
CoverBoring2374 t1_ixok58z wrote

What? You seem to miss my point, the point is you can tell he did that to judge millenials and threw in his own view point. No need to make a child acting as an elf to point that out. Their clearly making fun of people respecting others and not judging people.That seems to be an issue to boomers. I understand the point of santa is a naughty and nice list. Nobody is saying you cant judge a child in a christmas movie anymore on whether their good or bad. But he clearly thinks you cant as he tried to show how stupid it is that you cant. By having the elves or one of them bring it up. The comedic tone is not the same as prior movies. You grow up. You clearly seem to miss the political aspects in the series. He makes fun of the people that made this movie priofitable/series to begin with. There are other examples in the series as well.


CoverBoring2374 t1_ix26fl3 wrote

I'm not going to lie I'm very disappointed. From what I thought was going to be a very Classic series respecting the originals. Its a really hard to watch. It almost feels like I'm watching an adult version of a show that died. Adding children comedy and the joy of watching at all ages was an afterthought? It's like everyone died inside and had no Christmas spirit and everyone's just tired. Like the life was sucked out of the adults and th3 cgi and coloration with it. Like I don't understand how Tim Allen targeted a comedy series that's made for all ages to have adult politics. If there are children watching this show, I don't think it's appropriate that they're throwing in a political viewpoint. Nobpdy would give this show a problem with saying merry christmas. Im so dissapointed I was looking forward to this. Its almoat like adults cant seperate politics from creativity.