
ComicsNBigBooks OP t1_itlqxpt wrote

Fair enough. I loved everything in between. I love reading about political scheming, or seeing a master plan slowly coming together. The middle portion/bulk of the book was that and I was riveted. I can see how it would be tedious if that sort of thing doesn't appeal to you. As for me, by the time I was approaching the end, I didn't want it to end.


ComicsNBigBooks OP t1_itl2m1o wrote

You're right, that's a part of the tragedy of the story, and Edmond doesn't realize it until it's too late. Only thing I disagree on is that Fernand and Mercedes had a happy marriage; I definitely don't believe she was happy, other than having Albert. But I get what you mean, it was more or less functioning.


ComicsNBigBooks t1_itafwcz wrote

I used to think this, but as much as I love the LOTR films, I wouldn't call them better. I think they're masterful films which make the most of telling the story in a cinematic medium (albeit with many changes). My biggest problem with them is something that another person mentioned, that they fall into the trap of reducing certain characters (like Gimli) to comic relief. I also thought Faramir's movie characterization suffered in comparison to the book, and I remember the Shelob sequence being far scarier in the book than in the film. The movies are still excellent, with terrific casting, production value, and a clear love for the story. And Howard Shore's music.

The book, meanwhile, makes the most of being essentially an epic myth. It's been several years since I've read it, but thinking back on it, I think the book gives a sense of just how much time passes over the course of the story, making Middle Earth feel that much more like a real world in which these people inhabit, real people whose lives were disrupted by the One Ring.


ComicsNBigBooks t1_itadkba wrote

As someone who is very nostalgic for the movie Holes (my 4th grade class read the book, and then saw the movie together as a class when it came out), I have to agree with this. I still really like the movie, but it is very early 00s in style (even down to having Even Stevens-era Shia LaBeouf as its star).