
ColdJay64 t1_j4lpjm5 wrote

“According to state police, a 20-year-old woman from Philadelphia was in the rear passenger side of a Lyft, a white Hyundai Sonata, that was traveling eastbound on the Schuylkill Expressway (I-76) near the I-676 merge just after midnight Saturday.

At that time, police say a black Nissan Altima attempted to merge in an "unsafe manner" onto the Vine Street Expressway.

"The operator of the Nissan then engaged in a road rage incident," state police say.”


ColdJay64 t1_j2jao8o wrote

So all this happened and you didn’t call, and they didn’t respond at any point? I’m seriously not attempting to be a jerk at all, this just doesn’t make sense if the area was a “warzone” for an hour. I know they are bad about showing up to calls but an hour of sporadic gunfire anywhere in the city would prompt them showing up, especially if there are victims, which is incredibly likely given that amount of activity. I know if it were my street - I’d call until they showed. Maybe and hopefully it was mostly fireworks.


ColdJay64 OP t1_j2ahzpg wrote

Are you familiar with this organization? I was not, but from my initial research I don’t think it’s bad:,

Thrift stores can be good retail additions, look at Buffalo Exchange and 2nd Street on Chestnut. I have no idea if the $3mill they paid for this location is good or not since I’m not sure what it was listed for, but I don’t see how free healthcare is bad when the other institutions in the city are not (to my knowledge). It’s not like it’s a safe injection site.

To clarify, I promise I’m not blindly endorsing - just don’t see what’s so bad since they are buying the place.


ColdJay64 t1_j29deb1 wrote

I hate to interject with reality here, but CC’s population is higher now than it was pre-pandemic. A record number of residential construction permits were approved last year. Some companies are moving to CC/expanding their footprint there.

How does this indicate white flight? The city has some pretty obvious issues, but the growth of Center City and some other neighborhoods is equally obvious for anyone living in the area.


ColdJay64 t1_j26ang3 wrote

I don’t know how quickly it will happen, but I do think Philly’s ascendance will continue. While showing my condo in November/December, at least 7 or 8 different couples all moving from NYC toured it. When voting, I saw/heard a few families at my polling spot that were new to the area. The vast majority of my friends love the city and don’t plan to leave. Also, I don’t know how the burgeoning recession will impact this, but there’s literally a record amount of constructing going on.. and I think everyone has noticed all the new restaurants opening. Lastly, there are other positive indicators such as 70+% of condos in the Laurel selling before it’s opened, unemployment lower than pre-pandemic, and some new employers coming to the city.


ColdJay64 t1_j229gdy wrote

Gotcha, that makes sense. I did some exploring around 7th, south of Snyder and it's a pretty interesting place. Definitely no new development, but I was surprised by the amount of restaurants and stores.

Was just wondering because I did think you meant all of South Philly, and I recently moved to the 23rd and Federal (ish) area. It is somewhat gentrified but has awhile to go - with a lot going on around the corner on Washington Ave. My block is a nice mix of people who have lived here their whole lives, and UPenn employees.


ColdJay64 t1_j2253u4 wrote

Grad Hospital, Fitler Square, Spring Garden, and Franklintown had no shootings, residential Rittenhouse had just one (road rage incident if that matters). Logan Square had zero until the affair-related hotel room shooting on Christmas which doesn’t impact neighborhood neighborhood safety. East Passyunk is good too.


ColdJay64 t1_j1siyrk wrote

I share nothing but truth, while conveniently this conversation is taking place in response to a falsity you stated. If there’s any “propaganda” I’ve shared, please let me know.

And yes, when I found a house I liked in another part of Philly I rented out my condo… is something wrong with that? You think that dictates what I post?

Lastly, I’ve said we should implement the Chicago sub’s rules on crime content, and maintain that position.

Have a nice evening!


ColdJay64 t1_j1sapx4 wrote

Sorry if I came in too hot. But - don’t refer to a large swath of the city as a “No-go zone” and then try to demonize my saying that the city can be a good place to live. You’re reaching. If your criticism was valid, I wouldn’t have responded - but it didn’t even make sense. Philly’s issues are the reason it remains relatively affordable for its size, but they definitely don’t drive UP the prices.


ColdJay64 t1_j1qz1qu wrote

Interesting attempt at trying to twist high demand into still saying something negative about Philly, but that’s really not at all how real estate works. A city having less good areas relative to bad ones doesn’t make the good ones more expensive as a result, it brings the prices of a whole city down. If Philly had more good areas, the “nice” ones would just be even more expensive.

In reality, the nice areas are just expensive because Philly offers a lot that people find desirable.