ColdJay64 OP t1_iy894w2 wrote
Reply to comment by JWHISKY707 in When will it snow in Philadelphia? Experts weigh in by ColdJay64
What’s contradictory about it? I feel like you probably just saw the term “global warming” and got angry.
ColdJay64 OP t1_iy87kk3 wrote
Reply to comment by effdallas in When will it snow in Philadelphia? Experts weigh in by ColdJay64
As someone who loves snow, I shared this to spur a snow-related discussion - not because it's hard hitting journalism lol
ColdJay64 t1_iy82bwp wrote
ColdJay64 t1_iy6hk4m wrote
Reply to comment by Soft_Nuggs in Any ideas why there are all these helicopters circling around? I hear/see them in West Philly, never heard of so many at once by QuadrupleCompound
Saw this on Twitter:
"SHOTS FIRED at 34th & Market St at the Wawa. No injuries reported."
Crazy that people can't handle the existence of a convenience store.
Edit: it was a road rage incident and the person was arrested
ColdJay64 OP t1_iy47q54 wrote
Reply to comment by joeltheprocess76 in Center City District releases November 2022 retail report by ColdJay64
I'm actually surprised people feel this way. It's usually quite busy when I'm over there, and when I lived at 13th and Chestnut I walked around East Market at night pretty often with no problems. The worst part I noticed was people hanging outside of the (now closed) Wawa. My errands never took me past like 10th and Market though.
ColdJay64 OP t1_iy3rffr wrote
“Philadelphia's downtown residential population continues to grow during a year that has seen positive net openings of restaurants and retailers in Center City.Philadelphia's downtown population is the third largest in the U.S.
The report details that in October 2022, Center City residents were at 119% of the October 2019 population. Daily pedestrian foot traffic achieved three-quarters of pre-pandemic levels.”
ColdJay64 t1_ixw4ofo wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Attempted Abduction Suspects Sought In Philadelphia by redeyeblink
Why do you hate people that like Center City, but not people who broadly hate Philly as a whole? And FFS I go to plenty of other places. I saw you quote me earlier… saying a neighborhood isn’t good with the context of a CRIME DISCUSSION is not the same as dismissing its historical significance, or saying the people there don’t matter. Have this attitude toward people who hate and exaggerate, not people who like it here.
Idk how many major cities you’ve lived in but I’ve lived in quite a few. All of your assumptions just make you sound like someone with an extremely insular mentality.
ColdJay64 t1_ixs1w4r wrote
No info on the victim? It would be nice to know if it was a male or female, child or adult, and if it’s suspected to be random or not.
Frankford seems to be in the running for the city’s worst neighborhood, I wouldn’t walk there at 2am
ColdJay64 t1_ix89ubb wrote
Reply to comment by gnartato in Moving Mondays - New Resident Questions by AutoModerator
And that Philly is one of the biggest cities in the country, while Pittsburgh is a mid-sized city
ColdJay64 t1_ix3mbsf wrote
Reply to comment by JBizznass in Police search for suspects in string of violent robberies in Fishtown, Kensington by chewsterrr
Great insight, thanks! From my uninformed perspective, it seems like PPD is atrocious at allocating their resources.
ColdJay64 t1_ix3m52j wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Police search for suspects in string of violent robberies in Fishtown, Kensington by chewsterrr
I agree, but don’t think this will ever happen.
ColdJay64 t1_ix1f1y7 wrote
Reply to Police search for suspects in string of violent robberies in Fishtown, Kensington by chewsterrr
How is an easily-recognizable group allowed to operate for an hour in a small area when very few other people are out on the street? Do we even have a police department?
ColdJay64 t1_iwwrrlx wrote
ColdJay64 t1_iwur7u2 wrote
Reply to Developer restoring 'Boner 4ever' building in North Philly wants to construct an 8-story addition by redeyeblink
"The exterior of the new building would be constructed of masonry, with "a mix of light-colored buff brick and stucco" that would be compatible with the Beury Building's limestone, brick and terra cotta materials. The Historical Commission has recommended approval for the addition."
Sounds great!
ColdJay64 t1_ivt9g7q wrote
Reply to comment by the-denver-nugs in which east coast city is most comparable to Baltimore? by caw2k22
Baltimore reminds me of a combination of Richmond and Norfolk, more than any other one city. I went to college in Norfolk (ODU), and my brother lives in Richmond (Church Hill). I also lived in Baltimore for two years, and am now in my third year in Philly.
On an individual neighborhood level, there are some similarities between parts of Philly and Bmore, but the amount of gentrification, relative lack of blight, walkability, and sheer amount of people make Philly feel a lot different. There's also a level of wealth and young families that you just don't see in Baltimore neighborhoods. Same goes for the amount of retail and shopping, and relative lack of business vacancy. Baltimore is a large built environment but feels deserted.
Lastly, Center City is a top downtown in the country in terms of population (2nd or 3rd most populated), walkability, and population density. It feels like a true large city. Downtown Baltimore is more deserted than downtown Richmond, and has practically no new development beyond 414 Light and the new M&T building on Light.
Regarding Atlanta and Charlotte, I think they have a lot of similarities to each other.
ColdJay64 t1_ivrwgla wrote
Reply to comment by PhiladelphiaManeto in which east coast city is most comparable to Baltimore? by caw2k22
In my opinion they are just entirely different in terms of scale and feel - but Harbor East is very nice, I haven’t even been back since they opened new Whole Foods.
I wish Philly had somewhere like the Sandlot.
ColdJay64 t1_ivrg71u wrote
Reply to comment by roseapoth in which east coast city is most comparable to Baltimore? by caw2k22
Me too. People are just saying this because of rowhomes, besides that they couldn’t be more different.
ColdJay64 t1_ivrfqib wrote
Having lived in DC, Baltimore, and Philly - Baltimore is not much like either DC or Philly. The ONLY thing in common with Philly is rowhomes. Bmore is beautifully situated on a harbor with many hills. It’s also half deserted (downtown especially), and feels quite sleepy.
Philly is huge, chaotic, vibrant, and has a ton of foot traffic along with one of the best downtowns in the country. There is significantly more wealth in Philly. Baltimore has no comparison to Rittenhouse Square (closest thing being Mount Vernon but no), Old City, Fishtown, University City, Fairmount, etc.
Baltimore is like Norfolk, VA combined with Richmond.
ColdJay64 t1_ivdhvug wrote
Reply to comment by ricky_baker in Thank yous by shaneroneill
Yeah. And he was a creepy little middle-aged dude that looked like a burglar from Home Alone.
ColdJay64 t1_ivc91qn wrote
Reply to comment by napsdufroid in Thank yous by shaneroneill
Something drives them to do it
ColdJay64 t1_ivb53kd wrote
Reply to Thank yous by shaneroneill
Screw people who do stuff like this. I truly want to know their thought process.
I saw someone tagging a building this summer and asked why, he got upset and yelled “because it’s legal.” Idk how that justifies destroying things to anyone.
ColdJay64 t1_iv3fwc7 wrote
Reply to comment by sauceandmeatballs in Car Broken Into-Valuable things stolen by starlight8827
Did you know a woman named Janet who lived in the neighborhood around that time?
ColdJay64 OP t1_iuwf0fk wrote
Reply to comment by baldude69 in Express Edit Store Opens on Walnut Street by ColdJay64
Of course they don't want that. That's why the comment calling it a discount mall store is getting upvotes. Never mind the context I provided of where these stores are opening. Who knew that SoHo was full of discount stores?
ColdJay64 OP t1_iuwbwtc wrote
Reply to comment by porkchameleon in Express Edit Store Opens on Walnut Street by ColdJay64
It sounds like they are referring to the standard Express stores as this is a new concept, so it inherently is not a mall favorite: "Express Edit is a store concept with a paired-down product assortment and reduced square footage in off-mall locations."
Regarding your other comment, I'm not a HUGE fan of Express or anything but they have some nice clothes at times. I have a couple of their suits from a holiday sale years ago and they get the job done.
IMO this is a good addition to the area, on par with Nordstrom Rack.
ColdJay64 OP t1_iy8fwn7 wrote
Reply to comment by uptown_gargoyle in When will it snow in Philadelphia? Experts weigh in by ColdJay64
Me too, especially in the city