Condemning_Authority OP t1_iui7iwu wrote
Reply to comment by Mizter18k in Transfer photos not using iCloud or iTunes (windows) by Condemning_Authority
Thanks! I’ll give it a shot!
Condemning_Authority OP t1_iui7h9x wrote
Reply to comment by MidwestJedi in Transfer photos not using iCloud or iTunes (windows) by Condemning_Authority
Cloud storage adds an unnecessary step. Why would I willing stop using a method that for all intensive purposes is faster to waste time uploading? That’s like saying stop charging with a cable because we have wireless charging. Its inefficient
Condemning_Authority OP t1_iui769h wrote
Reply to comment by newecreator in Transfer photos not using iCloud or iTunes (windows) by Condemning_Authority
Thanks! I’ll give it another shot was using the download from apple
Condemning_Authority OP t1_iu7mx6d wrote
Reply to comment by Entegy in Transfer photos not using iCloud or iTunes (windows) by Condemning_Authority
Transfer photos, texts, and contacts
Condemning_Authority OP t1_iu7mcrz wrote
Reply to comment by newecreator in Transfer photos not using iCloud or iTunes (windows) by Condemning_Authority
Keeps cutting out midway through
Condemning_Authority OP t1_iu6rdv6 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Transfer photos not using iCloud or iTunes (windows) by Condemning_Authority
Any recommendations for the paid apps?
Submitted by Condemning_Authority t3_yg3lq2 in iphone
Condemning_Authority t1_j25j245 wrote
Reply to What AI thinks Vermont looks like by PorkFriedBryce
Can’t tell if it’s dark on purpose, a slight at the church, or just sunset