ColdJay64 OP t1_j0iu8in wrote
Reply to comment by HoagiesDad in 171-Unit Project with Lidl Supermarket Breaks Ground at Broad & Girard Former CVS Site by ColdJay64
Arena debate aside, I don't think that area needs or could even support another grocery store at this point. I'm not sure if there's anywhere in the city with more of them in such a small area. There's the new Giant in Fashion District, Mom's Organic Market, Trader Joe's, the markets in Chinatown, and Target within a couple of blocks (in different directions). Not to mention some smaller stores such as VIP Market on Walnut, 2 7/11s, etc.
ColdJay64 OP t1_j0inqwq wrote
Reply to comment by beeps-n-boops in 171-Unit Project with Lidl Supermarket Breaks Ground at Broad & Girard Former CVS Site by ColdJay64
I just learned this earlier today, but not sure I can retrain my ignorant American brain tbh
ColdJay64 OP t1_j0i5cc9 wrote
Reply to comment by BearPhilly in 171-Unit Project with Lidl Supermarket Breaks Ground at Broad & Girard Former CVS Site by ColdJay64
Just got an instagram ad for them and learned it's pronounced "Leedle"
ColdJay64 t1_j06sa1a wrote
Reply to comment by uptown_gargoyle in How can we change the driving culture in this city by [deleted]
The issue is, by these metrics we aren't that bad: "You might think that the deadliest U.S. cities are our country’s biggest cities — places such as New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, Phoenix, and Philadelphia. But in reality, the deadliest cities for U.S. drivers range across a slew of mid-sized metros."
This data is a couple years old, but I doubt we went from #68 in deadliest cities to drive (factoring in thefts, chance of crash, and traffic deaths) to like #1. I see what everyone else is seeing on the roads today - but it's a known fact that driving habits changed nationwide during COVID. None of this makes it any better, but I could easily see our politicians latching on to this as a reason to do nothing. They certainly aren't going to go out of their way to see what other cities are doing.
I fully agree with your last point, a big part of this is police refusing to enforce traffic laws. Despite having the driver's equity bill as an "excuse", there is NOTHING preventing them from enforcing moving violations. We should just do what DC did and put speed/redlight cameras absolutely everywhere.
ColdJay64 t1_j05lx61 wrote
Here are some:
I was going to say Craftsman Row, it’s on this list.
ColdJay64 t1_iznukwj wrote
Reply to comment by Bikrdude in Talks of buildings a new stadium… how about a new bus terminal? by mburn14
They don’t build them like they used to
ColdJay64 t1_izj4oos wrote
Reply to comment by DonQOnIce in Beloved owner of Chestnut Hill salon shot and killed by atwork925
I can't even fathom how shooting someone in these types of situations is considered, or thought of at all.
ColdJay64 t1_izhj6hq wrote
Reply to comment by AbsentEmpire in Fishtown, Point Breeze have become far wealthier in the last 10 years and other new Census findings by Dryheavemorning
Good point!
ColdJay64 t1_izgarh2 wrote
Reply to comment by ifthereisnomirror in Fishtown, Point Breeze have become far wealthier in the last 10 years and other new Census findings by Dryheavemorning
We live in the poorest big city in America. Believe it or not, preventing safety improvements to roads, keeping amenities out of neighborhoods, limiting the tax base, etc. won't help the current residents with anything except keeping them in poverty. Is that really the best outcome?
I don't know all the answers, but keeping an area an objectively worse place to live for everyone, just to keep property values down, isn't it.
There is definitely plenty of bad leadership. I'm saying he's exemplary of everything that's wrong with it - corrupt, self-serving, shortsighted, misguided, etc.
ColdJay64 t1_izg3hjd wrote
Reply to comment by MildTile in Fishtown, Point Breeze have become far wealthier in the last 10 years and other new Census findings by Dryheavemorning
Philly has plenty of room to grow before that happens. After another 400k people move here you may have a point.
ColdJay64 t1_izfzn52 wrote
Reply to comment by ifthereisnomirror in Fishtown, Point Breeze have become far wealthier in the last 10 years and other new Census findings by Dryheavemorning
That's why he blocked the entire Washington Ave. safety improvement plan for his half?
That's why he has blocked the sales of vacant lots to developers, wanting to leave them vacant?
That's why anyone who wants to develop on Point Breeze Ave. has to bribe him for a zoning variance? Why do you think that area is so dead/rundown despite all the new residents in the neighborhood?
The neighborhood could be far more vibrant and safe if he cared about anything beyond keeping himself in office, which he doesn't. Also evidenced by him previously being on trial for corruption.
Johnson is the epitome of what's wrong with Philadelphia leadership.
Edit: fixed typo
ColdJay64 t1_izfmf4m wrote
Reply to Fishtown, Point Breeze have become far wealthier in the last 10 years and other new Census findings by Dryheavemorning
Point Breeze would already be on the level of East Passyunk if it weren’t for Kenyatta Johnson
ColdJay64 t1_izeidtl wrote
ColdJay64 t1_izeci6w wrote
Reply to comment by needleinacamelseye in What stops the city from doing to blighted neighborhoods what they did to Federal Hill in the past? by Cheomesh
What about the areas where they've torn down entire blocks? Do you think they could do a dollar vacant lot program instead? That might be a way to rebuild.
ColdJay64 t1_iyszb2r wrote
Reply to Helen Gym makes it official and launches a run for Philadelphia mayor on a pledge to address gun violence by Saint_2022
She is literally the worst choice. I can see it now, lots of speaking out about unacceptable shootings are, and throwing more money at “anti-violence” groups with zero accountability.
ColdJay64 t1_iysz91y wrote
Reply to comment by ratmoustache in Helen Gym makes it official and launches a run for Philadelphia mayor on a pledge to address gun violence by Saint_2022
So true. There’s no correlation between our country having more civilian-owned guns than citizens, and our incredibly high rate of gun violence compared to all other high income countries. We need to get more guns on the streets fast if we want less gun violence, it’s just common sense really.
ColdJay64 OP t1_iyrqmsa wrote
Reply to comment by AbsentEmpire in Andra Hem, a cocktail bar with sleek Swedish style, quietly opens in Center City by ColdJay64
I recommend Ancient Spirits & Grillè on Chestnut, near DiBruno Bros. It opened last year and it usually looks pretty empty. We went once and the drink options are unique/delicious, and the atmosphere is really nice too.
ColdJay64 t1_iyew6oj wrote
Reply to comment by ylli101 in Washington Ave new surface - Already being dug up by ScottishCalvin
True, they definitely won't. And it's in a bike lane.
ColdJay64 t1_iyeoe6u wrote
Reply to A wet Wednesday wander. by phillybeardo
To think I wrote off going outside today. These are wonderful!
Just followed you on IG.
ColdJay64 t1_iyeo1a8 wrote
Reply to comment by sjm320 in Washington Ave new surface - Already being dug up by ScottishCalvin
It looks directly in line with the utilities of the new construction, they probably had to.
ColdJay64 t1_iye0c8e wrote
Reply to comment by djb25 in Woman found decapitated inside home in Philadelphia's Lawndale neighborhood by Franklinia_Alatamaha
ColdJay64 t1_iyahqog wrote
Reply to Woman found decapitated inside home in Philadelphia's Lawndale neighborhood by Franklinia_Alatamaha
Sounds like a domestic incident:
""There's always fights," Richardson said. "Always quarrels. People in and out of the house constantly. It's never good. The yellow house is the worst house on the block!"
Police have not yet identified the victim. Neighbors told NBC10 the woman lived at the home as a nanny or maid.
"The woman...they treat her like a slave," Richardson said. "She runs in and out of the house barefoot. She really never goes anywhere else. She carries all of their bags in. They scream at her."
Neighbors said the man currently in police custody often ran outside the home halfway clothed and had threatened others to the point where one family moved away. "Just to hear this, I'm not shocked. I'm not surprised," Richardson said. "That man is unhinged and he's terrifying!""
ColdJay64 t1_iyacymm wrote
Reply to comment by NonIdentifiableUser in Any ideas why there are all these helicopters circling around? I hear/see them in West Philly, never heard of so many at once by QuadrupleCompound
Update on the 34th and Market shooting - it was a road rage incident and they arrested the person.
ColdJay64 OP t1_iy8jm17 wrote
Reply to comment by niptate in When will it snow in Philadelphia? Experts weigh in by ColdJay64
ColdJay64 OP t1_j0kyoxd wrote
Reply to comment by beeps-n-boops in 171-Unit Project with Lidl Supermarket Breaks Ground at Broad & Girard Former CVS Site by ColdJay64
Thank goodness I’ve been getting that one right! Lol. But I’ve heard the second pronunciation quite a lot too.