
Commander_Night_17 t1_itq0cuh wrote

Adam went to the corner of the store and pulled out a few sweaters and hoodies. "I may not know fashion, but even I know that these will fit any lady and any girl" he said proudly. Belle examined them and agreed, "Yes indeed, the hood would protect me from the sun too". Adam stepped back and let her take a look through the rest of the store. Belle came back with several lady-like dresses and Adam agreed with most, being careful to avoid the overpriced ones.

After checking them out, Both Adam and Belle headed up the escalator, after which Adam led her into an ophthalmologist's store. "I have perfect eyesight, why are we here" Belled questioned him.

At this point an old man with a well styled grey hair, and a neatly trimmed beard entered from the employees only room.

"Ah hello again Adam" the man greeted as he approached Adam

He then looked at Belle "So is the girl you were speaking about?" he asked

"Yes, could we handle this discreetly" Adam whispered

"Of course," the man replied as he led them into his office

"Alright little one, I need you to remove your sunglasses" the doctor said calmly

Belle looked at Adam, who nodded briefly, and she then removed her glasses

The old man was taken aback for a while before regaining his composure

"You know Adam, after splashing your friend with the chemical to make her eyes glow yellow, I thought you would be more careful than to do it again"

"Are speaking about my mom?"

The Old man glared at Adam "Did you spill on the mother and the child?" he said angrily.

"No sir, there was a spillage at the office and Belle over here tried to clean it up before I could stop her"

The doctor motioned her to the opthalmetrist machine and began to take measurements, while saying "Be careful Adam, if that lady was not so kind you might have face defamation charges".

After doing so he asked from the girl, "Alright dear, what colour eyes would you like to have"

Belle beckoned Adam close and whispered "What colour did my mother choose?"

"Brown, said that was her colour before she turned"

Belle looked at the board the doctor presented to her, a whole selection of coloured contact lenses.

"If my eyes look normal, then it'll be easier to blend in and not have to wear glasses always" she noted "Adam really is brilliant"

She pointed to contacts with a warm brown colour

"I'll take those please" she said elegantly to the Man

"Two pairs"

The doctor took two sets and showed Belle how to wear them, along with contact cleaning fluid.

"Go wait outside, I'll pay for this and be right back" Adam said. He checked the bill and noticed a charge of 200"

"What's this charge" he asked the old man, who was simply puffing a cigar

"Oh that?" He smiled "That charge is to be quiet about a young blood taker".

"You knew?" Adam asked surprised

"Of course, did you think that girl and her mother were the only ones who wanted to hide their eyes" he said mockingly.

"I could tell that girl has a lot on her plate" the man said as he patted him on the back, "Just like her mother seemed all those years back".

"Good on you, Adam" the man said as he walked back to his seat "Stay with the powerful, and you will be rewarded".

Adam opened his mouth only for the old man to hold out his hand

"Not to worry, I will not inform any other vampires of her presence"

"Thank you, sir,"

The old man broke into a coughing fit as waved to Adam as Adam paid him.

"Go now, she must be waiting for you".


Commander_Night_17 t1_itpzq89 wrote

All dressed up in a brown leather jacket, white t-shirt, jeans and brown boots Adam waited by the door. The door opened to Belle wearing her mother's old frock and skirt, her hair tied up in a bun along with a large umbrella.

"Lavender..." Adam blurted

"I guess this too was my mother's, wasn't it?" she snarkily replied

"Yes, it was her favorite outfit to wear"

"Speaking of which I got something for you" Adam said as he pulled out a small pouch

Belle opened it and found a pair of aviators

"Take it as my gift for you, I gave it to your mom to cover up her eyes"

"Why" Belle asked as they began to walk down the sidewalk, "Was her eyes not pretty?"

"Oh, they were the most beautiful things in the world" Adam replied as he took in a deep breath, "It's just that normal people would find it suspicious that your mom had glowing yellow eyes and pointy fangs, no one's even heard of a vampire here".

He sighed

"The worlds changed a lot over these years, but injustice still stands, indeed if they were to find out she was a true vampire, rather than slay her, they would try to study her, find what makes her tick"

He felt Belle grasp his hand tightly

"I saw a Lab coat in your room, will you be being doing that to me?" she asked fearfully

"I would have done that to your mother the moment I found out who she was if I wanted, I would never allow anyone to do so"

The bus to the city center beeped near the bus halt ahead.

"That's our bus, come on then" Adam said as he began to run, only to be pulled along by Belle.


The large shopping center was delight to Belle, the light's shining and dazzling here and there, as smooth jazz played from the speaker. Adam motioned her to sit on the bench as he went to make another call. Belle was happy to do so, as compared to the gloomy and lonely mansion where she lived with her mother, this place was lively.

She could not help but notice the girls who looked just like her wearing what appeared to be quite short dresses and clothes what men should wear. It was also quite astounding to see them having rips and tears in some of their clothing's"

"Do they not have enough money to patch up the tears on their clothing?" she wondered

"Alright Belle, sorry to keep you waiting" Adam said as he sat on the bench, "What would you like to do first?"

"What would you do first?" She asked

"Well, I would go and get something to eat, but why don't we take a look at some of the clothes first for you"

"Oh, ok" she replied

As one would expect the clothing was ridiculously overpriced for many of the products. Belle approached Adam with two sets of jeans, one of which as ripped and torn. "Why is this damaged good priced at 250, while this perfectly fine pant is sold at a meager 100"

"Something to do with it being artistically torn, I could never understand ladies' fashion" Adam shrugged

She then pointed to some summer dresses, "The length of this dress is far too short, I do understand comfort but still, there comes a point where it fails to cover or protect anything

"If my mom met this kid, she'll think she's a riot" Adam said as he chuckled to himself

"Why are you Laughing, Is my point not valid" she replied slightly bothered

"No, it's just that you make a lot more sense than people designing these clothes"


Commander_Night_17 t1_itkox6j wrote

I'll give you two so you can choose

1 Chrisabelle Anderson The oldest character I desgined. Easily identifiable with her dark brown hair tied up in a half-up, half-down hairstyle and her waiscoat and denim cliffon with light brown cowboy boots.

She's a former popular kid who gave up on the popularity race and spends time now mostly with her best friend, who is not that promiment in the social stage. Her personality is kind, helpful and wise.

2 Jean the dragon Don't let her large black scaly body and emerald green eyed fool you, she's actually a realy nice dragon. Living on a hoard made from her pretending to be human merchant for 50 years, she usually deals with intruders fairly and is friends with a knight named Sir Warren.

Her pesonality is emotional like a teenage girl, a talented accountant, and loyal

(Last seen taking one of the two princesses of the nearby kingdom)

3 Lissandra the Scholarly dragon

A young blue dragon, she is sister to Jean and is remarked for sparing bards and mages from partys in exchange for information and tales, which she magically enters into a leather book.

Her personality is proud, careless and flirtatious.

(Hasn't been found in her cave for a while, the hoard is warded with a dancing curse)

Now 1 and 2 have fairly well done backstories by me (I should work a bit more on 1s backstory though), so I'm curious what someone else might interpret thier backstory but 3 doesn't

Good luck and if you need anything on the characters, just drop a message


Commander_Night_17 t1_it1vb16 wrote

In the kitchen, Adam pulled out his first aid kit, dusty from years of not being used, from the shelf. Throwing several of the bottles and tubes containing expired medicine, he took a tube of lotion and bandages to treat Belle's sunburns.

Most of the sunburns had healed up due to her enhanced healing factor, but he dressed the more damaged regions.

The eggs were quite delicious and as he swallowed another mouthful he asked



"Can I ask you a few questions now that we are living together?"

Belle set aside her cutleries and replied "Yes of course, it's your household"
Adam chuckled in his mind that his simple apartment could be considered a household

"Is there anything apart from the usual garlic, sunlight and silver you are allergic to?"

"No, not all"
"How often do you take your blood meal"
"Twice a day"

"Is there anything specific you'd like for your room?"

Belle blushed with embrassement as she twiddled her thumbs together

"I, Um, would like, a teddy bear"

"A teddy bear?" Adam said, surprised that such a big girl would want one

"Yes please, it'll make my sleep oh so much more comfortable and I always saw the Gardner's daughter having one"

Adam wiped his mouth and set aside his plate, "Well sure along with that you'll need some clothes to fit in since you don't have much along with some other needfuls"

"So, let's have a day out, and I can show you where me and your mom loved to hang out"

"Are you sure you want me to come after all what happened, I don't want to be a burden on you"

Adam laughed and smiled back at her

"You're my best friend's daughter, and in a legal sense mine, so you will never be a burden too me"

He placed his hands one her shoulders and said "Now chin up, We're going to have fun"

Belle slowly brightened up as she put her plates in the dishwasher and headed her room.

"Make sure to wear something that can protect you from the sun" Adam called out as he dialed his phone

"Good morning, Adam" the voice said from the phone

"Good morning boss" Adam replied

"For the last time Adam, we're friends from collage"

Adam sighed

"Alright, alright Avery"

"I didn't see you in the lab today, are you sick?"

Adam put his plate and turned on the dishwasher

"That's why I'm calling, one of my best friends left me their kid and I think it's best for me to take her out to see the city and settle in before I go back for work"

"Would this best friend's name start with a L and end with a R?" Avery mocked


"Fine alright then I understand, today and tomorrow then, we still got that meeting with Hemalogics to handle by the end of the month"

"Yes, yes Thanks so much"

"No problem my man, see you soon"


Commander_Night_17 t1_it1v8pa wrote

He woke up the next morning much better rested to the smell of crisping bacon. He opened his now busted door and walked over to the kitchen. Adam was met with the sight of bacon strips and scrambled eggs on white plate. As he sat down, he noticed a small square piece of paper no doubt taken from one of his memo pads. In it was written in small, elegant words, "Sorry for what happened yesterday, hope you enjoy the meal" along with a small smiley face.

"Oh dear, perhaps she was distraught with what happened, and she's ran away" Adam panicked as he jumped off the chair. He ran into each room calling out her name until he approached the basement.

"Belle? are you here?" Adam called out to the darkness as he went down the creaking stairs,

Two glowing yellow eyes stared back at him

"Oh, thank goodness you're here, I was so worried...."

In the darkness he heard her scuffling away.

"No!!, stay away Adam, I don't want to hurt you" she said

Adam moved the switch board and flicked on the lights

In the dim light he could see the little vampire girl curled up in the corner. He held out his hands wide open

"Hey, it's okay, see there isn't a single scratch on me"

He slowly came and sat down near her

"It was my mistake; I should have remembered that vampires need to have a blood meal before they can rest"

"No, it was mine!!" Belle said as she turned to him "How could you have remembered that we need the blood meal, you were so tired your black circles had black circles"

"Not all humans are that forgetful, Belle, not all" he said as he chuckled

"What are you even doing here" he remarked as he looked at her

"I went outside after waking up, I thought it was a dream but then I saw the blood on the floor and knew I nearly killed you"

"I ran outside but the sun disagreed with me, so I hid here, like all killers should" she said as she began to sob

Adam pulled the girl into his arms and held her close "You've hurt no one, and you were kind enough to make amends even though it was not your fault"

"My dad... is gone..." She said as she Sobbed "My mother isn't likely to come back, and William my only friend might not even return to share another story"

Adam looked at the tear-filled eyes of the girl and could not help but feel sorry that such a kindhearted girl should go through so much.

"Both Lavender and William are some of the strongest vampires I've ever seen, I'm sure they will come back" Adam said as he released her "

"And till then, I will always be there for you no matter what"

He then pulled her up to her feet

"Come on then, let's see how great of a cook you are"


Commander_Night_17 t1_iss1x32 wrote

By the time he was done cleaning up, the combined tiredness of his morning job and the poor sleep he had last night made him collapse onto his bed, the soft pillows beckoning him to a good night's rest. This did not last long, as from his closed eyes he felt as though he was being watched. He opened it to see Belle atop him, yellow eyes glowing wildly in the moonlight and her fangs bared.
At this moment he realized that he that he had forgotten, the blood meal for the night. Time slowed as he had seen this look once before, on Lavender's face the day she forgot to eat her blood meal after a lavish party. Instinctively, Adam managed to push Belle off him, making her land on the floor with a loud thud as he maneuvered to the door, locking it as she pounced off the floor at him.
He heard the door creak and buckle as the little vampiress tried to break it down to reach her quarry, him. He quickly grabbed the sliver case and pulled out one of the many blood bags and opened it just as the heard his room door burst open.
Belle stared at him intently, her yellow eyes more prominent in the dark of the house. He simply gestured at her with blood bag and as she snarled held it to her.
She greedily grabbed the bag and drank the contents with large gulp's, finally falling down with a look of pure euphoria before she fainted, her mouth covered in blood and with a toothy smile. Adam knelt down and with a clean white handkerchief, wiped her mouth. "Sorry Belle, I should have been more careful" he said as he carried her to her bed, tucking her in and after taking a look of the small picture of lavender on her nightstand, he went to bed yet again, the adrenaline from the event wearing off and leaving him even more tired.


Commander_Night_17 t1_iss1vwj wrote

Adam looked at the girl, who was now seated on probably the most cleanest spot on the sofa, as he prepared a simple meal of fish and chips, along with his special sauce, which he left the garlic out of for obvious reasons.

Her eyes were a bright yellow looking intently at him and her long dark hair was neatly parted and combed, adorned only with a simple white bow. the dress was like what one would wear to a dinner party, lace with regions of smooth silky cloths. She sat very lady like, and along with her tanned skin, made her an almost splitting image of her mother, If her mother looked as if she were 16 years old that is.

He set down the dish in front of the little girl and placed the fork and knife on a cloth on the coffee table as he then sat oposite her as he motioned her to dig in. Prim and proper as she were, she gently took the plate and cutlery, eating slowly but with vigour.

"I'm sure your hungry after your long journey" Adam mused as he continued to muse at the girl.
"What about you Adam?, are you not hungry?" she replied in a chirpy voice with eloquence.
"Oh I ate a while back, so it is quite okay"
She continued to eat in silence as they simply waited.
"So what is your name?" Adam said as he broke the silence
"That's a elegant name.."
"Thank you Adam, my mother named me after her favorite actor"
Adam raised her eyebrows "Belle Devenue, the swinger of West Bretast". Belle put down her fork and knife to look at him again, "So you did know my mother"
"Of course" Adam said as he looked to side to a small framed picture of him and Lavender on a camping trip, "Simply happier times" he mused. "We were best friends and lived together here for a while"
Belle having finished the meal set it on the table.
"Silly me, you must be tired" Adam said as he cleaned the table "Why don't you turn in for the night and we'll talk a little more tomorrow?"
She rose up and nodded at him, "See you tomorrow then".


Commander_Night_17 t1_iss1tj0 wrote

"Sir, I do understand that but kindly read this message from my mistress, I am certain you'll understand afterwards" the old butler replied, adjusting the tie of his suit as he did.

Adam picked the letter from the butler's cold hands and took a look at him supposed daughter, who was dressed up in a fine lace dress and looked up at his with her wide yellow eyes.

Sighing he opened the letter and read the contents.


Dear Adam

How have the past few months treated you? I hope all is well. As I am writing this letter now, I realize that my time has nearly come to pass. Soon I will face the Willburn coven alone, as was decided by the rest of the high Lords. It is unlikely that I will survive, so I've sent my dearest daughter to you.

I understand how confusing it must be to have a daughter from a person you had known for only a few months, but her father was a cheating bastard who left me off and went along with a younger lady, someone I wouldn't trust a dime with. Apart from them, nearly all others I know would just treat her coldly or use her as a trump card for their own benefit.

I've seen you take care of your own sister and several kids kindly and properly without even a fuss. So please consider it a request from a old friend if you will, take my daughter as your own. She would learn a lot more of the world and I know you will take care of her well. You were also written in as her godfather in my will, so in any case my daughter is yours and there should be plenty enough in the bank to take care of her

Thanks for the great time

Lavender Helsborugh

"Are you sure you want to trust me with your charge?" Adam asked

"I've been observing you for the past few weeks" the butler replied "I do agree with the mistresses assumption, you would be quite well in taking care of a young vampire"

Adam looked back at his apartment, looking a bit shabby and desolate after his roommate left.

"Fine" he replied "Lavender was a good friend and helped me out when I was all alone, her daughter is mine as far as the rest of them are concerned"

The butler then handed him a silver briefcase that was cold to his touch, "This should last for a few weeks until you can find your own source" the butler told, "I shall contact the local hematosommelier to contact and deliver you a weekly shipment"

He then knelt down to the little girl and said to her "Little Miss, this good gentleman is your father and will take care of you from this point onward, I will hopefully come back to see you in a few day's time"

"What about my mother?" she asked "Will she come and see me too?"

A single tear fell down the old man's face

"I'm sure she will miss"

He wiped the tear off his face

"But till then be a good child to your father will you"

The girl nodded as she then locked hands with Adam's.

Her warm hand startled Adam, who looked at the butler who entered the old Bentley he arrived in

"Will I be seeing you again William?" Adam asked

The old butler smiled remorsefully as he started the car

"A butler's service is lifelong, even if it is to pass on" he replied

"Tell Lavender I wished her luck"

The old butler nodded as he sped out of the lane.