
Commander_Night_17 OP t1_ixxsp3b wrote

Wow this was really well done and I'm pleasantly surprised this did not go the romance pathway.

May I however Ask whether the setting is similar to that of ancient asian country such as China of the Han dynasty or Korea. The naming, use of poleaxe and the use of Yian and silk as a currency?

All in all great work, thank you for trying the prompt and have a great day


Commander_Night_17 OP t1_ixx0z98 wrote

This was a good take on the prompt, I had written it such that the princess figured it out only at the 5th attempt and pulled a wingman.

Also props for making this dude dense and having a hunch, nearly all of us men don't act on the signs

Have a good day writter


Commander_Night_17 OP t1_ixtmgit wrote

First of all I'm glad you tried the prompt.

I also like how you made your knight stoic and bold and ebjpyable to read.

You're a really good writter, I hope I reach your level someday and I really enjoyed this.

P.S. Poor Bart, mans got such poor luck


Commander_Night_17 OP t1_ixsw3u3 wrote


Commander_Night_17 OP t1_ixr2m2o wrote

This was what I was expecting, though not in poem

As with any good poem I read it back a few times to make sure it was all good.

I like that she wants to go on adventure again too

Nicely done

I look forward to all the others


Commander_Night_17 OP t1_ity86bw wrote

No worries it happens to the best of us

You've got a great start so far

Though if you want to try again I'd love to see it too

(My bet was that despite the princess and dragon trying to tell him that the dragon's into him, the guy would be written as dense as a anime MC)


Commander_Night_17 t1_itq0cuh wrote

Adam went to the corner of the store and pulled out a few sweaters and hoodies. "I may not know fashion, but even I know that these will fit any lady and any girl" he said proudly. Belle examined them and agreed, "Yes indeed, the hood would protect me from the sun too". Adam stepped back and let her take a look through the rest of the store. Belle came back with several lady-like dresses and Adam agreed with most, being careful to avoid the overpriced ones.

After checking them out, Both Adam and Belle headed up the escalator, after which Adam led her into an ophthalmologist's store. "I have perfect eyesight, why are we here" Belled questioned him.

At this point an old man with a well styled grey hair, and a neatly trimmed beard entered from the employees only room.

"Ah hello again Adam" the man greeted as he approached Adam

He then looked at Belle "So is the girl you were speaking about?" he asked

"Yes, could we handle this discreetly" Adam whispered

"Of course," the man replied as he led them into his office

"Alright little one, I need you to remove your sunglasses" the doctor said calmly

Belle looked at Adam, who nodded briefly, and she then removed her glasses

The old man was taken aback for a while before regaining his composure

"You know Adam, after splashing your friend with the chemical to make her eyes glow yellow, I thought you would be more careful than to do it again"

"Are speaking about my mom?"

The Old man glared at Adam "Did you spill on the mother and the child?" he said angrily.

"No sir, there was a spillage at the office and Belle over here tried to clean it up before I could stop her"

The doctor motioned her to the opthalmetrist machine and began to take measurements, while saying "Be careful Adam, if that lady was not so kind you might have face defamation charges".

After doing so he asked from the girl, "Alright dear, what colour eyes would you like to have"

Belle beckoned Adam close and whispered "What colour did my mother choose?"

"Brown, said that was her colour before she turned"

Belle looked at the board the doctor presented to her, a whole selection of coloured contact lenses.

"If my eyes look normal, then it'll be easier to blend in and not have to wear glasses always" she noted "Adam really is brilliant"

She pointed to contacts with a warm brown colour

"I'll take those please" she said elegantly to the Man

"Two pairs"

The doctor took two sets and showed Belle how to wear them, along with contact cleaning fluid.

"Go wait outside, I'll pay for this and be right back" Adam said. He checked the bill and noticed a charge of 200"

"What's this charge" he asked the old man, who was simply puffing a cigar

"Oh that?" He smiled "That charge is to be quiet about a young blood taker".

"You knew?" Adam asked surprised

"Of course, did you think that girl and her mother were the only ones who wanted to hide their eyes" he said mockingly.

"I could tell that girl has a lot on her plate" the man said as he patted him on the back, "Just like her mother seemed all those years back".

"Good on you, Adam" the man said as he walked back to his seat "Stay with the powerful, and you will be rewarded".

Adam opened his mouth only for the old man to hold out his hand

"Not to worry, I will not inform any other vampires of her presence"

"Thank you, sir,"

The old man broke into a coughing fit as waved to Adam as Adam paid him.

"Go now, she must be waiting for you".


Commander_Night_17 t1_itpzq89 wrote

All dressed up in a brown leather jacket, white t-shirt, jeans and brown boots Adam waited by the door. The door opened to Belle wearing her mother's old frock and skirt, her hair tied up in a bun along with a large umbrella.

"Lavender..." Adam blurted

"I guess this too was my mother's, wasn't it?" she snarkily replied

"Yes, it was her favorite outfit to wear"

"Speaking of which I got something for you" Adam said as he pulled out a small pouch

Belle opened it and found a pair of aviators

"Take it as my gift for you, I gave it to your mom to cover up her eyes"

"Why" Belle asked as they began to walk down the sidewalk, "Was her eyes not pretty?"

"Oh, they were the most beautiful things in the world" Adam replied as he took in a deep breath, "It's just that normal people would find it suspicious that your mom had glowing yellow eyes and pointy fangs, no one's even heard of a vampire here".

He sighed

"The worlds changed a lot over these years, but injustice still stands, indeed if they were to find out she was a true vampire, rather than slay her, they would try to study her, find what makes her tick"

He felt Belle grasp his hand tightly

"I saw a Lab coat in your room, will you be being doing that to me?" she asked fearfully

"I would have done that to your mother the moment I found out who she was if I wanted, I would never allow anyone to do so"

The bus to the city center beeped near the bus halt ahead.

"That's our bus, come on then" Adam said as he began to run, only to be pulled along by Belle.


The large shopping center was delight to Belle, the light's shining and dazzling here and there, as smooth jazz played from the speaker. Adam motioned her to sit on the bench as he went to make another call. Belle was happy to do so, as compared to the gloomy and lonely mansion where she lived with her mother, this place was lively.

She could not help but notice the girls who looked just like her wearing what appeared to be quite short dresses and clothes what men should wear. It was also quite astounding to see them having rips and tears in some of their clothing's"

"Do they not have enough money to patch up the tears on their clothing?" she wondered

"Alright Belle, sorry to keep you waiting" Adam said as he sat on the bench, "What would you like to do first?"

"What would you do first?" She asked

"Well, I would go and get something to eat, but why don't we take a look at some of the clothes first for you"

"Oh, ok" she replied

As one would expect the clothing was ridiculously overpriced for many of the products. Belle approached Adam with two sets of jeans, one of which as ripped and torn. "Why is this damaged good priced at 250, while this perfectly fine pant is sold at a meager 100"

"Something to do with it being artistically torn, I could never understand ladies' fashion" Adam shrugged

She then pointed to some summer dresses, "The length of this dress is far too short, I do understand comfort but still, there comes a point where it fails to cover or protect anything

"If my mom met this kid, she'll think she's a riot" Adam said as he chuckled to himself

"Why are you Laughing, Is my point not valid" she replied slightly bothered

"No, it's just that you make a lot more sense than people designing these clothes"


Commander_Night_17 t1_itkox6j wrote

I'll give you two so you can choose

1 Chrisabelle Anderson The oldest character I desgined. Easily identifiable with her dark brown hair tied up in a half-up, half-down hairstyle and her waiscoat and denim cliffon with light brown cowboy boots.

She's a former popular kid who gave up on the popularity race and spends time now mostly with her best friend, who is not that promiment in the social stage. Her personality is kind, helpful and wise.

2 Jean the dragon Don't let her large black scaly body and emerald green eyed fool you, she's actually a realy nice dragon. Living on a hoard made from her pretending to be human merchant for 50 years, she usually deals with intruders fairly and is friends with a knight named Sir Warren.

Her pesonality is emotional like a teenage girl, a talented accountant, and loyal

(Last seen taking one of the two princesses of the nearby kingdom)

3 Lissandra the Scholarly dragon

A young blue dragon, she is sister to Jean and is remarked for sparing bards and mages from partys in exchange for information and tales, which she magically enters into a leather book.

Her personality is proud, careless and flirtatious.

(Hasn't been found in her cave for a while, the hoard is warded with a dancing curse)

Now 1 and 2 have fairly well done backstories by me (I should work a bit more on 1s backstory though), so I'm curious what someone else might interpret thier backstory but 3 doesn't

Good luck and if you need anything on the characters, just drop a message