1_j3n9oe1 wrote

OP is asking for date destinations where they can walk around, not a lecture on the evils of the automobile. So no, I don't think it's all that relevant. It's relevant to you, and your ideas, and your passions. But it wasn't what OP was asking about.

When the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail. Every time "car" or "walk" or "lonely" is mentioned, you r/fuckcars people think it's prime time to trot out all your arguments about how cars are the cause of every single problem in the world.

It's not even that I disagree in principle. It's that every post doesn't need to have this argument.


Cloud_Disconnected t1_j3dctnp wrote

Probably you need something with higher nicotine. I started using Elf Bars on the go because carrying a mod around is a pain, and I felt obnoxious blowing big fat clouds in public.

Elf Bars are around 20 mg and would get me through the day, but I admit I was jonesing after about 8 hours. You can get nicotine salts that are around 50 mg, so you won't want to hit it so often.

For reference, I smoked and chewed for over 25 years, and when I quit chewing I went up to 4 packs a day for a while.


Cloud_Disconnected t1_j2xempv wrote

I also worked there for several years. Everyone thinks it's a great place to work, but we both know that in reality they have been riding their reputation as a good employer for years.

Everyone in my department was either forced out or fired so they could replace us with cheaper labor. It's a shame because it was, at one point, a good place to work.


Cloud_Disconnected t1_j2wrwtz wrote

They did the exact same thing in my neighborhood last year. The thing was, they didn't care because they had a deal with the neighborhood association, so your trash was included with your dues.

They also missed houses frequently, which is funny because they had every house on the street. And they changed the pick up day three times in less than a year. I was so glad I was able to get away from them when I moved.