
t1_j4r4a13 wrote

You assumed the candidate was aggressive. You’ve created a whole narrative of how this went down based on zero evidence. Which just bolsters my initial point that facts are the least important of your position.

Candidates for office are required to approach people to get signatures. It’s either approach them in public places like sidewalks or parks or go door to door. If you have an issue with them obtain personal information your issue is with the law not the candidate

If a candidate or their campaigners are being aggressive and harassing people that is not covered by the 1st amendment.


t1_iyctlaj wrote

The guy that abstained from the first vote will vote to certify the election so this lawsuit will be moot. The whole voter fraud charade is really stupid.

Different point:

> boards must certify the result of election returns regardless of any error or fraud that is discovered during the count or certification process

This seems wrong. There was no widespread in this election so this is a hypothetical point. Let’s say there was solid evidence of widespread fraud. What’s the remedy? How do you certify an election you know to be fraudulent?