CocoaMotive t1_j7c15d9 wrote
Reply to comment by acutomanzia in I’ll never get tired of seeing a horse & buggy at the grocery stores in Amish country. by TyeDyeAmish
People aren't dumping on that at all, they're not saying it's wrong to enjoy seeing the Amish, they're making the observation that they tend to have a terrible reputation for the mistreatment of their animals. You can appreciate the photo and still understand they're a community with plenty of flaws.
CocoaMotive t1_j79mg71 wrote
Reply to comment by acutomanzia in I’ll never get tired of seeing a horse & buggy at the grocery stores in Amish country. by TyeDyeAmish
You have to be enlightened to disapprove of animal cruelty?
CocoaMotive t1_j363j1l wrote
Reply to comment by CoastalSailing in Are sex offenders required to notify neighbors in PA? by mama-moth
Even more so when you figure that most sex offenders are never reported.
CocoaMotive t1_j33br74 wrote
Reply to comment by GeoWoose in I have a calendar that states a historical event that happened that day, today's event happened in PA. by Yinzerman1992
Imagine being a union leader and it corrupts you to the degree that you have children murdered. What the fuck.
CocoaMotive t1_j2ubvbe wrote
Reply to comment by WCAIS_PA_Individual in I am 100% for this and want to see what everyone in Pennsylvania thinks ? Kill a parent drunk driving pay child support. by [deleted]
It's so fucking dumb. People now do the same with the words woman and mother and write wom×n and moth×r. Apparently women existing in the English language is too triggering for some people now.
CocoaMotive t1_j0e1dwe wrote
Reply to comment by -TheFarce- in Rubber Gloves, Condoms, Baby Oil Found On Lebanon Dad Of 5 Meeting 13-Year-Old From Florida At Wilkes-Barre Hotel: DHS by jillianpikora
I hope he never sees the outside world again.
CocoaMotive t1_izyrjdh wrote
Reply to comment by ackmon in 'American Cultures' Hershey Teacher, Camp Hill Dad Arrested For Uploading Child Porn To Kik by jillianpikora
Aren't pedophiles notorious for believeing they're doing nothing wrong though and that's why it's so hard to rehab them because they don't think it's wrong in the first place?
I've never heard of it described as an addiction before. I knew it was being considered as an orientation in some circles but not an addiction. Porn addiction is absolutely at epidemic levels now though.
CocoaMotive t1_iykvroa wrote
Reply to 'Finally, some justice': Corporation ordered to pay Pennsylvania town millions. Fracking destroys town’s water. by CQU617
It's almost like fracking is really bad for the environment, water supply, people, animals, society at large....
CocoaMotive t1_iya2gvw wrote
Grew up in Higham, the villages in that area definitely have a dark cloud hanging over them.
CocoaMotive t1_j7hn9m1 wrote
Reply to comment by acutomanzia in I’ll never get tired of seeing a horse & buggy at the grocery stores in Amish country. by TyeDyeAmish
If it's a community well known for it's terrible treatment of women and animals, yes. If you're looking for only nice things to be said about people, the internet is the wrong place for you.