The animated Harley Quinn show is almost exactly the same. They even play with Batman's character development and nobody has complained with the same amount of vitriol as they have with Velma. I want people to just admit they don't like it because a WOC has been in charge and all the characters are POC. It has nothing to do with it being a "beloved childhood series" or whatever crap, or the vulgarity of the language because other shows who do those exact things don't get shit on like this. They even specifically removed the trope of Shaggy being a stoner BECAUSE they made him a black man and didn't want to perpetuate harmful stereotypes. I'm watching it out of spite of the racist misogynist babies.
CoriVanilla t1_j81h3hd wrote
Reply to The Velma show is actually good by Humble_Re-roll
The animated Harley Quinn show is almost exactly the same. They even play with Batman's character development and nobody has complained with the same amount of vitriol as they have with Velma. I want people to just admit they don't like it because a WOC has been in charge and all the characters are POC. It has nothing to do with it being a "beloved childhood series" or whatever crap, or the vulgarity of the language because other shows who do those exact things don't get shit on like this. They even specifically removed the trope of Shaggy being a stoner BECAUSE they made him a black man and didn't want to perpetuate harmful stereotypes. I'm watching it out of spite of the racist misogynist babies.