
CloudiusWhite t1_iwn30ft wrote

Maybe youre posting this on the wrong post, but there was no opinion stated by the person I was conversing with before, they stated a fact. If you'd like to engage in this discussion too then get your opening statement right at least.

You know what I do when I see a repost I've seen before? I pass it up.


CloudiusWhite t1_iwmyrbq wrote

"The people have a right to know" jesus you must take your username seriously lmao

If a musician has one really good song and it happens to get their name out there then yeah theyre gonna put that song out there as their demo. Thats how self promotion works. It doesn't mean they dont have other songs or maybe even better songs that one could be their personal favorite.

A commissioned piece would be whatever the person commissioning it wants, it wouldnt be a reprint. Thats called buying a print. You seem to know nothing about art, music, or how either industry works, so this is gonna be my last reply to ya.


CloudiusWhite t1_iwmwhr0 wrote

First time I saw his art and I enjoyed the picture, which was the point of him posting it lol. Whining like a child about reposting on a platform that has it happen millions of times a week is like pissing on your face and complaining you got pissed on. Be glad its not someone pushing an weakly veiled ad, which is what the majority of reposts are. Even if they're looking for clout, how exactly does that hurt you? Theyre artists, just like musicians who have to get their music out however possible before they blow up, artists have to put their art out there so people can commission them, and just maybe, if theyre skilled enough, blow up to become a big name in the art industry.


CloudiusWhite t1_itzrnst wrote

BBC claims x, OF asks for evidence so they can remove the content, BBS refuses. People are acting like this stuff is just out there but why wouldn't you help them so they could remove the content?

All this ever gets brought up as is an excuse to put more restrictions on the Internet in the guise of fighting things like illegal pornographic content.


CloudiusWhite t1_is92qjx wrote

We could arguably, there's even a company which wants to make that their business model, nuclear waste disposal by drilling super deep holes about 18 inches in diameter and sending the waste to the deep. That said, we are working on methods of reducing halflife, and making fuel for other reactors with the waste that other plants make.

Hell I mean once we are in space, we are most likely going to be shooting our nuclear waste off into the surface of the sun.


CloudiusWhite t1_is8ngx2 wrote

You don't see how technology and innovation can deal with problems currently out of our reach? Really? Technology means more efficient reactors, possibly different fuels, better storage and other things that are involved with nuclear technology. They are already working on ways to reduce the half life of waste materials as well as repurpose those waste materials to be used in other reactors. The more nuclear gets invested into it the better it will get, its plain and simple and the entirety of human technological advancement over our history shows that.


CloudiusWhite t1_is830mp wrote

IKAROS was a great step in testing the tech that we currently have, but that was a probe, an actual ship will require much more going on than we are currently ready for. Also IKAROS was designed with solar cells in the sail to power it, because it was essentially facing the sun and so that worked. If youre in a manned ship, youre not always heading towards the sun, so you would still need an alternative power source, if the solar can generate enough to power a manned vessel like it did the probe.

I think a solar sail would be a good secondary deployable mode of transport and possibly power from solar as well, maybe just to save power if theres no rush or something.


CloudiusWhite t1_is7oqkv wrote

That was my point, its not an issue we have no solutions for, and it only gets better as we grow those technologies. Honestly I tend to consider people thinking nuclear waste is some big problem are people who haven't actually looked into nuclear technology and are just parroting things they heard.


CloudiusWhite t1_is7lcv1 wrote

We have the power to work on both at once, denying one in the hope that magical fusion tech will just happen with the tiny amount of research being done today is just pointless and only holds up back in the greater scale.

Green is fine, but nuclear isnt the evil people make it out to be and we should be working on both of them.


CloudiusWhite t1_is7h8z5 wrote

Stalkers literally live there and people have lived in the exclusion zone since the 90s and are alive and old as fuck. I know three such people who before the war lived there more often than outside of the zone personally, two of them were going to take me exploring there when I did my trip across the pond.


CloudiusWhite t1_is7cn2b wrote

> And the whole point is if it does go wrong now you've just doomed how many hundreds of miles to a nuclear wasteland.

Chernobyl didnt result in this except for short term. People literally tour all but the very worst of remaining hotspots. The fact is all the problems and disasters we have had happen in history have been the result of human failure to remain vigilant. Back in the day, we could somewhat forgive this because we didnt know what we do now, but today we should be far more strict in nuclear plant operations and not have things like that even occur. Its called stop trying to push the boundaries with the production model and take the testing to the lab where it belongs.

Nuclear is also going to be key for our future development off world, to sit there and pretend otherwise is foolish. I won't even regard the argument of fusion because it isnt possible yet, and until it is its no more real than Jesus coming back and just snapping his fingers and giving everyone magical powered batteries. and even then fusion research will only increase as nuclear fission tech is researched.

Living in fear of some possibility is the same as never going outside because that sunlight could be the little bit which creates cancer in you and kills you.


CloudiusWhite t1_is7ak51 wrote

Solar, wind, geothermal, and hydro-electric are not really feasible means of space travel (panels are not efficient enough yet and we have never even built a solar wind styled craft. Im not sure we even could without fantasy technology for the sail), nuclear technology is a possibility though. We cannot just think of today and tommorrow, we have to look at things from a scale of 10 and 50 and 100 years from now.