ColdJay64 t1_j1m19zz wrote
“It was just yesterday then that the construction pause was confirmed by Durst, citing rising construction costs and difficulties with financing as rationale, despite already sinking $40+ million into the archaeological and construction work thus far.”
Damn. Their plan for the waterfront looks awesome and is much needed.
ColdJay64 t1_j1jheg6 wrote
Reply to comment by dissolutewastrel in Car thefts rising in Philadelphia. A dive into the numbers by TreeMac12
A lot of auto theft is crime of opportunity so it could be!
ColdJay64 t1_j1fo75w wrote
Reply to comment by Genkiotoko in Car thefts rising in Philadelphia. A dive into the numbers by TreeMac12
Yeah a bit, but with their thefts increasing at a much higher rate I’d expect them to surpass us next year. Chicago also had a higher rate of carjackings per-capita last year, but I have no clue about 2022. I’d like to see the data you mentioned as well.
ColdJay64 t1_j1f2x5j wrote
Reply to comment by AbsentEmpire in Car thefts rising in Philadelphia. A dive into the numbers by TreeMac12
Interestingly, Chicago has has license plate readers since 2006 but they are averaging 50+ thefts a day, having doubled since last year.
ColdJay64 t1_j1f0c3i wrote
Seems to be a common trend in big cities right now, unfortunately. Thefts have nearly doubled in Philly since 2019. In Chicago, thefts are up 96% with more than 18,000 vehicles stolen in 2022 in compared to just over 9,000 in 2021. In NYC they had also nearly doubled compared to 2021 earlier this year, though I can’t find anything more recent.
ColdJay64 t1_j1ezcxw wrote
Reply to comment by CreamiusTheDreamiest in Car thefts rising in Philadelphia. A dive into the numbers by TreeMac12
From a past article on Philly car thefts:
“One-third to one-half of thefts are crimes are just too easy, says Captain of Major Crimes Squad, John Ryan.
"It's directly tied to people leaving their cars running, people leaving their key fobs in their car, so people can just drive off," says Captain Ryan.”
ColdJay64 OP t1_j1eh9qr wrote
Reply to comment by Proper-Code7794 in A business improvement district for North Broad Street has finally been approved. Here’s what you need to know by ColdJay64
Who didn’t read the article? You? Because It states that some business/property owners think it’s worth the increase in costs.
ColdJay64 OP t1_j15xdhf wrote
Reply to comment by MShoeSlur in Demolition Permit Could Be First Sign of Skinny Rittenhouse Tower by ColdJay64
I think the different branding is a pretty bad idea, I've followed this development from the beginning (not that closely) and haven't even heard of that until just now. I googled "Laurel rittenhouse rentals" and "laurel rittenhouse apartments" and nothing for 1909 Rittenhouse even came up, and I don't see a way from the Laurel website to get to the apartments either. Besides the prices, this certainly doesn't help get them leased...
Edit: OMG, a 2 bedroom on like the 3rd floor is $10k a month?!
ColdJay64 OP t1_j15tboq wrote
Reply to comment by PatAss98 in Demolition Permit Could Be First Sign of Skinny Rittenhouse Tower by ColdJay64
The housing authority spending millions on a few units would be a tremendous waste of taxpayer money.
ColdJay64 OP t1_j15t1a2 wrote
Reply to comment by MShoeSlur in Demolition Permit Could Be First Sign of Skinny Rittenhouse Tower by ColdJay64
Two weeks ago I read that nearly 70% of the condos in the Laurel had sold:
How do you know it's not leasing well? That's disappointing, it is very expensive though.
ColdJay64 t1_j13ik8y wrote
Reply to comment by NonIdentifiableUser in Coming in 2023: A $25 million rooftop restaurant for the Union League by redeyeblink
That would be nice!!
ColdJay64 OP t1_j0xht28 wrote
Reply to comment by TrafficOnTheTwos in Nice night in Grad Hospital by ColdJay64
Can’t wait! Heirloom is the closest grocery store to me now so I will be checking frequently.
ColdJay64 OP t1_j0xhpgc wrote
Reply to comment by LilSebastainIsMyPony in Nice night in Grad Hospital by ColdJay64
Thank you!!
ColdJay64 OP t1_j0xhlob wrote
Reply to comment by ageofadzz in Nice night in Grad Hospital by ColdJay64
Why yes I did! And it was lovely, despite a weak MNF matchup.
ColdJay64 OP t1_j0x1aq4 wrote
Reply to comment by ModalEclipse in Nice night in Grad Hospital by ColdJay64
I was leaving Heirloom when I took this! Got some Christmas beer.
ColdJay64 OP t1_j0wsbez wrote
Reply to comment by in_Need_of_peace in Nice night in Grad Hospital by ColdJay64
Thank you, me too!!
ColdJay64 t1_j0ws9gh wrote
Reply to Philadelphia's Economic Recovery Continues by LFKhael
This awesome, especially the unemployment numbers. Go Philly
ColdJay64 t1_j0vc05o wrote
Reply to comment by NotSureNotRobot in VIDEO: The Driver of an SUV is in Custody After Allegedly Hitting Several Vehicles Including a Police Car in Kensington by TreeMac12
They might be easy to identify by that obscure sock brand 😂
ColdJay64 t1_j0r7iwd wrote
Reply to comment by lemmingsagain in Scientology tower on Chestnut. Still empty after all these years. by narkj
I found an update from 2019, not sure if this has already been shared by anyone:
Apparently they lost their tax exemption in 2017 and are one of the city’s biggest real estate delinquents.
ColdJay64 t1_j0pojeh wrote
I always wonder about this building, any idea if something will be done with it?
ColdJay64 t1_j0mmid2 wrote
Reply to comment by Unfamiliar_Word in This sounds crazy but as of yesterday, we are less than 5 months away from the PA primary and the winner of the mayoral race will be the 100th mayor of the city of Philadelphia. November is an afterthought. The more candidates that run, the winner may snag it with just a one percent difference. by joeltheprocess76
Haha I like that logo actually. It reminds me of the "dude, give up your seat" signs on SEPTA for someone reason.
ColdJay64 t1_j0mlzb9 wrote
Reply to comment by Brraaap in This sounds crazy but as of yesterday, we are less than 5 months away from the PA primary and the winner of the mayoral race will be the 100th mayor of the city of Philadelphia. November is an afterthought. The more candidates that run, the winner may snag it with just a one percent difference. by joeltheprocess76
Idk what this says about me but I still voted for Peruto, one of the few Republicans I've ever voted for. A couple of days before voting I watched an interview with Krasner where he was asked how he felt about a specific homicide, and his response was something like "crime prevention is important, but what I really want to focus on is the great strides we are making with regards to reform" and just started rambling about that. It was at that moment he lost me, as despite his occasional televised "emotional" pleas, that showed me who he really is and how little he cares about anyone/anything beyond his agenda... which is NOT public safety.
ColdJay64 t1_j0m64fe wrote
Reply to This sounds crazy but as of yesterday, we are less than 5 months away from the PA primary and the winner of the mayoral race will be the 100th mayor of the city of Philadelphia. November is an afterthought. The more candidates that run, the winner may snag it with just a one percent difference. by joeltheprocess76
Anyone but Gym. Please. Even Amen Brown would be better.
ColdJay64 OP t1_j0kytap wrote
Reply to comment by HoagiesDad in 171-Unit Project with Lidl Supermarket Breaks Ground at Broad & Girard Former CVS Site by ColdJay64
Gotcha, that makes sense. Yeah I used to live right by Mom’s and it’s infuriatingly expensive… but I still went 🙄
ColdJay64 t1_j1m3j6f wrote
Reply to comment by NickSabbath666 in Game Off? Construction Halts at Durst's 300 N. Columbus Blvd. by RoverTheMonster
They wouldn’t have the same construction costs and financing issues in the suburbs?