CockercombeTuff t1_jbfz5v7 wrote
Reply to comment by courageous_liquid in What’s the deal w the turtles people sell at intersections? by RoverTheMonster
>turtle trap house
This is messing with my childhood TMNT memories.
CockercombeTuff t1_ja3l8li wrote
Reply to comment by Allemaengel in All Hail the Hoagie by dissolutewastrel
Thanks for the rec's, I'll have to check those out. I get up that way every so often to go to an XC meet at Lehigh or take Rt 80 out to Central PA.
CockercombeTuff t1_ja0skgr wrote
Reply to comment by Allemaengel in All Hail the Hoagie by dissolutewastrel
>I go up to Wilkes-Barre/Scranton to eat sometimes
I was going to ask if you'd ever eaten at The Chicken Coop, but now I've discovered that it closed last year! Sadness.
I know it's just a mom-and-pop chicken and burgers joint, but in college my team (XC/TF) had a tradition of going every year on the last day of the holiday season interim (we were already back on campus by Jan 2nd or 3rd).
Part of the tradition was that every freshman (men's team) had to eat the pig burger*. One year we didn't do that and opted to see how many chicken wings we could eat as a team. We ate somewhere around 2200 chicken wings (55 people). The freshman guys had to go for the pig burger their sophomore year.
I wish I had gone one last time, bummer.
CockercombeTuff t1_j9tst4j wrote
Reply to Why helicopter over fairmount this am? by snooloosey
Apparently the clusterf$%^ at the toll plaza on the NJ side of the BFB around 7am this morning was related to the funeral as well. Luckily I was going eastbound (I work in Jersey). However, it just feels like holding up traffic commuter traffic into Philly so the dozen+ NJ police vehicles for this funeral could have all the space is just bad PR.
CockercombeTuff t1_j9tq43y wrote
I'm curious--will the students take a mental health day from social media and/or their phone on these days? Will they just be texting/interacting with their friends in school? Considering the research data and claims relating the two, it would seem to be a key part of it.
I doubt this will be the case, of course, but it's not unimportant to consider.
CockercombeTuff t1_j9tpqvt wrote
Reply to comment by I_DRINK_ANARCHY in Should NJ Students Get 'Mental Health Days'? by greenhousecrtv
Per the article, it seems they want to designate it so that kids (and parents) can have more days while also keeping a perfect attendance record.
CockercombeTuff t1_j9tpjeq wrote
Reply to comment by km89 in Should NJ Students Get 'Mental Health Days'? by greenhousecrtv
"As long as it isn't abused." -- it looks like the way they are setting it up, it begs to be abused.
CockercombeTuff t1_j9tn3w3 wrote
Reply to comment by HUNIH22 in I'd do a poll for best county abbreviation, but the winner is clear by Peach-Os
Iowa = 55,857sqmi, NJ = 8,723 sqmi. Larger by a factor of over 6. Population density is where we go gonzo on every other state...
Given that population density, NJ counties are fairly large, but I figure that has a lot to do with factors like historical development patterns, major transportation routes, and land use (e.g., farming). I'm originally from Monmouth County and it's wild how disparate the different areas are.
By the way, any chance you've ever done RAGBRAI? A friend in New Orleans (where I used to live) told me about it; he's gone a few times. Hoping one day to give it a go.
CockercombeTuff t1_j6scjc0 wrote
Reply to comment by cruzincoyote in The bridesburg Honeywell plant at night by FGoose
I'm aware. Did you see the comment I was responding to? I may have used plant twice, but the context is La Colombe. The person said the toast smell is the La Colombe plant ("roaster warehouse"), which is in Port Richmond and nowhere near smelling distance from this industrial plant.
CockercombeTuff t1_j6s2u4f wrote
Reply to comment by Full-Wafer357 in The bridesburg Honeywell plant at night by FGoose
Is there a plant in Bridesburg as well? The one in Port Richmond is a bit far from this plant.
Also, it smells like burnt popcorn to me, but not as acrid. I've come to really enjoy it on my runs.
CockercombeTuff t1_j6i0di1 wrote
Reply to comment by Scumandvillany in "nearby" area to camp with minimal light pollution? by potential1
Just FYI, there's also Stephen C Foster State Park in Okefenokee Wildlife Refuge in GA. It is Dark Skies rated. Great place.
CockercombeTuff t1_j68jak4 wrote
Reply to comment by gobirds13 in are there any doctors/practices in the area that see patients relatively quickly? by sandwichpepe
They will see you fairly quickly, but not always, IME, and honestly, the impersonal, see any doctor, vitals/stats and done experience left a really bad impression for me.
CockercombeTuff t1_j5zrcvo wrote
Reply to comment by Little_Noodles in Only 4 Streateries made the cut for first review by the Art Commission this month. by nemesisinphilly
It was intended as a bit of snark. But the fact that this all goes through Streets, L&I and this Art Commission just screams exhausting bureaucracy.
CockercombeTuff t1_j5zpufm wrote
Reply to comment by Little_Noodles in Only 4 Streateries made the cut for first review by the Art Commission this month. by nemesisinphilly
>“is beautiful, orderly, and appropriate so that the City is a desirable place to live, visit, and do business.”
Clearly they take the narrow view of this.
CockercombeTuff t1_j5ubk5l wrote
This post is doing it’s best to conjure what it desires -> current radar
CockercombeTuff t1_j5uacvj wrote
Reply to comment by LFKhael in When was the last winter it didn’t snow? by Phl_worldwide
Oddly enough, if we could get a winter season cyclone, i.e., a Nor'easter, we would be much more likely in this area to have a significant snow event, at least so long as the arctic air was present.
CockercombeTuff t1_j5u9wi0 wrote
Reply to comment by GruffWaffle835 in When was the last winter it didn’t snow? by Phl_worldwide
Yeah, this is the first year in a long while in which I have finished the holidays and felt a real sense of slowing down--or well, I did until I recently adopted a puppy. But the I feel the desire to just disconnect and hibernate--not entirely, since I am a very outgoing and active person, but relative to my baseline. All the years living in New Orleans were kind of exhausting, even for me. Halloween through like April/May was constant: the holidays, Mardi Gras season, St Patrick's/St Joe's, Mardi Gras Indians, Easter, French Quarter Fest, JazzFest, Bayou Boogaloo...crazy busy.
The summer was the downtime.
CockercombeTuff t1_j5u7wau wrote
Reply to comment by LFKhael in When was the last winter it didn’t snow? by Phl_worldwide
I mean, that is a bit of a pedantic point (I don't mean that as a personal attack). The full phrase would be "cities are loud places." The specific things are all human-created machines, processes, actions, etc., and cities have way more people and thus way more of these specific things. I don't get what point the youtube channel is getting at.
The specific things exist in my Jersey Shore hometown, but my current street in Philadelphia is way noisier right now in January than Ocean Ave, thus by extension, the city is a loud place, and the noise is constant. Even 3am is not exactly peaceful on my street.
CockercombeTuff t1_j5u006s wrote
Reply to comment by crispydukes in When was the last winter it didn’t snow? by Phl_worldwide
The weather gods are truly spiteful sometimes.
CockercombeTuff t1_j5tzsuc wrote
Reply to comment by GruffWaffle835 in When was the last winter it didn’t snow? by Phl_worldwide
You are spot on about the quiet and just overall busy-ness. It makes you truly recognize how "loud" the world is, the overwhelming signal to noise ratio (in favor of noise). Makes me miss running on country roads in the spring and fall (for college track/cross country).
Next spring, if the opportunity presents itself, try Wissahickon or Pennypack (or similar parks outside the city if that's where you are) after a good rain and the sun breaks out. I've gotten that feeling of quiet--at least from human created sound/noise--and suspended time at those moments.
CockercombeTuff t1_j5tw739 wrote
Reply to comment by ant_gargano in When was the last winter it didn’t snow? by Phl_worldwide
What am I imagining? Ocean temps directly affect our weather. Land development from farms to sidewalks and roads and parking lots directly affect our weather. Warm air is a barrier to snow.
So again, what “shit” am I imagining up?
CockercombeTuff t1_j5tr46l wrote
Reply to comment by fritolazee in When was the last winter it didn’t snow? by Phl_worldwide
Same. I hate 40° and rain.
CockercombeTuff t1_j5tqws1 wrote
I usually cringe when “climate change” comes up as an off-hand response to daily or seasonal weather variability. However, in this case given our proximity to the ocean, if the measurements are accurate, I imagine warmer surface temperatures mean it takes longer for the ocean to cool off enough to not create a significant barrier to snow. There’s also the heat island effect—there’s way more developed land in the whole region than even 30-40 years ago.
These are two major factors creating a weather bubble for the city and metro area. With snow, the ground layer of atmosphere is just too warm, so you get what we had the other day, rain changing over to snow higher up in the atmosphere that is mostly melted by the time it reaches the ground (sometimes it’s the other way around, but it wasn’t cold enough for that).
CockercombeTuff t1_j5to654 wrote
Reply to comment by DuckMan6699 in When was the last winter it didn’t snow? by Phl_worldwide
I mean, once upon a time it meant a snow day and for some (I realize not for all*) a break from obligations and a moment to have fun without all the planning and cost of vacations, whether as a kid or a parent or just an adult temporarily jumping back into kid activities with friends.
It wasn’t even that long ago. I was off from work (law firm) a week in early Feb 2010 while living in DC because it was the third major snowstorm (2-3ft, blizzard conditions, etc) that season and the city budget for clearing the roads was kicked 😆. I wasn’t a lawyer, so I didn’t have a secure work laptop. My roommates and I had blast that week. Internet was down for part of it, we had a fireplace, and lived in a walkable area.
It’s great we’ve solved some issues caused by blizzards now, but the downside is that we’ve also eliminated the enjoyable side of the same coin.
*Especially for major metro/urban/suburban areas, there’s a job/obligation/expectation and class divide that is stark when a blizzard rolls through. Small towns, IME, are more forgiving of this, non-chain businesses might just close for the day, or used to. It makes me sad that we couldn’t have more truly collective, real holidays, even Thanksgiving is a bit poisoned by non-holiday demands.
Come to think of it, the stark class and job obligation divide that is on display during blizzards is in a similar way one of things that really made the COVID pandemic so painful and riddled with anger and frustration. People who were privileged enough to get “hygge” or pursue a new hobby or workout at home or whatever were often the same people demanding obligations and expectations from those that couldn’t.
Didn’t mean for a long comment, it just got me thinking.
CockercombeTuff t1_jbpfli7 wrote
Reply to comment by Casioclast in Actual up/down speeds for Verizon Fios? by Casioclast
I'm on the one gig plan and can second that I get similar speeds.