
Cloud_Disconnected t1_j4yp71l wrote

Reddit uses vote fuzzing, refresh a few times and you'll see that your vote count goes up and down a little.

Also, we weren't talking about that kind of church. We were talking about something... else. Something secret. Something wonderful. Something terrible. It is forbidden to say more, hence my admonition to stop talking about it.

Now I must go listen to Cradle of Filth and make my night complete.


Cloud_Disconnected t1_j4w712u wrote

Martin Brundle narrates in my mind when I drive through the one on Westview. "He doesn't even think about the brakes, wasting no time through the chicane! Let's see if he can keep up this pace."

Edit: Apparently it's necessary to clarify that this was a joke, and that I don't "race" through these. The truth is I find them annoying to drive through, but I also recognize their necessity having lived on a street that could desperately use measures like this.


Cloud_Disconnected t1_j41w4zb wrote

Reply to comment by the_honeyman in A happy ending?! by Punnchy

I saw the comment Patrick is responding to last night before it was deleted or removed. That person was completely out of line to the point of unhinged. He shouldn't spend any time worrying about their opinion.


Cloud_Disconnected t1_j4022li wrote

Reply to comment by Jimithyashford in A happy ending?! by Punnchy

You were pursuing a similar line of thought with me in the other thread.

As far as I'm concerned now, he delivered the money, he apologized, he took responsibility publicly, so he's done all he can. It's not like he has a time machine, and his previous actions indicate that he started this to help the family, not to score social media points or profit from it.

I don't find anything he did unforgivable, or even close to it. I've made mistakes in my life, I don't know anyone who hasn't, so I try to extend the same grace to others that I would have extended to me.


Cloud_Disconnected t1_j3xv8cq wrote

Right, but the comment you're responding to was from last night. The post he made that he paid it is from this morning.

At any rate I'm glad it's resolved. He responded to one of my other comments, so I did get to tell him that I didn't think he was acting maliciously, and that I believed he would get it resolved, so that was nice.


Cloud_Disconnected t1_j3xhoh1 wrote

Interesting. I recognize a few usernames here, but it's usually people who either post a lot or are particularly obnoxious. Or if they found Dave the cat, that one stuck in my head for some reason. You didn't really fall in to any of those categories, but I'll probably remember you now. See ya round!