CockercombeTuff t1_j5hu163 wrote
Reply to What’s with the astounding amount of idiots driving around with their high beams on ? by hextermination
Only 1? I feel like I'm losing my ability to see at night. Granted, I'm probably driving for a longer time than you on account of doing uber/lyft. Still, yeah, the bright headlights are a real problem, especially on a night like this when I can't see the damn lane lines because of the rain and the lights and the fact that Philly/PennDOT does a horrible job of repainting lane lines.
CockercombeTuff t1_j2ftdf6 wrote
Reply to comment by Least_Way in So SEPTA doesn't do transfers if you're paying cash? by [deleted]
> just take the El in Port Richmond
CockercombeTuff t1_j2fm44r wrote
Reply to comment by economist_ in City Council is more concerned with cars than public transit | Editorial by LurkersWillLurk
I saw several cars double parked and off/empty (so presumably parked overnight) along Aramingo at 5:30am this morning. Parts of the street were basically one lane. Not usually up and out at that time so it was surprising.
CockercombeTuff t1_j2fjc80 wrote
Reply to comment by Least_Way in So SEPTA doesn't do transfers if you're paying cash? by [deleted]
No transfer with cash is ridiculous. This sub reflexively downvotes complaints about SEPTA. Sometimes it's valid, but something this basic is dumb.
CockercombeTuff t1_j2fj0co wrote
Reply to comment by dingosongo in So SEPTA doesn't do transfers if you're paying cash? by [deleted]
Perhaps you did not read my post? "As luck would have it, I couldn't find mine." Mine here refers to my key card.
Other cities allow transfers from bus to train or vice versa with cash. This isn't a crazy thing to expect. It shouldn't cost $10 for two people to go from Port Richmond to 5th and Market on SEPTA.
CockercombeTuff t1_j2ficwa wrote
Reply to comment by CreamiusTheDreamiest in So SEPTA doesn't do transfers if you're paying cash? by [deleted]
I've been given wrong information by drivers before.
CockercombeTuff t1_j2f507u wrote
Reasons why I don't put up outside decorations. at this point in my life. I did my first Christmas here and had them stolen or destroyed. Not fun after a COVID layoff the month before.
CockercombeTuff t1_j2exi6d wrote
Reply to comment by LurkersWillLurk in So SEPTA doesn't do transfers if you're paying cash? by [deleted]
I was able to do this in New Orleans several years ago...
A beta app doesn't help my visiting family today. When it functions well, I'll use it.
CockercombeTuff t1_j2ex7nt wrote
Reply to comment by aintjoan in So SEPTA doesn't do transfers if you're paying cash? by [deleted]
Alas, yet another reason to avoid SEPTA unless I'm absolutely sure it's the best option and preferably not transferring. I've been dependent on public transit in a few places, so it frustrates me to not use it here. But seriously, I don't have the patience to jump through hoops given the inefficiencies.
CockercombeTuff t1_j2e2rkm wrote
CockercombeTuff OP t1_j1htc30 wrote
Reply to comment by TPPH_1215 in First snow squall of the season from Port Richmond! by CockercombeTuff
This is a good mile from Stocks, so not sure. Have not gotten over there this season, but possibly next week when family is in town. My wife is gluten free, so I don’t go often unfortunately.
CockercombeTuff OP t1_j1axcl6 wrote
Reply to comment by Cplcoffeebean in Anyone have experience with Banfield Vet (South Philly or Cherry Hill) and their wellness plan? In general, but specifically for a puppy. by CockercombeTuff
Definitely the plan going forward! Just want to cover the initial puppy expenses upfront and save the insurance for long term and emergency stuff. All the initial puppy stuff is generic enough. If an emergency happens, I have some credit space to handle that if need be.
CockercombeTuff OP t1_j1awqh9 wrote
Reply to comment by alittlemouth in Anyone have experience with Banfield Vet (South Philly or Cherry Hill) and their wellness plan? In general, but specifically for a puppy. by CockercombeTuff
My father in law and his wife (mother in law is passed away) are in their 70s and having an absolutely joyous time taking care of them.
Also, they are mostly (75%?) weaned now and mama is soooooo happy.
CockercombeTuff OP t1_j1awb1e wrote
Reply to comment by alittlemouth in Anyone have experience with Banfield Vet (South Philly or Cherry Hill) and their wellness plan? In general, but specifically for a puppy. by CockercombeTuff
Thanks for this balanced comment, by the way. I signed up for it the wellness plan. We are going to sign up for pet insurance going forward, but we just want a budgeted plan that takes care of the first puppy year. We're stable, but our specific circumstances (employer, neighborhood) could change in the next 6-12 months and we just want something that is consistent and available and takes care of all the first year things.
This option just looks like a good short term thing to make sure we're covered and consistent. I just wanted to dig for some more reviews of the South Philly and Cherry Hill locations. I am happy to budget and pay for most expenses up front and keep the insurance and/or credit options for emergencies.
CockercombeTuff OP t1_j1av6od wrote
Reply to comment by alittlemouth in Anyone have experience with Banfield Vet (South Philly or Cherry Hill) and their wellness plan? In general, but specifically for a puppy. by CockercombeTuff
This is Moose Moose, aka "Moosie" and this is the rest of the litter.
If you happen to know anyone that is interested in a pit shepherd mutt pup, we are looking to help out my father in law. He's a dog rescuer (8 dogs of various sizes and issues) who is very happy to have this joy but can't add 7 more. Mama has no major issues, she was just left on the side of the road by someone as far as we can tell, probably because they found out she was pregnant :-\
CockercombeTuff OP t1_j1ad93e wrote
Reply to comment by alittlemouth in Anyone have experience with Banfield Vet (South Philly or Cherry Hill) and their wellness plan? In general, but specifically for a puppy. by CockercombeTuff
I don't mean to dismiss the issue of suicide. However, if it's a larger issue in the industry, it doesn't really tell me about the experience of going to these particular practices and suggests that it's not Banfield (or Mars, Inc) in particular that is the problem. As a former psych stats researcher (well, undergrad/grad assisting my advisor once upon a time), I suspect there's a third cause (or multiple third causes) related to this unfortunate high correlation.
(Side note: give me a moment, I'm working on the puppy pics)
This Time article does a bit of clarifying:
Dr. Will McCauley had just finished his shift at a small Dallas animal clinic when he went home, fed his pet pot-bellied pig and then held a loaded handgun to his head.
The 33-year-old veterinarian was wracked with student debt and worn down by the daily demands at work, which included euthanizing dogs and cats and being vilified by pet owners for not meeting their expectations. “I was tired in this miserable state of mind,” he says. “It just drained me so much.” For reasons he attributes to either fear or hope, McCauley didn’t kill himself that summer day in 2016, and he quit his job later that week and stopped practicing.
“I knew I had to make a change,” McCauley says. “I was dead on the inside.”
I work in a field (libraries) that isn't as stressful, but still deals with the general public that treats my co-workers and I like shit very often and we often enough get thrown under the bus by management, who've typically risen to their position by proving how much of a dedicated people-pleaser they are.
I'm not trying to claim it's on par, but my experience with demanding and entitled people makes it easy to imagine how some (too many) pet owners can be. I've had animals put down before. I've done nothing but thank the vets/technicians for their help. I don't know what makes some people so evil in these situations.
CockercombeTuff OP t1_j1ac5d9 wrote
Reply to comment by justanawkwardguy in Anyone have experience with Banfield Vet (South Philly or Cherry Hill) and their wellness plan? In general, but specifically for a puppy. by CockercombeTuff
Thanks. I appreciate getting an opinion based on direct experience...which is what I was looking for :-)
I probably won't stick with it forever, but I'm basically equidistant to the South Philly location and the Cherry Hill location, so just curious if I could find info that could sway me. The South Philly location has the upper hand by default, just hoping for no horror stories.
CockercombeTuff OP t1_j1aaqed wrote
Reply to comment by JesusOfBeer in Anyone have experience with Banfield Vet (South Philly or Cherry Hill) and their wellness plan? In general, but specifically for a puppy. by CockercombeTuff
I didn't ask for anti-superstore opinions, I'm asking about direct experience with the vets and services in the locations I listed.
I went to The Pet Mechanic's site to see if I could find info on pricing, but could not. However, I did discover that their wellness plan is administered by "Veterinary Care Plans (VCP)".
I'm sure you've had good experiences with The Pet Mechanic, but it's still a business.
Edit: gotta love the downvotes when the truth pops the righteousness bubble.
CockercombeTuff OP t1_j1a8gml wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Anyone have experience with Banfield Vet (South Philly or Cherry Hill) and their wellness plan? In general, but specifically for a puppy. by CockercombeTuff
I asked for personal experience with the vets and services here, not an opinion about corporations. I read through a bit of that article, and honestly, it's a bit of garbage journalism. Plenty of people have issues with their HR. Plenty of people work tough jobs of various kinds. Most do not commit suicide or even consider it. Framing it through a single person's suicide or the rates of vet suicide is just a weird angle that says more about the writer's intent and skewed hypothesis than the larger reality. Adding your own judgment of people choosing services based on price rather than this writer's opinion is ludicrous.
CockercombeTuff OP t1_j1a6j1b wrote
Reply to comment by Brahette in Anyone have experience with Banfield Vet (South Philly or Cherry Hill) and their wellness plan? In general, but specifically for a puppy. by CockercombeTuff
I have CareCredit, but I'd rather just use it for emergencies at this point. I signed up for it earlier this year--for dental work--and was given a meh limit, put $400 on it, started paying it back, and then without warning the limit was dropped to $400. I called to find out why and the customer service representative was not helpful at all. About the only thing I can think of is that we took out a car loan in August which likely dinged our credit, but that just makes me wary of CareCredit as a solution if it's that volatile.
I paid it off soon after and that hasn't increased our limit in the last few months, so I'd rather just treat it as a backup for emergencies, not as a go to for regular shots and such.
CockercombeTuff OP t1_j10chiw wrote
Reply to comment by SnapCrackleMom in Where to buy Christmas-y throw pillow covers? preferably 16x16 (see link) by CockercombeTuff
Yeah, I'm leaning towards this solution, getting the whole pillow. We just like to limit the amount of stuff in the house (950sf row house). But I did buy vacuum storage bags once upon a time, so that helps.
CockercombeTuff t1_j5k6qcy wrote
Reply to comment by Aromat_Junkie in What’s with the astounding amount of idiots driving around with their high beams on ? by hextermination
I agree. But the lack of lane reflectors (I’ve learned the British call them cat eyes) and the terrible state of the painted lines makes the brightness problem even worse. Rain plus bright lights everywhere makes the road a free for all in lots of places.