Crazocrates t1_j9kosik wrote
Reply to comment by Smart-Rip-3733 in Women with satisfying relationships tend to have fewer chronic illnesses by BlitzOrion
Is this because women are just with eachother?
Crazocrates t1_j6a9gm8 wrote
Reply to comment by Soup_Roll in Technology hasn't made things easier, it's made us work longer, harder, and for less money. by [deleted]
Ours. Because we legitimately have more. More of practically everything. An average individual back then had less than an average individual now. That ancient Greek might only ever hear stories about animals other than what roams his neighborhood.
Crazocrates t1_j6a7ray wrote
Reply to comment by Soup_Roll in Technology hasn't made things easier, it's made us work longer, harder, and for less money. by [deleted]
I said they were living better more abundant lives. Which is objectively true.
If you plopped an average ancient Greek into the modern world and gave him a labor job, he would be overjoyed at all the basic comforts he/she can now enjoy....
They would look at people being sad and depressed and wonder why tf.
Crazocrates t1_j6a5b7h wrote
Reply to comment by Soup_Roll in Technology hasn't made things easier, it's made us work longer, harder, and for less money. by [deleted]
They definitely were. And living better more abundant lives than those before them. People were ignorant of history back then. Today, people have no excuse for thinking we have it worse.
Crazocrates t1_iypngyt wrote
Reply to comment by Exact-Permission5319 in Studies have shown that individuals with excessive smartphone use behaviors may exhibit reduced gray matter volume anterior cingulate cortex, altered functional connectivity and changes in activity in various parts of the cortex during processing of emotions. by OpenlyFallible
Could this also not be a good thing for people who care to much?
Crazocrates t1_iwogjnq wrote
Reply to comment by bootsyschattigkatje in At CBD:THC ratios most common in medicinal and recreational cannabis products, no evidence found that adding CBD protects against the impairment or subjective effects of THC/cannabis - a randomised double-blind trial with 46 people. by drdrugsandbrains
"Worked" there's a reason people are given placebos in drug trials...
Crazocrates t1_iwo8p3l wrote
Reply to comment by the-other-car in At CBD:THC ratios most common in medicinal and recreational cannabis products, no evidence found that adding CBD protects against the impairment or subjective effects of THC/cannabis - a randomised double-blind trial with 46 people. by drdrugsandbrains
True. And fair. But it's not the CBD.
Crazocrates t1_iwo81sj wrote
Reply to comment by frizz1111 in At CBD:THC ratios most common in medicinal and recreational cannabis products, no evidence found that adding CBD protects against the impairment or subjective effects of THC/cannabis - a randomised double-blind trial with 46 people. by drdrugsandbrains
I have no idea
Crazocrates t1_iwo7791 wrote
Reply to comment by alpha_numeric44 in At CBD:THC ratios most common in medicinal and recreational cannabis products, no evidence found that adding CBD protects against the impairment or subjective effects of THC/cannabis - a randomised double-blind trial with 46 people. by drdrugsandbrains
They have already shown that CBD is not doing anything for your pain and it is entirely the THC. But think what you need to think.
Crazocrates t1_iwo5145 wrote
Reply to comment by alpha_numeric44 in At CBD:THC ratios most common in medicinal and recreational cannabis products, no evidence found that adding CBD protects against the impairment or subjective effects of THC/cannabis - a randomised double-blind trial with 46 people. by drdrugsandbrains
You only think that it does. And so it does. Weird how the human body works
Crazocrates t1_j9q7hno wrote
Reply to A more mystical and insightful psychedelic drug experience may be linked to an enduring reduction in anxiety and depression symptoms, according to new research. The study is the first to characterize subtypes of the subjective psychedelic experience and link them to mental health outcomes. by memorialmonorail
I once took magic mushrooms and suddenly I didn't hate life. Realized all the negative beliefs I had were pretty much bs. I cried laughing through the whole thing.